Privileges & Politics: Printing privileges and the circulation of knowledge (1450-1850)

Privileges & Politics: Printing privileges and the circulation of knowledge (1450-1850)

ERC project Before copyright: Printing privileges and the politics of knowledge in early modern Europe
Norwegian Institute at Athens
Funded by
European Union (ERC, BE4COPY, 101042034)
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
14.12.2023 - 15.12.2023
Nana Citron, University of Oslo, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

This international conference focuses on the history of early modern printing privileges, highlighting the close relationship between legal frameworks and the politics of knowledge.

Privileges & Politics: Printing privileges and the circulation of knowledge (1450-1850)

This conference focuses on the history of early modern printing privileges, highlighting the close relationship between legal frameworks and the politics of knowledge. Printing privileges were essential for the circulation of ideas in the early modern period. Because their validity was geographically limited, they spurred fierce competition and cooperation, with authors and printers operating across borders. This conference examines how this worked in practice and how this affected the nature of knowledge production and circulation. Some of the themes and questions to explore in that context are:

Formalities and Actors
- Who was entrusted with the task of reviewing applications? What role did cultural brokers and experts play? What was the importance of classification systems, depositories, or other paper tools and technologies? What can be said about social networks within the privilege system? Who collaborated with whom? And how did printing privileges affect the notion of authorship?

Epistemological Transformations
- How did printing privileges affect the nature of circulating knowledge? How did, for example, the authorities determine and shape dividing lines between different fields of knowledge? Were there geographic variations in terms of the topics (e.g., religion, medicine, astronomy) or the persons and institutions privileged, or did this evolve over time? If so, how can we interpret this?

Piracy and Penalties
- How were privileges enforced and upheld, in practice? Who was responsible for identifying transgressions, by what standards, and before which judges? Was there any systematic opposition to the notion of exclusive ownership, and if so in what form? Is there evidence of fines being administered? What about reprinting and piracy?

Contributor Guidelines

We welcome papers from all academic disciplines. The geographical and temporal range is open, running roughly from 1450 to 1850. Submitted papers should not have been previously published and contain original material. Following the workshop, our goal is to produce a high-quality Open Access publication that builds on the workshop papers.

The conference works with pre-circulated papers (5,000 to 10,000 words), which are due a month before the conference. Participants should be aware that, in order to foster interdisciplinary discussion, we work with a peer review system. This means that participants do not present their own paper during the conference but are asked to comment on the paper of another participant. Participation in the conference thus requires an active engagement with the subject beyond one’s own specialization.

We invite both junior and senior scholars to apply. Papers that explore the themes of this conference across multiple disciplines (such as, but not limited to, law, history, religious or art history) as well as across national boundaries are especially encouraged.

Contact (announcement)

Marius Buning
Editors Information
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