The circulation of ideas and practices regarding workplace democracy in Europe and beyond, from WWII to the present

The circulation of ideas and practices regarding workplace democracy in Europe and beyond, from WWII to the present

Aurélie Andry (University of Évry Paris-Saclay); Sophia Friedel (Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr-University Bochum)
University of Évry Paris Saclay, Library, 2 Rue André Lalande
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Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
28.09.2023 - 29.09.2023
Sophia Friedel, Institut für Soziale Bewegungen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

This conference aims to explore the circulations of ideas and practices of workplace democracy on a European and global scale from WWII to the present. We are particularly interested in transnational and comparative studies that examine the role of trade unions and academic circles in such circulations, but we also invite contributions looking at the role of other actors (scholars, intellectuals, journalists; political actors, parties and networks; governmental actors; NGOs and employers.

The circulation of ideas and practices regarding workplace democracy in Europe and beyond, from WWII to the present

Throughout the 20th century, workplace democracy has been a vibrant idea that encompassed a broad spectrum of meanings – from workers’ self-management to collective bargaining, from co-determination to wage-earner funds – and extended to different levels – from shop-floor to enterprise, industry, national and transnational economic level. It has fostered countless labour struggles, concrete management experiences and policy proposals in Europe, especially since the Second World War: one can think of workers’ councils during and after the war, the laws introducing “Mitbestimmung” in West Germany from the 1950s onwards, the workers’ occupation of the LIP factory in France in 1973, the Meidner Plan to socialise capital through collective wage funds in the 1970s in Sweden, or the introduction of European Works Councils by the European Union in 1994. Two ‘models’ of workplace democracy are usually considered to have been the most widely discussed in postwar Europe: the French model of ‘autogestion’, particularly influenced by the Yugoslav experience of self-management (Georgi 2018), and the German model of co-determination. The idea, however, seems to have lost ground from the 1980s onwards; today, hierarchical forms of organisation remain dominant in the private and public economic landscape, and workplace democracy commands only scant attention in the media and in public life.

In recent years there are signs that the theme of workplace democracy is getting new traction, at least in academia. A wide array of new publications appears in many different disciplines such as political theory (Anderson 2017, Singer 2018), social and political science (Landemore and Ferreras 2016), legal theory (Ackerman 2017, Ciepley 2013), economy (Mellizo 2017, Dow 2019), management (Wilkinson 2010; Grandori 2020), work psychology (Unterreiner et al. 2011) and history (Berger et al. 2019; Azzellini and Ness 2011). Last year, a ‘Global Forum on Democratizing Work’ gathered together hundreds of scholars from around the world. Except for some rare exceptions (Georgi 2018, Zaccaria 2018), however, few historical works address the history of workplace democracy from a transnational or global perspective.

This conference therefore aims to explore the circulations of ideas and practices of workplace democracy on a European and global scale from WWII to the present. We are particularly interested in transnational and comparative studies that examine the role of trade unions and academic circles in such circulations, but we also invite contributions looking at the role of other actors (scholars, intellectuals, journalists; political actors, parties and networks; governmental actors; NGOs; employers’ federations and business actors; international organisations; etc.). The main research questions that we want to ask are:

How did the circulation of ideas across countries shape different actors’ positions concerning workplace democracy? Besides “autogestion” and “Mitbestimmung”, what other models of workplace democracy were debated and transferred across national borders, in Europe and beyond? How did trade-union and other actors’ discourses take academic production into account, and vice versa? How and through which channels did ideas of workplace democracy circulate, how did influences occur (exchanges, study trips, the organisation of conferences, symposiums, the publication of books, pamphlets, etc.)? Which individuals and institutions played the most important role in the circulation of ideas? How did co-determination, self-management or other “models” influence discussions, proposals and concrete measures regarding workplace democracy at the European or international levels, such as the European Works Councils?


Thursday, 28 September

World of welcome

Panel 1: A dominant but contested model in Europe: Co-determiation
Chair: Stefan Berger (Institute for Social Movements, RUB, Bochum)

Sophia Friedel (Institute for Social Movements, RUB, Bochum): German “Mitbestimmung” as the ultimate means to democratize the workplace in Western Europe? A discourse analysis

Alexandre Bibert (DHI, Paris): French Views on “Mitbestimmung” from the 1950s to the 1970s

Sara Lafuente HErnandez (ETUI, Brussels): The conceptual discussion around Workplace Participation and its implications for EU policy developments

Keynote Lecture by Gerd-Rainer Horn (SciencePo Centre for History, Paris): Transnational history and workplace democracy

Panel 2: The circulation and persistence of the self-management model
Chair: Frank Georgi (University of Évry Paris-Saclay)

Céline Marty (University of Franche-Comté): The Franco-Italian exchanges on self-management between Gorz and the operates

Dusan Markovic (University of Belgrade): Serge Mallet in Yugoslavia: A story of an exchange of ideas

Guillaume Genoud (University of Évry Paris-Saclay): Regionalism, nationalism and self-management: The case of the Corsican trade-unionists of the CFDT and of the STC (1972–1991)

Panel 3: Alternative models of workplace democracy? The British and “Nordic” cases in transnational perspective
Chair: Sophia Friedel (Institute for Social Movements, RUB, Bochum)

Peter Ackers (Centre for Work, Organization and Society, Loughborough University): Hugh Clegg – the British Voluntarist approach to Industrial Democracy (1945 to 1979)

Rebecca Zahn (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow): Revealing the Role of Ideas in Labour Law's Development: Interactions between German exiled Trade Unionists and the British labour movement

Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Friday, 29 September 2023

Panel 4: Economic democracy and socialism
Chair: Pedro Teixeira (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)

Vladimir Unkovski (University of Glasgow) and Aurélie Andry (University of Évry Paris-Saclay): Yugoslav Self-Management, the British Left and the Origins of the Alternative Economic Strategy

Vaclav Rames (University of Prague): Czechoslovakia – How practices of economic democracy helped remove the political dominance of the Communist Party (1989)

Panel 5: Ideas and policies of workplace democracy in European institutions and International Organizations
Chair: György Szell (University of Osnabrück, Institute of Social Sciences)

Isabel Da Costa (CNRS/ENS Paris-Saclay): Workplace Democracy through Collective Bargaining: from the national to the transnational level

Holm-Detlev Köhler (University of Oviedo): Worker participation in transnational company actions in Europe

Charles Lurquin (McGill University, Montreal): The ILOs approach to Workplace Democracy

Panel 6: Global circulations beyond Europe
Chair: Manfred Wannöffel (Joint Working Centre of the Ruhr-University Bochum and IG Metall)

Benedetto Zaccaria (University of Padova): Srajevo Caput Mundi – The Global Dimension of the 1971 “Second Congress of Yugoslav Self-Managers”

Gabriela Scodeller (Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences (Argentina) and National University of Cuyo): Dialogues regarding self-management search and reception from a Latin-American labour organization during the long sixties

Nicola Lamri (University of Bologna / University of Polytechnique Hauts-de-France): The Italian reception of the Algerian self-management experiment between myth and concrete support (1962–1965)

Roundtable Discussion
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