Gotha Manuscript Talks

Gotha Manuscript Talks

Gotha Research Library in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Konrad Hirschler (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg)
Webinar series (online)
Takes place
From - Until
04.10.2023 - 15.11.2023
Feras Krimsti, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Universität Erfurt

Organized by the Gotha Research Library in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Konrad Hirschler (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg)

Gotha Manuscript Talks

The Gotha Manuscript Talks are back, with new speakers! With this webinar series, the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt stimulates exchange on manuscript cultures across different disciplines and encourages conversations about oriental manuscripts between researchers and interested listeners.

The Gotha Research Library preserves the third largest collection of oriental manuscripts in Germany. Most of these 3.400 manuscripts were transferred to the Library in the early 1800s. They are relevant for all fields of knowledge and shed light on different aspects of a variety of manuscript cultures.

This fall, speakers discuss diverse topics, including scribal activities in Mamluk libraries, the creation of the illustrated manuscripts attributed to an Ottoman historian and courtier who flourished in the sixteenth century, manuscript trade in the first half of the twentieth century in Cairo, and the production of illuminated manuscripts under the Mamluks.


4 October 2023, 6:15pm CET
Kuttābīya, Kuttāb, Mukattibūn: Stocking Sultanic Libraries in Late Mamluk Cairo
Dr. Kristof D’hulster (Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Bonn)

18 October 2023, 6:15pm CET
Manuscripts Attributed to Matrakçı and the Dresden Drafts
Prof. Zeynep Yürekli (University of Oxford)

1 November 2023, 6:15pm CET
A Preliminary View of the Maktabat al-Khānjī Papers
Prof. Garrett A. Davidson (College of Charleston)

15 November 2023, 6:15pm CET
Illuminated Manuscripts in the Mamluk Sultanate: Making Processes and Contexts of Production
Dr. Adeline Laclau (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)

Contact (announcement)

Feras Krimsti (Curator of the Oriental Manuscript Collection, Gotha Research Library)
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