BOAS insights, Issue #2 – 2022

BOAS insights, Issue #2 – 2022

BOAS insghts (Journal)
From - Until
01.12.2021 -
Florian Saalfeld, Bonn Oriental and Asian insights

BOAS insights, Issue #2 – 2022

Die Herausgeber informieren über den Call for Papers für die zweite Ausgabe des peer-reviewten, im Open Access verfügbaren Onlinejournals BOAS insights (Bonn Oriental and Asian insights). Journal wie auch CfP sind Englisch-sprachig.

Besuchen Sie für einen ersten Eindruck die Journal-Website, auf der Sie unter anderem die erste Ausgabe finden:

Einsendeschluss: 28. Februar 2022! Senden Sie alle Beiträge oder Anfragen an:

BOAS insights, Issue #2 – 2022

The editors of this online, peer-reviewed and open-access journal call for submissions that cover a wide range of subjects and a large geographical scope within Asian and Middle Eastern Area Studies. We encourage multi-disciplinary approaches that incorporate diverse perspectives and bridge deeply specialized fields.

Deadline for articles: 28 February 2022.
Call for papers, recent issues and further information:

BOAS insights, Issue #2 – 2022

The editorial board of BOAS insights seeks papers for the second issue of a new interdisciplinary journal.

BOAS insights is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal with articles as well as reviews which cover a variety of themes across Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean including, but not limited to, those that deal with the contemporary and classical languages, literatures, religions, politics, material culture and visual arts of those regions, as well as with their former and contemporary communities and networks.

The editors especially encourage submissions, which integrate multidisciplinary approaches in order to bridge deeply specialized fields or those that incorporate diverse perspectives. BOAS insights operates out of the Oriental and Asian Studies Department at the University of Bonn and includes an advisory board of senior faculty members. All submissions to the journal are subject to double blind peer-review. As a basic prerequisite, the editors look for research that relies on native language sources and encourage submissions by Black, Indigenous and authors of color.

Topics in our most recent issue ranged from an investigation of capitalist conceptions of time within the Mongolian diaspora to a study of Iranian national identity through the lenses of media and film studies. Full access to the issue is available here:

For more information about BOAS insights and our submission guidelines, please visit our website:

Please submit contributions by February 28, 2022! Send all submissions or queries to:

Contact (announcement)

Editors Information
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