Deadline extended!
Airplanes and civil aviation have played a central role in the economics, politics, and cultures of the twentieth century. They have been crucial in both twentieth century nationalism and internationalism, and in the politics of independent nation-state building and the construction of colonial empires. Aeromobility and airmindedness have been essential for shaping a vivid, material imagination of a globally connected world, and the development of civil aviation has emerged as a key goal of states, rich and poor.
Histories of civil aviation have traditionally followed internist contours, with a focus on the history of airline development or linear approaches to technical innovations and progress. In recent years however new historiographical and methodological approaches have opened up new vistas by bringing in broader geographical, cultural, political, economic, and social currents.
This workshop seeks to bring together these new perspectives to explore aviation in relation to the Global South. It looks to bring these new historiographical and methodological currents in the history of aviation into conversation with developments in other fields of history and further afield in the social sciences and humanities.We invite historians, sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists, geographers, and scholars from other interested disciplines to reflect on all aspects of civil aviation, aerial mobility, and aerial infrastructure in the Global South, including but not limited to airlines, airports, air routes, agreements and other legislation, navigation, maintenance and repair, aircraft, staff, and labour. We invite scholars who can explore the intersections of civil aviation with military aviation and other aspects of state action and governance at regional, national, and international levels through micro and macro case-studies and other interventions. This would include the role of civil aviation, aeromobility and flying sovereignty in shaping international relations, and colonial and postcolonial political, social and economic development. We welcome connections with recent literatures on race, gender, mobility, space and spatiality, infrastructures, governance and governmentality, imperialism, capitalism, international relations, security studies, and science and technology studies.
The workshop is hosted jointly by Waqar Zaidi (Lahore University of Management and Sciences) and Marie Huber (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), and will take place online, 28 - 30 June 2022. In order to foster debate and discussion during the workshop, we will request participants to submit short-form papers a few weeks in advance.
Please send a short abstract (c. 250 words) and a short CV / bionote (1 to 2 pages, in a single pdf), until April 15, to:
Dr. Marie Huber (,
Department of History,
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Dr. Waqar Zaidi (,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Lahore University of Management Sciences,