Rural History 2023

Rural History 2023

European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) (Babeș-Bolyai University & Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography)
Babeș-Bolyai University & Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
11.09.2023 - 14.09.2023
Ernst Langthaler, Institut für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

The European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) announces the Call for Sessions its next conference in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 11-14 September 2023

Rural History 2023

The Rural History 2023 conference continues the tradition of the previous Rural History conferences held in Bern, Girona, Leuven, Paris, Uppsala aiming to promote a scientific discussion on new research on rural history in a broad sense by bringing together researchers dealing with different regions, different periods and from different theoretical and methodological traditions.

In accordance with this, the conference is open for research on all aspects on the history of the countryside in Europe and its interaction with other parts of the world throughout time. We welcome participation from different academic subjects dealing with history, archaeology, geography, economic history, economics, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, development studies, gender studies, environmental history, historical demography, science and technology history, colonial history, global history, etc.) presenting and discussing new research and thereby contributing to expanding our knowledge on the rural history of Europe and beyond. Our conference is also a great opportunity to bring into discussion contemporary concerns regarding rurality, and to highlight ways we could contribute to the safeguarding of living heritage.

A session proposal should include a title, the full name and affiliation of the organizer, and a short abstract (max 500 words) introducing the topic, the aim of the session, the names, and affiliations of at least three of the proposed panel contributors and the title of their papers, the name and institutional affiliation of the chair and of the discussant. A panel should focus on a specific topic and include participants from at least two countries. Also, we need the organizer's CV.

Each session will last two hours and include four papers. Sessions will be led by a chair and a discussant. Double sessions on a particular topic are possible. We also welcome proposals for “Meet-the-author” sessions. In this case at least two commentators/discussants, besides the author, should be in the proposal. Participants are asked to limit themselves to a maximum of two presentations at the conference.

Panel proposals will be assessed by the Academic Research Committee which will accept or refuse them or suggest modifications.

The deadline for session proposals is 15 October 2022.

An open Call for papers will be launched later, intended to fill remaining slots in accepted sessions with papers on respective topic.

Go to submission system at the Conference Website:

Call for Sessions at the Conference Website:

Contact (announcement)

Enikő Rüsz-Fogarasi (email:
Editors Information
Published on
Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic
Nobility, History of agriculture, Work and labour, Labour movement history, Architecture, Archaeology, Historical semantics, Business history, Historical demography, History of education and university , Biography, Middle classes / Bourgeoisie, Digital history, Discipline and subject of history, History of emotions, Remembrance / Collective memory, Ethics and moral concepts, Ethnology / Historical Anthropology, History of european integration, Film / TV / Broadcasting, Finance and banking, Women's, men's and gender History, History of leisure and sport, History of ideas, Intellectual history, Rural populations, Didactics / Public History, Historiography, Antisemitism research, History of images, Discourse analysis, History of peace and war, Historical auxiliary sciences, Holocaust, Shoa, Genocide, Conceptions of identity, History of empires, Industrial history, history of trade and business, History of international relations, International organisations, Justice, Police, Jewish history, Church history, Colonial history, Consumption history, Crime and deviancy, Culture, Cultural history, Art history, Body narratives, Literature history, Material culture, Media history, History of medicine, Intellectual history, Micro-, local history, everyday life, Military history, Musicology, History of nazism, History of fascism, History of nationalism, History of natural sciences, Oral history, History of political parties and organisations, Politics, Political history, Political concepts, ideologies, Postcolonial history, Geography, Law, History of law and administration, Local and regional history, Regions / Regionalization / Regionalism, History of religions, confessions and churches, Reception history, Social history / Social sciences, Social Affairs, Social policies and welfare state, Sports, Urban history, History of technology, History of Theater, Theory and methodology, Transnational history, Environmental history, Constitutional history, Comparative history, Transport and infrastructure, History of administration / bureaucracy, World and global history, Economy, Economic history, Economic policy, Science, History of science, Science policy, History of knowledge, Civil society
Additional Informations
Country Event
Language(s) of event
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