Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsarchitekturen. Die "Schulstadt" Franckesche Stiftungen im Vergleich

Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsarchitekturen. Die "Schulstadt" Franckesche Stiftungen im Vergleich

Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle
Franckesche Stiftungen, Haus 1
Funded by
Land Sachsen-Anhalt
Halle (Saale)
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
13.10.2022 - 15.10.2022
Tom Gärtig, Stabsstelle Forschung, Franckesche Stiftungen Halle

Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsarchitekturen. Die "Schulstadt" Franckesche Stiftungen im Vergleich

Übergreifende und interdisziplinäre Arbeiten zu frühneuzeitlichen Bildungsarchitekturen (vor 1800) sind ein Desiderat der Forschung. Ausgehend von der Schulstadt der heutigen Franckeschen Stiftungen wird sich die Konferenz diesem Themenkomplex in einer breiten, vergleichenden Perspektive widmen.

Early Modern Educational Architectures. The "School Town" of the Francke Foundations in International and Interdisciplinary Perspective

Comprehensive and interdisciplinary work on early modern educational architectures (before 1800) is a desideratum of research. Starting from the school city of today's Francke Foundations, the conference will address this topic in a broad, comparative perspective.

Frühneuzeitliche Bildungsarchitekturen. Die "Schulstadt" Franckesche Stiftungen im Vergleich

Eine außergewöhnliche Bildungseinrichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts waren die Glauchaschen Anstalten, die heutigen Franckeschen Stiftungen in Halle in Brandenburg-Preußen. Hier wurden junge Menschen unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, ihrem sozialen Status und ihrem Geschlecht erzogen und ausgebildet. Das zugrundeliegende pietistische Erziehungskonzept ist in den erhaltenen Gebäuden der Stiftungen, die auch heute noch für pädagogische Zwecke genutzt werden, noch ablesbar. Doch wie außergewöhnlich waren die Stiftungen in einer übergreifenden, vergleichenden und internationalen Perspektive?

Schaut man sich die Forschung an, so gewinnt man den Eindruck, dass es eine Vielzahl lokaler Studien zur Geschichte des Schulbaus vor 1800 gibt, die jedoch bisher - vor allem in internationaler Perspektive - unverbunden nebeneinander stehen. Umfassende und vergleichende Studien zu Schulbauten und Bildungsarchitektur in der Frühen Neuzeit gibt es jedoch kaum. Wie kann also eine vergleichende Architekturgeschichte von Schulbauten und Bildungsräumen auf der Basis der Sozial-, Kultur-, Religions- und Bildungsgeschichte konzipiert werden?

Ausgehend von diesen Befunden und Fragestellungen wird sich die internationale Tagung aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive mit der Bildungsarchitektur der Frühen Neuzeit in Theorie und Praxis auseinandersetzen. Zugleich soll ein internationaler Arbeitszusammenhang zum Thema hergestellt werden, der fruchtbare und differenzierte Forschungen in verschiedenen Ländern miteinander verbindet.

Um Anmeldung wird bis zum 10. Oktober 2022 gebeten unter

Early Modern Educational Architectures. The "School Town" of the Francke Foundations in International and Interdisciplinary Perspective

An exceptional educational institution of the 18th century were the Glauchaschen Anstalten, today the Francke Foundations, in the city of Halle in Brandenburg-Prussia. Here, young people were educated and trained irrespective of their origins, social status or gender. For this purpose, a school system divided into four types (Elementarschulen, Lateinschule, Königliches Pädagogium, Mädchenschulen) was created, in which real-life lessons, teacher training and the promotion of gifted students were systematically applied. The underlying Pietist educational concept can still be seen in the preserved buildings of the Foundations, which are still used for educational purposes today. But how exceptional were the foundations in an overarching, comparative and international perspective?

While in the Middle Ages and the early modern period, teaching often took place in one and the same room in a teacher's house, schools today are independent, spatially differentiated and highly specialised institutions whose functions and pedagogical guidelines are reflected in the architecture, room constellations and layouts. Researchers generally see the epochal break from teaching in teachers' homes or in secularised and then converted monasteries to designed and spatially differentiated new school buildings in the period around 1800. The reform pedagogy shaped by the Enlightenment is cited as a decisive factor in this development, which was reflected in the founding of forward-looking schools. Does this paradigm still hold true?

