Journal of Sociomuseology (Special Issue)

Journal of Sociomuseology (Special Issue)

Ceied, Universidade Lusofona; Lisbon, Portugal
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
30.05.2023 -
Marta Jecu, Ceied, Universidade Lusofona

This special issue aims at analysing contemporary art's role – and especially conceptual art's role – for the progressive development of critical reform and democratization practices in museology, with a focus on social museology.

Journal of Sociomuseology (Special Issue)

We are looking for contributions that discuss historic and recent case-studies, theories and solutions coming from the field of art and that emerged in the context of a new, social museology.

The publication questions how a conceptual dimension in arts has been contributing to the re-thinking of the museum as practice (social and cultural), having important implications for the promotion of decolonial thinking by introducing multiple narratives and including overshadowed objects and marginalised histories in the museological narratives – promoting, therefore, eco-social justice, as well as expanding the the identity of the heritage object with an immaterial dimension.

This special issue intends to explore the connections between on one hand the principles of sociomuseology, which includes the immediate social reality into the museologic practice and on the other hand conceptual art practices that deal with a critical museology and inclussive heritage transmission.

The call is open to contributions from the fields of Museology, Art History and Artistic Studies, Anthropology, Education Sciences, Architecture and Design, Performance Studies, etc.

This Special Issue of Journal of Sociomuseology is part of Exploratory Research Project FCT 2022.04615.PTDC, funded by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, having Universidade Lusófona/ Lisbon – Portugal as host institution.

Special Issue Editors: Margarida Brito Alves (IHA, NOVA/FCSH, Lisbon) and Marta Jecu (CeiED, ULHT, Lisbon)

Journal of Sociomuseology is an open access online journal, issued twice-yearly, edited by the Department of Museology at the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies in Lisbon, Portugal. (ISSN 1646-3714). It was founded in 1993 and is the oldest and continuous Journal of Museology in Portuguese. Its priority objective is the publication of scientific papers in the specific area of Sociomuseology.

Indexing networks : SCOPUS; ERIH PLUS; DOAJ; MIAR; Latindex; REDIB

Please send your submssion to the following emails :,

Submission format:

1. Title / Name of the author
2. Keywords
3. Abstract
4. Indication about inclusion of visual material
5. Short Bio


The Journal publishes original articles in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Formal requirements for abstract and final article:

Font size: Times New Roman, 12; 1.5 Spacing. Citations over 4 lines - single spaced, with margins (4cm) to the left and right, in font size 11.
The notes should be at the end of the text (Times New Roman, 10, single-spaced). Final articles must have a minimum of 25,000 and maximum of 45,000 characters (with spaces), including text endnotes and references.


Abstract Submission Deadline : 30th June 2023
Abstract Selection and Communication of Results: 30th July 2023
Submission of Full Articles: 30th November 2023
Publication: 1st semester 2024

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