Oriental Manuscripts in Germany. collection History Between the Acadmeic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power

Oriental Manuscripts in Germany. collection History Between the Acadmeic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Potsdamer Straße 33
Funded by
Fritz Thyssen Foundation
From - Until
28.06.2022 - 01.07.2022
Torsten Wollina, Staatsbibibliothek zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

This conference explores the interplay between collection history and the translocation of, especially, Asian and African manuscripts to libraries in Germany between, roughly, the 17th and 21st century.

Organisers are the DFG-funded project "Orient-Digital" and the long-term project "KOHD" at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The conference is generously funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation. Presentations are given in English or German.

Oriental Manuscripts in Germany. collection History Between the Acadmeic Thirst for Knowledge, Antique Trade Across the Globe, and Imperial Claims to Power

From 28 June to 1 July 2022 the Berlin State Library is hosting a three-day-conference exploring the interplay between collection history and the translocation of, especially, Asian and African manuscripts to libraries in Germany between, roughly, the 17th and 21st century. German libraries have more than 100,000 objects from such manuscript traditions in their custody.

Organisers are the DFG-funded project “Orient-Digital” and the long-term project “KOHD” at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The conference is generously funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation. Presentations are given in English or German.

The international market for manuscript has remained an elusive phenomenon. Individual actors and transactions are often difficult to identify. So are historical conditions under which the local and global manuscript trade worked. We subsume all these moving parts under the term Collection History.

The conference approaches this complex issue through three thematic approaches: The first one explores the perspective of the collections, both as a subject of curation and through the eyes of provenance research. Whereas recently the history of libraries in the Middle East as evolved into a vibrant field of research, it also has served as a stimulant for provenance research in western collections. This is the right time to investigate the history of collecting in German libraries, as well.

The second approach investigates the processes and conditions of the manuscript trade. Both the circulation of objects on the European markets and the access to markets in Africa and Asia were essential for collections to emerge. An understanding of diverse local market conditions is necessary to understand the political and economic catalysts of the manuscript trade.

The third approach puts the focus on the actors involved in translocating manuscripts and building up collections. In Germany, a plethora of people with different interests, training and financial means were involved in establishing and growing collections: e.g. librarians, book dealers, Orientalist scholars, government agents and private patrons. Scholars, in particular, could act as both buyers and sellers of manuscripts. In the regions of origin agents, dealers, Arabic teachers and copyists influenced the composition of collections in Germany.

The International Conference (hybrid) is organized by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and the Project Katalogisierung der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen). The conference is made possible through the generous support of the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung.


The conference will take place online and on-site. Seating is limited. If you wish to attend on-site, please register until 21st June at orientabt@sbb.spk-berlin.de. The conference is broadcasted on Webex.

Webex Links

Evening Event:
Meeting-Code: 2734 183 9294
Meeting Password: rZuaSctF576

Conference day 1:
Meeting-Code: 2731 733 4492
Meeting Password: dmQe3nDtc85

Conference day 2:
Meeting-Code: 2733 172 4205
Meeting Password: xSh8vNZEv69

Conference day 3:
Meeting-Code: 2731 628 5852
Meeting Password: UmmMCPNT363


Evening Event, 28 June, 2022:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Potsdamer Straße 33
10785 Berlin

Conference, 29 June–1 July, 2022:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Potsdamer Straße 33
10785 Berlin


Tuesday, 28 June 2022

18:00–21:00 CEST Opening / Launch of the database „Qalamos”

Greetings (Achim Bonte, Tilman Seidensticker, Christoph Rauch)

Team-Presentation of the DFG-Project “Orient-Digital”

Konrad Hirschler (Hamburg): Researching Written Artefacts in the Digital Age

Banu Karaca (İstanbul/Berlin): The Art of Collecting: Possession and the Politics of Knowledge Reception

Webex Link: https://spk-berlin.webex.com/spk-berlin/j.php?MTID=m3b77410401a8f4eaf4883cbd2050dd91

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Webex Link: https://spk-berlin.webex.com/spk-berlin/j.php?MTID=md07a9cd91c240539fdf967bc97494dc2



09:30–10:30 CEST Session 1: Translocations I
Chair: TBA

Ute Pietruschka (Göttingen): Beutekunst im 17. Jahrhundert: Zum Erwerb und Zerstreuung der Bibliothek von Christina von Schweden (1626–1689)

Thomas Tabery (München): „Vom Winde begünstigt fuhren wir rasch dahin …“. Zur Bedeutung von Erwerbungsreisen für die Entstehung der orientalischen und asiatischen Sammlungen der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek

10:30–11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00–12:45 CEST Session 2: Translocations II
Chair: TBA

Farid El-Ghawaby (Berlin): 'Local'-izing Johann Gottfried Wetzstein and other 'Western' Actors of Translocation Processes in the 19th and early 20th Century

Noam Sienna (Saint Paul, MN): Jewish Scrolls in Christian Hands: Torah Scrolls in Early Modern Germany

Annika Stello (Karlsruhe): Die Handschriften der „Karlsruher Türkenbeute“ und ihr Kontext

