Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

9th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Dublin

'The Irish Foundation of Carolingian Europe (IFCE): The Case of Calendrical Science (Computus)' (Irish Research Council project, led by Dr Immo Warntjes)
Trinity College Dublin, Neil Lecture Theatre, The Long Room Hub
Funded by
Irish Research Council
Takes place
From - Until
19.06.2023 - 20.06.2023
Christian Schweizer, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin,
Neil Lecture Theatre,
The Long Room Hub / Online
19-20 June 2023

9th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Dublin

This will be a hybrid event. All papers will be given in person, but guests are welcome to attend the conference on Zoom. Virtual attendants will receive the invitation to the digital venue by email, shortly before the conference.

Please register here:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at:


Monday 19 June 2023 – Neil Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub

09:15: Welcome

09:30-11:00: Late Antiquity

Dan Mc Carthy (Dublin) – The date and provenance of the prologue attributed to Cyril by the headings to Prologus Sancti Cyrilli

Leofranc Holford-Strevens (Oxford) – Not St Martin on Easter

Carlo Cedro (Dublin) – The question of Easter lunar limits in Gennadius of Marseille’s Liber Ecclesiasticorum Dogmatum

11:30-13:00: Pre-Carolingian insular world

David Howlett (Oxford) – Quadrivium to trivium: computus in the modal composition of literary texts

Tobit Loevenich (Munich) – Introducing the Computus Einsidlensis

Eoghan Ahern (Liverpool) – The physical world and its operation in early insular thought

14:00-15:00: Post-Carolingian insular world

Anthony Harris (Cambridge) – The missing computi in Wormald’s Kalendars

Marilina Cesario (Belfast) – Terraemotus magni erunt: physical and metaphorical earthquakes in the British Isles

15:30-16:30: Databases

Thom Snijders (Utrecht) & Judith ter Horst (Dublin) – Database of computistical manuscripts and object oriented cataloguing (;

Tuesday 20 June 2023 – Neil Lecture Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub

09:30-11:00: Visigothica

Ines Warburg (Buenos Aires) – An Argument on finding Hebraeorum et Christianorum Pascha attached to Book X of the Etymologiae

Immo Warntjes (Dublin) – Theodulf of Orléans and the Libellus annalis of 793

Patrick Marschner (Vienna) – A ‘Famous Question’ and a newly discovered manuscript. Vatican, BAV, Reg. lat. 1530 and its relation to other known witnesses of Claudius of Turin’s De sex aetatibus mundi

11:30-13:00: Carolingian world

Christian Schweizer (Dublin) – Dicuil’s advanced computistics

Paula Harrison (Galway) – An indivisible moment: temporal taxonomy in the De divisionibus temporum of Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 422

Francesco Stella (Siena) – Editions of computistic poems in the Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum

15:00-16:30: Chronology

Máirín MacCarron (Cork) – How did Bede know how old he was?

Mathew Clear (Dublin) – The development of the ‘Dionysiac’ Easter Table in eighth and ninth century Carolingian manuscripts

Philipp Nothaft (Princeton) – Computus naturalis and historical chronology in twelfth-century Lotharingia: a new source

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