Water and Culture on Islands – Looking at the Balearic Islands, the Mediterranean, and Beyond

Water and Culture on Islands – Looking at the Balearic Islands, the Mediterranean, and Beyond

Dr. Laura Dierksmeier / Dr. Sophie Hüglin / Dr. Frerich Schön, Collaborative Research Center SFB 1070 Resource Cultures, University of Tübingen; Prof. Mateu Riera Rullan from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Maria Gràcia Salvà, Director of the Museu de Mallorca, and Maria Francesca Lopez Cortés, Director of the Natural Park of Cabrera
Museu de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
04.05.2023 - 06.05.2023
Miriam Kroiher, Philosophische Fakultät, Fachbereich Geschichte, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

During this 3-day workshop in Palma de Mallorca, geographers, archaeologists, historians, and architects will discuss how water affected the religious and cultural practices of island life.

Water and Culture on Islands – Looking at the Balearic Islands, the Mediterranean, and Beyond

The first day is dedicated to the Balearic Islands and will include speeches about windmills used to pump water, water rogation ceremonies and rain harvesting architecture. The second day will start by highlighting water technologies implemented on the Balearic Islands during Muslim rule between the 8th and 12th centuries; these perspectives will be then expanded to include the Mediterranean and especially the role of monasteries. On Saturday, the final day, an excursion led by Prof. Mateu Riera Rullan will take the group to Cabrera, a small island south of Mallorca, to study the archaeological remains of one of the earliest monasteries in the Mediterranean with evidence of medieval and early modern hydraulic infrastructures.

The conference is organized by Dr. Laura Dierksmeier, Dr. Sophie Hüglin and Dr. Frerich Schön from the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1070 Resource Cultures of the University of Tübingen, together with Prof. Mateu Riera Rullan from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Maria Gràcia Salvà, Director of the Museu de Mallorca, and Maria Francesca Lopez Cortés, Director of the Natural Park of Cabrera. Among the participants will also be members of the the DFG ‘Island Studies Network: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Island Exchanges, Environments, and Perceptions,’ (project number 452312841). The UNESCO Chair for Sustainability, Prof. Dr. Jordi Morató, and island geographer Dr. Christian Depraetere from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) will hold opening addresses.


Thursday, May 4th

9:30 – 10:45 Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Maria Gràcia Salvà (Director of the Museu de Mallorca)
Dr. Sophie Hüglin, Dr. Laura Dierksmeier, Dr. Frerich Schön, all University of Tübingen

Maria Francesca Lopez Cortés (Director of the Natural Park of Cabrera)
Water: A Topic with Relevance for Today
Prof. Dr. Jordi Morató (UNESCO Chair for Sustainability)
The Importance of Water Research
Dr. Christian Depraetere (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier)
Water Research on Islands

Panel 1 Balearic Islands I 10:45 – 12:00
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Alomar (UB)
Traditional Windmills on Mallorca
Prof. Dra. Maria Barceló Crespí (UIB)
La provisión, distribución y control del agua en la Ciudad de Mallorca tardomedieval
Dra. Aina Escobar (UIB)
_Rogation Ceremonies for Water on Mallorca in the 16-17th c.

Panel 2 Balearic Islands II 12:30 –13:30
Prof. Dr. Antoni Mas Forners (UIB)
"Albellonar" y construir "síquies": un sistema de drenaje característico de las tierras de secano de Mallorca
Jesús Cardona (IME y COAIB) & Ferran Vizoso (IME y COAIB)
Rainharvesting Architecture on Menorca

15:00 Prof. Dr. Andreu Josep Villalonga Vidal (UIB) & Prof. Dra. Margarita Novo Malvárez (UIB)
El agua y la Catedral de Mallorca: espacios, representaciones y simbolismo litúrgico
16:30 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Mateu Riera Rullan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-FHEAGICAC)
La gestión del agua en los asentamientos monásticos de Cabrera (Siglos V – VIII)

Friday, May 5th

9:00 Prof. Dra. Maria Barceló Crespí (UIB)
Infraestructura hidráulica de Palma

Panel 3 Balearic Islands III 10:30-11:45
Prof. Dra. Helena Kirchner (UAB)
Small scale irrigation systems at the Oriental Islands of al-Andalus. Mallorca and Ibiza (X-XIII c.)
Dr. Félix Retamero (UAB)
Irrigated spaces and technical obsolescence between the Middle Ages and the modern era in Menorca
Glenda Graziani, (UAB)
La transformación de un espacio agrícola de secano de época antigua por uno de regadío en época andalusí (Ibiza, s. X-XIII)

Panel 4 Water on Islands, Comparative Perspectives 12:15 – 13:30
Dr. Miguel Gómez Gómez (La Laguna, Tenerife)
Gestión histórica del agua en Canarias
Dr. Frerich Schön (UoT) & Dr. Stefano Cespa (DAI Rome)
Water Management on Mediterranean Islands in Antiquity
Dra. Helen Dawson (Berlin / Bologna)
Island rhythms and the temporality of water rituals: A multidisciplinary approach

Panel 5 Island Monasteries and Water I 15:00 – 16:15
Dra. Julia Roman Quetglas (UIB) & Dra. Magdalena Riera Frau (Ajuntament de Palma)
Water and monasteries on the Island of Mallorca in medieval and modern times
Dr. Albert Cassanyes Roig (UIB)
Water and the Cistercian monastery of la Real (13th-15th centuries)
Dr. David Hill (Oslo) & Dra. Maria Z. Sigala (Athens)
Byzantine Monastic sites in the Aegean

Panel 6 Island Monasteries and Water II 16.45 – 17:45
Dra. Andrea Kiss (TU Vienna) & Prof. Dr. Joszef Laszlovszky (CEU Vienna)
Flood resilience, mitigation and medieval island monasteries along the Middle Danube
Prof. Dr. Louis Sicking (Leiden) & Geert Peeters (alumnus Universiteit Leiden)
Island hermitages and monasteries in early medieval Europe

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