Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict

Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict

Arbeitskreis Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung/Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory Research Group, Swansea University; Jan Hansen (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) and Christoph Laucht (Swansea University)
United Kingdom
From - Until
14.06.2022 - 15.06.2022
Christoph Laucht, Department of History, Swansea Univeristy

2022 Annual Conference of the German Association for Historical Peace and Conflict Research 14-15 June 2022

Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict

2022 Annual Conference of the German Association for Historical Peace and Conflict Research, held in conjunction with the Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory Research Group, Swansea University,
14-15 June 2022. This conference is held as an online event.

To access the zoom link, please register here:

Please note that all times in the conference program are given in UTC!


June 14, 2022

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Jan Hansen (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) and Christoph Laucht (Swansea University): Roads to Peace? Infrastructures, Peace, and Conflict

1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Panel 1: Transnational Flows and the Politics of Development

Anja Westermann (University of Paderborn): A thin line – The United Nations and the Struggle for Water Resource Development

S. Waqar H. Zaidi (Lahore University of Management Sciences): Development Through Civil Aviation: US Technical Assistance for Asian Airlines, 1955-1970

Chair: Daniel Marc Segesser (University of Bern)

2:45 PM – 4:30 PM
Panel 2: Infrastructure and Mobilization for War/Conflict

Mitterand M. Okorie (Rhodes University, Grahamstown): Blockade without end? Conflict and Infrastructure deficit in South Eastern Nigeria

Daniel Marc Segesser (University of Bern): Preparing for War by Fostering Alpine Winter Tourism: Herman Czant and His Ideas on Infrastructure for Fighting in High Altitude

Christoph Laucht (Swansea University): Infrastructure, Space, Symbolic Power: The Kiel Canal as Trade Route, Threat Zone and Defence Area, 1895–1955

Chair: Tomás Irish (Swansea University)

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Kenny R. Cupers (Basel University): Designing Mobility in the Postcolony

Chair: Jan Hansen (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)

June 15, 2022

1:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Panel 3: Roads and State Formation

Oscar Aponte (City University of New York): Colombianizing the Amazon Rainforest: Road Building and State Formation during and after the Colombia-Perú Conflict, 1932-1940

Efrat Hildesheim (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology): On Borderoadscape: The Landscape of Israel’s Highway 90 and the Eastern Border

Viliebeinuo Medom (Indian Institute of Technology): Connections that Disconnect: Imperialism, Nationalism and Naga Conflict in South Asia

Chair: Hilary Orange (Swansea University)

2:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Panel 4: Infrastructures and the Search for Order in the Global North

Robert Kindler (Free University, Berlin): Dealing with the Reds: German Plans for “Change through Trade” after World War I

Isis Luxenburger (Saarland University): The Railroad Keeps the Town Alive: Infrastructure, Conflict and Order in the Canadian North

Chair: Daniel Stahl (University of Jena)

4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
Panel 5: Infrastructure and Nation Building in Africa

Dominic Davies (City University of London): Infrastructural Monumentalism: From the Cape-to-Cairo Railway to Rhodes Must Fall

Biruk Terrefe (Oxford University) and Harry Verhoeven (Columbia University): The Road Not Taken: Infrastructure, Climate and the (Dis)Integration of Political Communities in The Horn of Africa

Chair: Frederik Schulze (Bielefeld University)

5:45 PM – 6:00 PM

Chair: Christoph Laucht (Swansea University)

All times UTC.

Contact (announcement)

Dr Christoph Laucht