War with Byzantium - Legitimation, Consequences and Reception

War with Byzantium - Legitimation, Consequences and Reception

Research Training Group 2304 “Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War"
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Funded by
From - Until
09.06.2022 - 11.06.2022
Sabine Reichert, GRK 2304 "Byzanz und die euromediterranen Kriegskulturen", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

International Conference of the Research Training Group 2304 “Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception”. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

War with Byzantium - Legitimation, Consequences and Reception

The conference will focus on war with Byzantium, the Eastern Roman empire, from an external perspective. It will cover four thematic areas: first, the legitimation of wars against Byzantium including e.g. the question of how the empire’s opponents constructed a hostile image of Byzantium. How did Byzantium’s enemies describe war with the empire on a religious and ideological level? Second, we will examine the concrete ways in which wars with Byzantium were waged and what kind of infrastructure was necessary for such undertakings. Frontier regions and their protection played an important role in this context. The third thematic area will focus on the consequences of war both for the environment and for the population, such as captivity, enslavement or forced conversion. Which strategies did people employ to cope with these experiences? Last but not least, we will investigate the reception of wars against Byzantium, regardless of whether they ended in victory or defeat, in post-Byzantine times.

Organized by
Hans-Christian Maner, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Jörg Rogge, Roman Shliakhtin and Ute Verstegen


Thursday, June 9th, 14.00
Johannes Pahlitzsch

1st Session
The Eastern Roman Empire as Enemy: Legitimations of War against Byzantium

Hansjoachim Andres (Düsseldorf)
The Relativity of ‘World Domination’. Approaching Sasanian and Roman Claims to Power

Clemens Gantner (Vienna)
An Alliance Turned into War: Louis II of Italy’s Conflict with Byzantium in 873 and the Development of the Relations During the Great Southern War, 866-874

Andrea Riedl (Regensburg)
Christians against Christians. Contemporary Theological Implications in Justifying the Sack of Constantinople (1204)

Bart Peters (RTG 2304 Mainz)
Salerno Facing an Empire: The Battle of Basintello against Byzantium According to the Chronicon Salernitanum.

Evening Lecture
Diana Mishkova (Sofia)
Byzantium against Byzantium: Narratives of Empire in the Historiographies of Southeastern Europe

Friday, June 10th
2nd Session
How to Wage a War against Byzantium: Infrastructure, Logistics, Fortification

Alexander Sarantis (Warsaw)
Differentiating the Impact of Barbarian Raiding and Migration in the Balkans, 565-750

Hugh Kennedy (London)
Was There a Cavalry Revolution in Islamic Armies in the Ninth Century?

Dimitri Korobeinikov (Albany)
The War: Aristocratic Families on Both Sides of the Byzantine-Arab and Byzantine Seljuk Border from the 11th to the 13th Century

Philipp Margreiter (RTG 2304 Mainz)
Building and Financing Fortifications in Byzantine North Africa. Reconsidering the Epigraphic and Archaeological Evidence

Poster Session
Presentation of the projects of the doctoral students of the RTG

3rd Session
Dealing with the Consequences of War

Adam Izdebski (Jena)
Environcide or Side-effect of Societal Collapse? War-associated Environmental Change in Byzantium

Jim Crow (Edinburgh)
Changing Landscapes of Fortification in the Roman East 500-750

Laury Sarti (Freiburg)
Experiencing the Fourth Crusade. The Consequences of War from the Perspective of Western Eyewitnesses

Markus Koller (Bochum)
(Post-)War Societies in the Early 15th Century - Effects of Ottoman-Byzantine Struggles in the Sign of the Ottoman ‘Civil War’ (1402-1413)

Saturday, June 11th
4th Session
Reception of Wars against Byzantium

Alice Sullivan (Tufts, Medford)
Constructed Memories: The Sieges of Constantinople after 1453

Nicholas Melvani (Mainz)
Landscapes of Victory in 16th-century Istanbul

Roman Shliakhtin (RTG 2304 Mainz)
Perception of the Fall of Constantinople in the Moscuvite Rhethoric in the 15th and 16th Centuries

Gwendolyn Döring (RTG Mainz)
Byzantium in the Limelight or Twilight? Images of Rulership and War on the Italian Opera Stage (1650–1750)

Round Table
Byzantium and its Enemies – Cultures of War in Transition
Organized by Philipp Margreiter, Regina Molitor, Michael Rapp (RTG Mainz)

With Gergely Csiky (Budapest), Alexander Sarantis (Warsaw), Lauri Sarti (Freiburg), Rustam Shukurov (Dushanbe), Yannis Stouraitis (Edinburgh)

Final Remarks

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