Teaching History, Telling History, and Forging the Nation in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Teaching History, Telling History, and Forging the Nation in the 20th and 21st Centuries”

Institute of International Studies, Charles University
Czech Republic
From - Until
15.06.2022 -
Lucie Filipová

The peer-reviewed academic journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia invites authors to submit artiles for a special issue titled "History Education and Nation-Building: Teaching History, Telling History, and Forging the Nation in the 20th and 21st Centuries".

Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2022.
Article submission deadline: September 30, 2022.

Teaching History, Telling History, and Forging the Nation in the 20th and 21st Centuries”

The connection between modern nation-building and education is undisputed and has been confirmed by a variety of scholars from various disciplines. Civics, geography, and history, but also cultural heritage, public festivities, and ceremonies, and no less family stories and genealogies, are the spaces from which people have drawn their knowledge that they belong to a national community and their ideas about why they do so. Schools are where one’s identification with the nation is formed, but beyond that, there is also a wide range of other types of historical education (broadly understood) that have forged feelings of belonging for various national communities.

The study of the historical education that has played a role in nation-building can be divided into two interconnected subfields. The first subfield defines the nation by reference to different phases of modern history. The second subfield asks how the many varying forms of historical education reflect the need for nation-building and contribute to its positive course. The main questions are what forms of historical education have been employed; how were they designed to fit particular needs and be effective; which of them have been part of formal education and which are other public activities; how educational technology and the media have been used to produce desired results; and finally, how all the various forms of historical education have contributed to nation-building in particular cases and influenced its shape and dynamics.

This thematic issue of Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia is inviting researchers from various fields of social sciences and humanities to address the overarching theme of the role of history education in nation-building in Europe, North America, and post-Soviet Eurasia from the First World War to the present.

Contributions can address, but are not limited to, the following questions:
- School textbooks and their portrayal of national history;
- How history textbooks have treated the civic and national dimensions of nation-building;
- How a nation is formed by public types of historical education like museums or memorials;
- How technological progress has helped to increase the impact of historical education on nation-building (movies, radio, TV, internet, social media, computer games);
- The media as a mediator between historical education and nation-building;
- How family genealogies contribute to nation-building as a part of national history;
- History education and the nation during crises and wars;
- Does nation-based history education make sense in the internet age?
- Can history education in Europe transition from nation-building to Europe-building?
- Is critical history education useful in preparing people for living in a democracy?
- Can or should critical history education contribute to the decline of the nation-state?
- How does critical history education help us to approach controversial issues in nation-building?
- How can critical history education empower the long-oppressed?
- Can nation-based or Europe-based history education help us to explain and understand “European/white guilt?”
- New trends in the methodology of the study of history education and nation-building.

Submitted articles should be in English and should ideally be 6,000 to 9,000 words long (excluding footnotes and abstract). Submissions should be sent to the journal’s editorial team at stuter@fsv.cuni.cz or uploaded via the Studia Territorialia journal management system. Authors should consult the submission guidelines on the journal’s website for further instructions and preferred style. All contributions will be subject to double-blind peer review.

Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2022.
Notification of status and next steps: June 30, 2022.
Article submission deadline: September 30, 2022.

Studia Territorialia is a leading Czech peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on area studies. It covers the history and the social, political, and cultural affairs of the nations of North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The journal is published by the Institute of International Studies of Charles University, Prague. It is indexed in the SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, DOAJ, and CEEOL databases and others

Contact (announcement)

Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia
Institute of International Studies
Charles University
Pekařská 695/10
Prague 5
CZ - 155 00
