Borders, Territory, and the Turkish Republic

Borders, Territory, and the Turkish Republic

Diyâr: Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies
From - Until
13.12.2021 -
Alexander Balistreri, Seminar für Nahoststudien, Universität Basel

The journal Diyâr welcomes paper proposals for a special issue on issues of borders and territoriality in the Turkish Republic. The editors seek to connect scholarship on the history of borders and borderlands with innovations in the way geographers have critically analyzed territory today. Title and proposed abstract due on 14 February 2022.

Borders, Territory, and the Turkish Republic

The journal Diyâr welcomes paper proposals for a special issue on issues of borders and territoriality in the Turkish Republic. This special issue investigates how concepts related to borders, bordering, and territoriality can help us understand the trajectory of one hundred years of Turkish republican history. The editors seek to connect scholarship on the history of borders and borderlands with innovations in the way geographers have critically analyzed territory today. Together with our contributors, we seek to understand how spatial notions of territoriality govern the organization and diffusion of power. We also seek studies that, on their own or in concert with other studies, contribute to a multi-scalar approach to notions of territoriality in the Turkish Republic. We particularly welcome proposals that critically approach concepts and notions of territoriality–e.g., vatan, taşra, Doğu, etc.—or that further develop scholarship on borders and bordering practices in Turkey.

Initial proposals are due by 14 February 2022. Information on submitting proposals, a detailed concept paper, as well as a publication timeline can be found at the following site:

Diyâr is the peer-reviewed journal of the Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung e.V. (Society for Turkic, Ottoman, and Turkish Studies, GTOT)

The editors of this special issue are:

- Alexander E. Balistreri, PhD (Program in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel)
- Mert Pekşen, PhD (Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, Institute for Geography, University of Osnabrück)

14 Feb. 2022

Deadline to submit proposed title and provisional abstract

28 Feb. 2022

Announcement made of approved paper proposals

ca. Sept. 2022

Provisional manuscripts due; special-issue workshop for authors

30 Nov. 2022

Final manuscripts due and sent to peer-review

Publication of special issue