Biological Stations around 1900

Biological Stations around 1900: Organisational Forms, Practices and Paradigms of ‘Localized Internationality’

Fabio De Sio (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany) Heiner Fangerau (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany) Johannes Feichtinger (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Ignaz-Lieben-Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria) Karen Kastenhofer (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Ignaz-Lieben-Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria) Wolfgang L. Reiter (University of Vienna, Austria; Ignaz-Lieben-Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria) (Ignaz Lieben Society Vienna)
Ignaz Lieben Society Vienna
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
04.04.2024 - 05.04.2024
Johannes Feichtinger, Institut für Kulturwissenschaften, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Around 1900, biological field stations were founded all over Europe, including the Habsburg Monarchy. The aim of this conference is to gain a better understanding of the individual stations and their role as local hubs in the production and international circulation of biological knowledge. Following a comparative approach, the interrelationship between organizational models, institutional practices, scientific significance and forms of internationality will be discussed.

Biological Stations around 1900: Organisational Forms, Practices and Paradigms of ‘Localized Internationality’

The aim of this conference is to gain a better understanding of the biological field stations and their role as local hubs in the production and international circulation of biological knowledge. Following a comparative approach, the interrelationship between organizational models, institutional practices, scientific significance and forms of internationality will be discussed - not least against the background of today's modes of global knowledge production.


Programme 04.04.2024

14:00 Welcome - Mitchell G. Ash, Heiner Fangerau
14:15 Introduction - Karen Kastenhofer
14:45 The organisational role model: Naples (chair: Karen Kastenhofer)
Katharina Steiner: Science from Below? Knowledge Production at the Naples Zoological Station 1880-1913
Fabio De Sio, Heiner Fangerau: “The peer and leader of them all“. Scientific mission and internationality of the Naples Zoological Station after World War I

16:00 Break
16:30 Northern Adriatic Sea: Trieste, Chioggia, Rovinj (chair: Wolfgang L. Reiter)
Gerhard Aubrecht, Josef Dalla Via, Fritz Schiemer, Verena Stagl, Manfred Walzl: K.k. Zoologische Station Triest 1875 until 1915 – history of foundation, management, research and co-operations
Johannes Mattes: State- and/or privately-run research? The Natural Scientific Adriatic Society in Vienna, (inter)nationalism and research vessels in the Austrian Littoral, 1900–1914
Elena Canadelli: Biological stations and the study of marine life: Umberto D'Ancona and the Hydrobiological Station of Chioggia (1940–1964)
18:30 Break
19:00 Keynote (chair: Johannes Feichtinger)
Pam Ballinger: Who owns science? Transnational entanglements in marine science and the case of the Rovinj Biological Station, 1891-1930

Programme 05.04.2024

09:00 Northern Sea: Kristineberg and Helgoland (chair: Heiner Fangerau)
Frankie Ekerholm: Domesticating science by the sea: social and organizational aspects of the Kristineberg Zoological Station, 1877-1892
Christian Salewski: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Biologischen Forschungsstationen um die Jahrhundertwende am Beispiel der Königlich Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland (1892-1918)
10:15 Break
10:45 Northern Sea and Atlantic Ocean, White Sea and Barents Sea (chair: Karen Kastenhofer)
Marion Maisonobe, Niki Vermeulen: Connecting marine observatories: the Station Biologique de Roscoff and the Scottish Marine Station for Scientific Research
Julia Lajus, Erki Tammiksaar: Marine biological stations on the Northern Seas of the Russian Empire
12:00 Lunch break
13:30 Experimental stations and limnological stations in Austria, Switzerland and Sweden (chair: Fabio De Sio)
Klaus Taschwer: Die Biologische Versuchsanstalt in Wien: Zu einigen Besonderheiten einer ungewöhnlichen Forschungseinrichtung
Astrid Schwarz: Claiming the lake as a laboratory in the field: experimental aquatic research in Switzerland and Sweden
Thomas Mayer: Süßwasserwissen. Die Anfänge der Biologischen Station Lunz
15:30 Break
16:00 Concluding panel facilitated by Carola Sachse
17:00 Outlook and farewell

Conference language: German and English

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