If one looks at the research, one gets the impression that there are a large number of local studies on the history of school construction before 1800 that thus far stand unconnected to each other, in particular in an international perspective. There are, however, hardly any comprehensive or comparative studies on school buildings and educational architecture in the early modern period. Hermann Lange's fundamental book "Schulbau und Schulverfassung der frühen Neuzeit" (School Construction and School Constitution in the Early Modern Period) from 1967 is still a central reference work here. So how can a comparative architectural history of school buildings and educational spaces be conceived on the basis of social, cultural, religious and pedagogical history?

Based on these observations and questions, the international conference will address educational architecture of the early modern period in theory and practice from an interdisciplinary perspective. At the same time, the aim is to establish an international working context on the topic that links fruitful and differentiated research in various countries. In the process, concrete architectural examples from different political territories and religious cultural areas as well as different educational concepts come into view. Can independent, differentiated lines of development be discerned in the history of pre-modern school construction? And to what extent can receptions and adaptations be described across countries and cultures?

Registration is requested by 10 October 2022 under


Thursday, October 13th, 2022

01:00pm Arrival and Welcome coffee

02:00pm Welcoming addresses
Thomas Müller-Bahlke, Director of Franckesche Stiftungen
Dr. Sebastian Putz, Secretary of State of the State Chancellery and Ministry for Culture of Saxony-Anhalt

Holger Zaunstöck, Halle

School-forming? A look at architectural theory and building practice in the early modern period
Meinrad von Engelberg, Darmstadt

03:30pm Coffee break

Section I: Early Modern Educational Architectures in International Perspective, part 1

The Early Modern School in England: the architectural resolution of 'state' vs 'private' provision
Maurice Howard, Sussex

The architecture of Jesuit Colleges in the Iberian Peninsula – a brief overview
Rui Lobo, Coimbra

05:30pm Refreshments/Break

School landscape and school buildings in the Lands of Bohemian Crown in Early Modern Period
Martin Holý, Prague

Friday, October 14th, 2022

Section I: Early Modern Educational Architectures in International Perspective, part 2

Schools in the early modern Ottoman Empire: architectural, spatial and organizational aspects of education in Cairo, Damascus and Aleppo in the 18th century
Stefan Knost, Halle

Modern Spaces of Jewish Educational Institutions in Transition
Ulrich Johannes Knufinke, Braunschweig

11:00am Coffee break

The “Malabarian school building” in Tranquebar, 1741
Christoph Haar, Leuven

Always a teacher – sometimes a building. Schooling in eighteenth-century Denmark
Charlotte Appel, Aarhus

01:00pm Lunch

A (School)House for Everyone? – The Architectural Reception of the Francke Foundations in German-speaking and US-American Pedagogical Discourses at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century
Fanny Isensee/ Daniel Töpper, Berlin

03:30pm Coffee break

Section II – The “School Town” Francke Foundations

The Francke Foundations as a school town
Thomas Grunewald, Halle

(Indoor) School spaces and behavioural standardisation in Francke's school town
Johannes Süßmann, Paderborn

05:45pm Refreshments/Break

06:30pm Evening lecture
August Hermann Francke's Successful Failure and the Transformation from Orphanage to School Town under Gotthilf August Francke
Thomas Eißing, Bamberg

ca. 08:00pm Afterwards reception

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

from 09:00am Coffee at the Event Floor

Section III – Education for All: an Early Modern Concept?

Concepts of Early Modern Elementary Education: The Improvement of Society through Reading and Writing
Stefan Ehrenpreis, Innsbruck

Education for all? Images, Education and Educational Architectures in the Early Modern Era
Christoph Fasbender, Chemnitz

11:00am Coffee break

All Unique? A Contextualization of Pedagogical Uses of Space of the Pädagogium Regium in the 18th Century
Michael Rocher, Siegen

Followed by: joint, thematic walk through the Francke Foundations school town with concluding discussion

ca. 01:30pm Coffee and end of conference

Contact (announcement)

Dr. Thomas Grunewald
Tel.: 0345 2127 427
Editors Information
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