Cinema as Space of Encounters before, during and after WWII

Cinema as space of encounters before, during and after WWII

Prof. Maria Fritsche, Dept. of Modern HIstory and Society, NTNU
ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Center Kristiansand
Funded by
Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) exploratory workshop grant
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022
Maria Fritsche, Dept. of Modern History and Society, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The workshop is the first in the NOS-HS workshop series “Cinema, War and Citizenship at the Northern Periphery: Cinemas and their audiences in the Nordic countries, 1935–1950”. It asks how the Second World War altered the cinema-going experiences and the social functions of the movie theatre.

Cinema as space of encounters before, during and after WWII

The workshop is the first in the NOS-HS workshop series “Cinema, War and Citizenship at the Northern Periphery: Cinemas and their audiences in the Nordic countries, 1935–1950”. It asks how the Second World War altered the cinema-going experiences and the social functions of the movie theatre.
The goal is to establish a transdisciplinary network of scholars and non-academic experts (e.g., archivists, librarians, museum educators, etc.) to foster and strengthen research on cinema history in the North.
The three keynotes by Daniela Treveri Gennari, Mona Pedersen and Jessica Whitehead will be streamed live.


Kick off Wednesday, 28 September
Room: Skillingssalen
19:00 Informal social gathering with drinks and snacks at ARKIVET
20:00 Film exhibition: Münchhausen (D: von Báky, Germany 1943)

Day 1 – Thursday, 29 September: Audiences, practices, and memories of cinemagoing
Room: Skillingssalen
08:45 Registration / Coffee and fruit
09:15-09:45 Introduction: Maria Fritsche & Thomas V.H. Hagen
09:45-10:45 Keynote 1 – Daniela Treveri Gennari: ‘Developing a cinema typology: methodological challenges in comparative analysis of film exhibition’ Keynote will be streamed, see for the link.
15-minutes break
11:00-12:15 Session 1 (Moderator: Maria Fritsche)
11:00 Antonia Schlotter: ‘Rural cinema history in an exhibition’
11:20 Jasmin Gröninger: ‘Cinema memory: the relevance of cinemagoing in Gimbsheim’
12:15- 13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Keynote 2 – Mona Pedersen: ‘Cinema-going and everyday life – how old people’s memories can contribute to a new cinema history’ Keynote will be streamed, see for the link.
15-minutes break
14:30-15:45 Session 2 (Moderator: Thomas V.H. Hagen)
14:30 Anthony Rescigno: ‘Transitions and ruptures: the consumption of German films in Eastern France (1918–1950)’
14:50 Oddbjørn Hofseth: ‘The exhibition and reception of the WW2 feature film Englandsfarere in Ålesund in 1946’
15-minutes break
16:00–17:00 Guided tour in the exhibits
Time to relax
19:30 Conference dinner (TBA)

Day 2 – Friday, 30 September: Film exhibition and the place and space of cinema
Room: Skillingssalen
09:00 Coffee and fruit
09:15-10:30 Session 3 (Moderator: Lars-Martin Sørensen)
09:15 Åsa Jernudd: ‘In search of the audience: methodological reflections on historical research of cinema as space’
09:35 Jannie Dahl Astrup: ‘Vestjydsk Rejsebiograf in Western Jutlandia, 1896–1983’
15-minutes break
10:45 Keynote 3 Jessica Whitehead: ‘Photo-nite at the Movies: Propaganda and Contests in Canada during WWII’ Keynote will be streamed, see for the link.
11:45-12:45 Lunch
12:45-14:00 Session 4 (Moderator: Åsa Jernudd)
12:45 Noora Kallioniemi: ‘Film screenings at the frontline in Finland, 1939–1944’
13:05 Sigrún Margrét Guðmundsdóttir: ‘New Directions: changes in the supply of Reykjavík movie theaters during World War II’
15-minutes break
14:15-15:15 How to build a network on Nordic cinema history?
Time to relax
18:00 Dinner (TBA)

Venue: ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Center, Vesterveien 4, Kristiansand

Contact (announcement)

Maria Fritsche: