Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923

Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923

Institute of History, Jagiellonian University; ZRC SAZU, Milko Kos Historical Institute (Institute of History, Jagiellonian University)
Institute of History, Jagiellonian University
Funded by
Research University - Excellence Initiative Programme
From - Until
29.06.2022 - 01.07.2022
Kamil Ruszala, Institut für Geschichte, Jagellonen-Universität-Krakau

29 June to 1 July 2022, the Institute of History of Jagiellonian University will host the conference "Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923". During this event, academics from over a dozen countries will present their research and reflections on war refugees in Europe over a hundred years ago. The keynote will be delivered by Prof. Peter Gatrell (University of Manchester).

Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923

From 29 June to 1 July 2022, the Institute of History of Jagiellonian University will host the international scientific conference "Humans in Motion: War Crisis and Refugees in Europe 1914–1923". During this event, academics from over a dozen countries (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, the USA, Hungary, and the United Kingdom) will present their research and reflections on war refugees in Europe over a hundred years ago. The keynote will be delivered by Prof. Peter Gatrell (University of Manchester). This conference is part of the R2R project funded by the Research University – Excellence Initiative as part of the research group "Humans in Motion: Refugees in Europe 1914–1923" (PI and research group coordinator: Dr. Kamil Ruszała, Jagiellonian University), implemented in partnership with the Milko Kos Historical Institute, Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is an interdisciplinary and international team of experts dealing with the issues of war refugees in the first decades of the 20th century in Europe, thus engaging, integrating and stimulating debate scientists affiliated with various research centers around the world, by creating in Krakow a platform for the exchange of thoughts between scholars of various level (from PhD students, PostDoc to experienced researchers), thus showing the Jagiellonian University as a moderator of international dialogue and debates on current issues through the prism of past experiences. Research on war refugees in the past undertaken by the research group emphasizes that contemporary migration processes are not a new experience for the European continent and its inhabitants: floating borders and people in motion remain an identical but forgotten part of the past and heritage. The problems of war refugees are part of both the discourse and social awareness. Refugeedom is a great lesson of humanitarianism, tolerance, understanding, help, and rational approach of each party, which should be explained to a wider audience. Therefore, the objective is to try to understand contemporary problems through the prism of past experiences, thus completing the educational function of the historical narrative.


Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Venue: Józef Tischner Hall, Collegium Witkowskiego (Gołębia 13)

09:00–09:30h Petra Svoljšak (ZRC SAZU) and Kamil Ruszała (Jagiellonian University): Opening session

09:30–11:00h Keynote Session
Peter Gatrell: Europe on the move: further reflections on refugees and refugeedom in the era of the Great War

11:30–12:00h Coffee break

12:00–13:30h Panel 1: Gender and refugees
Chair: Petra Svoljšak

Anca Doina Cretu (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS), Confinement, Integration, Exclusion: Reconstructing Women’s Experiences in Austria-Hungary’s Refugee Camps during the First World War

Dagmar Wernitznig (Unversity of Ljubljana), Transborder Tragedies and Transgenerational Trauma: Refugeeism and Gender in the Shatter Zones of the North-Eastern Adriatic Region during the Greater War

Ablonczy Balazs (Research Centre for the Humanities), “The greatest injustice in the world”. Female voices of refugeedom, Hungary 1920–1921

13:30–15:00h Lunch break

15:00–16:30h Panel 2: Refugees and cities
Chair: Keely Stauter-Halsted

Kieran Taylor (University of Stirling), Civic Humanitarianism: Glasgow, the Great War and Belgian Refugees

Anna Isaieva (Lund University), A City on the Edge: refugees and the remaking of ethnic and political consciousness in wartime Kyiv

Umit Eser (ATLAS fellow at CETOBaC), End times in the Aegean: Memories of Destruction and Forced Migration from Smyrna

16:30–17:00h Coffee break

17:00–18:30h Panel 3: “The others”?
Chair: Eriks Jekabsons

Kathryn Densford (Chaminade College), The “Jewish Affair in Windigsteig”: People on the Move in Provincial Lower Austria

Gregor Antoličič (ZRC SAZU), The others – the image of refugees from the Slovenian perspective of the First World War

Victoria Abrahamyan (University of Neuchâtel), Refugees as a great danger for the public health? Armenian refugees between the stereotypes and reality in Syria and Lebanon, 1920–1928

19:00h Reception

Thursday, June 30 2022
Venue: Józef Tischner Hall, Collegium Witkowskiego (Gołębia 13)

09:00–11:00h am Panel 4: Postwar population order
Chair: Kamil Ruszała

Aleksandar Miletic (Institute of Recent History, Serbia), Immigration Controls in the Economic Periphery? East-Central- and Southeast European perspectives, 1918–1924

Bartosz Ogórek (Polish Academy of Sciences), Where did they come from? The composition of the Polish population in 1921 as the result of war-related migratory moves

Keely Stauter-Halsted (University of Illinois at Chicago), Internment Camps and the End of Empire: Refugee Incarceration and the Sorting of Poland’s Post-Imperial Population

Tomas Balkelis (Lithuanian Institute of History, Vilnius), The Lithuanian Council (Taryba) and the mass return of WWI refugees to Lithuania in 1918

11:00–11:15h Coffee break

11:15–13:00h Panel 5: Transition and citizenship
Chair: Bartosz Ogórek

Eriks Jekabsons (University of Latvia), Latvia, the changes of population 1914–1920

Kristine Bekere (University of Latvia), Assistance to Latvian refugees after 1918: involvement of Latvian diaspora

Pierre Purseigle (University of Warwick), Leaving refugeedom behind. Resettlement and reconstruction in Belgium and France, 1914–1923

Anna Mashi (Freiburg University), Statelessness and the sortie de guerre in Germany

13:00–14:30h Lunch break

14:30–16:30h Panel 6: State control and refugees
Chair: Kieran Taylor

Nik Brandal (Oslo New University College), The Sewer of Europe? Political discourse on immigration and the Norwegian Aliens Act of 1915

Eirik Brazier (University College of Southeastern Norway), The stranger at our gate: The Norwegian state’s attempt at defining and controlling refugees and migrants during the First World War

Bohuslav Rejzl (Charles University in Prague), Public health and war refugees in Bohemian lands in 1914–1923

Kassian Lanz (University of Innsbruck), Military pragmatism or ethnicism? Evacuations and deportations in Trentino and Tyrol during WWI

16:30–17:00h Coffee break

17:00–18:30h Panel 7: Ethnicism, nationalism and representation
Chair: Balázs Ablonczy

Dmitar Tasić (Institute for Recent History of Serbia/University of Hradec Kralove), Prisoners of war or refugees? The fate of the Balkan Muslims recruited by the Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire during the Great War

Lidia Zessin-Jurek (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS), “Shall We Rejoin the Nation (złączym się z narodem)?” — Historiography on Post-WWI Refugee Movement in Poland between ‘Native’ and ‘National’ Paradigm

Pieter Trogh (In Flandres Field Museum), Revisioning Belgium’s First World War Exodus from below

Closing remarks: Petra Svoljšak and Kamil Ruszała

19:00h Cocktail

Friday, 01 July 2022

Workshop in a field (WW1 legacies in Lesser Poland)