12:45–14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00–15:45 CEST Session 3: Collection History I
Chair: TBA

Yasemin Gökpınar (Bochum): Die orientalischen Handschriften in arabischer Schrift der Universitätsbibliothek Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main

Katrin Janz-Wenig (Hamburg): „… außerdem ca. 3 laufende Meter unkatalogisierte und unsignierte Handschriften in diversen Sprachen“. Die Signaturengruppe der Cod. orient. der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg

Verena Böll (Dresden): Die äthiopische Handschriftensammlung der Stiftung Monumenta Vitruvii in Stützerbach, Thüringen: Ersterschließung und Sammlungsaufbau

15:45–16:15 COFFEE BREAK

16:15–18:00 CEST Session 4: Collection History II
Chair: TBA

Rebecca Sauer (Frankfurt/M.): Die Sammlungsgeschichte der Heidelberger Orientalischen Handschriften: Von Connoisseuren, Diplomaten und Gelehrten

Carsten Walbiner (Beirut): Von den Basaren Kairos auf den Heiligen Berg in Andechs – die Geschichte einer weitgehend vergessenen Sammlung orientalischer Handschriften

Daniel Haas (Hamburg): „verehrte ein Freund der Bibliotheck dieses Instituti“: Zum Sammlungsaufbau der Bibliothek des Institutum Judaicum et Muhammedicum

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Webex-link: https://spk-berlin.webex.com/spk-berlin/j.php?MTID=m8f980f452361e94ee33edc53a4dcd23c


09:15–11:00 CEST Session 5: Provenance Research I
Chair: TBA

Peter Gaethgens (Potsdam): Magdala 1868: Reconstructing the ‘collection’ of Emperor Tewodros II Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hakim (Tehran): Safavid’s royal library’s manuscripts in the Berlin State Library

Laurenz Kern (Berlin): Berlin State Library’s Provenance Data: Exploring the Long Tail

11:00–11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30–13.15 CEST Session 6: Provenance Research II
Chair: TBA

Anett Krause (Leipzig): Die Sammlungsgeschichte der Jaina-Handschriften in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig mit besonderem Blick auf den indischen Verkäufer Bhagavandās Kevaldās und den deutschen Vermittler Georg Bühler

Peter Fluegel (London): The Correspondence of the Modern Founders of Jaina Studies

Nora Derbal (Jerusalem): Oriental Manuscript Culture and Collection History through the Eyes of a German Traveler

13:15–14:30 LUNCH BREAK

14:30–15:45 CEST Session 7: The Global Manuscript Market I
Chair: TBA

Dagmar Riedel (New York): Repairs and Restorations as Evidence for the International Manuscript Trade

Rebecca Jefferson (Gainesvill, FL)/Michael Press (Kristiansand, Norway): Moses Shapira’s Manuscript Sales to the Royal Library and the Transformation of the Antiquities Trade in Late Ottoman Palestine

15:45–16:15 COFFEE BREAK

16:15–17:30 CEST Session 8: The Global Manuscript Market II
Chair: TBA

Güler Doğan Averbek (İstanbul)/Thoralf Hanstein (Berlin): How did Oskar Rescher Take Advantage of the Manuscript Market in Turkey: His Manuscript Collections in Berlin and Leipzig

Evyn Kropf (Ann Arbor, Michigan)/Torsten Wollina (Berlin): Agent and Architect: Abraham Shalom Yahuda's Role in Developing the Islamic Manuscripts Collection at the University of Michigan

Friday, 01 July 2022

Webex-link: https://spk-berlin.webex.com/spk-berlin/j.php?MTID=mdc1179a4837e0049691137d320935725


09:15–11:00 CEST Session 9: Collectors
Chair: TBA

Despina Magkanari (Berlin): Building a private Orientalist library in the early 19th century: Julius Klaproth as a collector

Peter Tarras (Würzburg): Vom „Gelehrten“ zum „Privatmann“: Friedrich Grote (1861–1922), ein Sammler christlich-orientalischer Handschriften

Yoones Dehghani Farsani (Berlin): John Macgregor Murrays Privatbibliothek und die persische Handschriftensammlung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

11:00–11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30–12:45 CEST Session 10: Interlocutors I
Chair: TBA

Simon Mills (Newcastle): Carolus Rali Dadichi (1693/1694–1734) and Oriental manuscript collections in eighteenth-century Germany

Jakob Wigand (Hamburg): Carl Heinrich Becker and the collection of non-European manuscripts at the Stadtbibliothek Hamburg (1908–1913)

12:45–14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00–15:45 CEST Session 11: Interlocutors II
Chair: TBA

Christoph Rauch (Berlin): Der Gestaltungsspielraum der Bibliothekare beim Aufbau der orientalischen Handschriftensammlungen an der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin

Aysima Mirsultan (Berlin): Intentionally or unintentionally: the creation of a Chaghatay collection by Martin Hartmann

Feras Krimsti (Gotha): Stumme Helfer: Lokale Wissensproduktion und die Sammlungsaktivitäten Ulrich Jasper Seetzens

15:45–16:00 COFFEE BREAK


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