Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age

Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age

Toronto, CA (SSHA)
M5J1 E3
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
31.10.2024 - 03.11.2024
Dominique Grisard, Zentrum Gender Studies, Universität Basel

The Women, Gender & Sexuality Network of the SSHA calls for papers and panels for the 50th annual meeting of the Social Science History Association in Toronto CA from Oct. 31- Nov. 3, 2024.

Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age

The Women, Gender and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association calls for papers and panels for the 50th annual meeting in Toronto, CA from Oct. 31 -Nov. 3, 2024.

This year's theme is "Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age" but all Social Science History themes from a gender and sexuality perspective welcome.

50th SSHA in Toronto 2024
31 October – 3 November 2024

Submission Deadline: 23 February 2024

Official CfP “Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age”:

Call for WGS panels and critics:

Halloween: creepy, scary, sexy?
Evil clowns can be creepy, witches can be scary, but Halloween can also be sexy. In this panel we are looking for papers with sex/gender/queer perspectives on Halloween. Your contribution can be about nearly anything - costumes, histories, data, media representation, fantasies and more - as long as the audience is getting goosebumps.

Possible panel themes:
- 50 years of SSHA: Looking back at how Women Gender and Sexuality Studies evolved at SSHA and beyond, and at how WGS scholarship has been repeatedly challenged from within.
- Perceptions of women in seminal literary works (current to 50 years ago, with focus on different geographical areas).
- Revisiting digital humanities (e.g. born digital histories of women in the Red Power movement).
- Halloween related themes, e.g. histories of witchcraft, witches in popular culture, burning witches’ tropes, Walpurgis Night, Baba Yaga, The Little Witch by Otfried Preussler, esoterisms; gender and queer histories of costumes and dressing up and/as gender, etc.).
- Gender relations in visual and performing arts institutions (e.g. gender relations behind and on the stage of the theater).
- Cultural & science histories of the body or body parts: breast? vulva? hymen?
- Sexualities

Possible roundtable themes:
- Trust and distrust in digital sources in Women, Gender and Sexuality studies.
- Similarities and Differences of “Anti-Intellectual”, “Ani-Gender”, “Anti-Critical-Race”, “Anti-Postcolonial”, “Anti-Woke” and “Cancel Culture”-debates and movements in Europe, North America and beyond.

How to submit:
- We encourage you to organize a full panel (3-4 papers, optional discussant), but individual papers will be accepted as well. You may also submit “Author meets Critics”-sessions or roundtables.
- Send paper abstracts to network representatives or submit directly to conference. If you submit a panel, we need a panel title, names, affiliation and email of authors, abstracts of each planned paper as well as the names of discussants and chairs.
- We are happy to help you find/contact scholars as authors, discussants and chairs.

Please reach out to the WGS network chairs:
Jadwiga, Martin, and Dominique

Contact (announcement)

Women, Gender and Sexuality Network representatives (
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