INOGS-Genocide Conference in Buenos Aires

INOGS-Genocide Conference in Buenos Aires

Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Prof. Dr. Feiserstein, in cooperation with the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INOGS) and the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – Universidad de Buenos Aires
Tres de Febrero National University (UNTREF)
Buenos Aires
From - Until
20.11.2007 -
Juergen Zimmerer, Historisches Seminar, Universität Hamburg

We are pleased to announce that the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INOGS) is co-sponsoring with the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires a major international conference in Argentina next year. May I draw your attention to the cfp below. I hope many of you will seize the opportunity to come to South America and support this major step towards the development of Transnational Genocide Studies. Please distribute this cfp as widely as possible. A Spanish version of this cfp will be available shortly on our webpage, which has been relaunched recently (www.

Best wishes,

Jürgen Zimmerer,

President, INOGS



“From Europe to Latin America and Beyond:
The Continuity of Genocidal Social Practices”

November 20-22, 2007

Tres de Febrero National University (UNTREF) – Postgraduate Studies Site – Centro Cultural Borges– Galerías Pacífico – Viamonte 525, 3rd Floor –
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Though genocide has an ancient history, the role of annihilation in modern times has acquired a special character, transforming itself in a tool of social control used to discipline populations and to transform social relationships.
Genocide has been a regular feature of the classical, early-modern, and colonial eras, culminating in the modern period with the destruction of the Armenians in World War One, and the multifaceted genocidal campaigns of the Nazis during World War Two. These and other genocides have found a strong echo in the repressive experiences of Latin America, as exemplified by the cases of Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and El Salvador, among others.
However, genocidal social practices in the Latin American region have scarcely been dealt with in genocide studies. Certainly, they have not been systematically connected to previous European experiences of genocide or to the experiences of war and postcolonial counterinsurgency in Indochina and Algeria, for example.
The First International Meeting “On Genocidal Social Practices”, held in Buenos Aires in November 2003, was the first opportunity for Argentine, Chilean, Mexican and other Latin American researchers to establish contact with the field of genocide studies. Some of the products of this gathering were published in English in a special issue of the Journal of Genocide Research, 8:2, June 2006 and in Spanish in the book Genocidio. La administracion de la muerte en la modernidad (Genocide. Death administration in Modernity), published by UNTREF University in 2005.
The goal of this second meeting is to bring together researchers from different continents to explore the continuities and differences of genocidal social practices in different regions.

Academic Director of the Meeting:
Daniel Feierstein (
Director Center of Genocide Studies
(National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina)

Organizing Academic Committee:

Marcia Esparza (John Jay College, City University of New York)
Henry Huttenbach (The City College, City University of New York)
Adam Jones (Genocide Studies Program, Yale University)
Guillermo Levy (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Eric Markusen (Southwest Minnesota State University & Danish Institute for International Studies)
Hamurabi Noufouri (UNTREF / UBA)
Luis Roniger (Wake Forest University)
Juergen Zimmerer (University of Sheffield)

Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

INOGS (International Network of Genocide Scholars)
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – Universidad de Buenos Aires

Topics for Roundtables discussions:

1) The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and its Debates: The Struggle against Impunity. (Coord.: Feierstein / Markusen)
2) Colonialism and Genocidal Social Practices. (Coord.: Huttenbach / Levy)
3) Genocidal Social Practices in the 20th Century. (Coord.: Jones)
4) Preventing Genocide in the 21st Century: Major Risks and Early Warning Mechanisms. (Coord.: Huttenbach / Markusen)
5) Political Mass Violence and Genocide in Latin America. (Coord.: Feierstein / Roniger)
6) Ways of “Symbolic Achievement” of Genocide: Genocidal Social Practices and Narration. (Coord.: Feierstein / Levy)
7) Genocide and Structural/Institutional Violence (Coord.: Jones / Noufouri)
8) Processes of Resistance to Genocidal Social Practices. (Coord.: Levy / Esparza)
9) Aftermath and Long-Term Repercussions of the Genocidal Social Practices. (Coord.: Jones / Esparza)

Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 30, 2007
Deadline for submission of papers: October 15, 2007

Registration fee for Argentine presenters and attendees: $ 120.-
Graduates, professors and students from Argentine National Universities: $ 60.-
Registration fee for foreign presenters and attendees: U$S 150.-
(The foreign registration fee includes the Meeting’s materials, Conference meals, a CD with the expositions and papers, and the attendance certificate.)

For information and registration, send e-mail to

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