Genocide Denial in Legal and Public Discourse

Genocide Denial in Legal and Public Discourse

Karman Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities und Historisches Institut der Universität Bern
Hauptgebäude, Kuppelsaal
Vom - Bis
13.06.2007 - 14.06.2007
Jenny Tillmanns

On 13–14 June a group of young scholars from the Karman Center of Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Berne will hold an international, interdisciplinary workshop on the denial of genocide in legal and public discourse.

The motive for the workshop is based on the question; if the denial of genocide ought to be considered a criminal act or not. This examination is set against the background of an ongoing debate driven by the schism between the claim for freedom of speech versus the protection of the victims of mass violence and their descendants. This workshop attempts to give a forum to an open discussion, where young scholars from various backgrounds will get an opportunity to discuss different perspectives and approaches to a contested issue.

The workshop is organised in cooperation between three Karman Center projects and the Historical Institute by Jenny Tillmanns, N. Bibile, Nora A. Escherle, and Gabriela A. Frei. The organisers wish to thank Dominik J. Schaller for his valuable contribution.

The grant for the workshop was awarded by the MVUB (Mittelbauvereinigung der Universität Bern).

The workshop takes place in the University Main Building, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern.


University Main Building, Kuppelsaal (501)

13:00 Opening: Jenny Tillmanns, Bern

13:30 Panel 1: Historical Injustice as a Matter for Jurisdiction
Moderation: Luise Müller, Bern, Historical Institut

Dominik J. Schaller, Bern, Karman Center
Genocide and Denial – A Theoretical Introduction

Lutz Fiedler, Leipzig, Simon-Dubnow-Institut
From the Minority Question to the Genocide Convention –
The Case of Raphael Lemkin

Gabriela A. Frei, Bern, Historical Institute
Historians as Judges and Judges as Historians: The Process of Maurice
Papon and French Historiography

15:00 Break

15:30 Panel 2: Freedom of Opinion and Dignity of Victims
Moderation: Pranay Sanklecha, Bern, Institute of Philosophy

Jenny Tillmanns, Bern, Karman Center
A Challenge to Ethics: The Struggle between Values and the
Need to Maintain Differences

Christian Gudehus, Essen, Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research
Is it Possible to Negotiate “Historical Truth“?

Nora A. Escherle, Bern, Karman Center
The Holocaust in Indian Literature:
The Judgement of Germany's Past in Vikram Seth's biography Two Lives

University Main Building, Room 201

18:00 Public Lecture
Introduction: N. Bibile, Bern

Prof. Marcel Niggli, Fribourg
Geschichte, Recht und Politik –
Völkermord, Völkermord-Leugnung und die rechtliche Reaktion (in German)

University Main Building, Kuppelsaal (501)

9:30 Panel 3: Genocide Denial in Practice
Moderation: Mathias Gsponer, Bern/
Brig: Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz

Hervé Georgelin, Bern, Karman Center
The Denial of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey

Cathie Carmichael, Norwich, University of East Anglia
Genocidal Rhetoric in Serbian Nationalist Discourse

Philipp von Wussow, Leipzig, Simon-Dubnow-Institut
The Denial of the Holocaust in Iran

N. Bibile, Bern
Wherefore was the Cry? – Providing a Voice to the Survivor in Sri Lanka

11:30 Break

12:00 Panel 4: Genocide Denial in Legal Practise
Moderation: Sandra Matteotti, Bern

Rupen Boyadjian, Zurich, former co-president of the
Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien (GSA),
Denial of the Armenian Genocide:
The Lawsuits in Berne 2001 and Lausanne 2007

Frank Haldemann, Pretoria, Centre for Human Rights
Drawing the Line: Amnesty, Truth Commissions and Collective Denial

Jürg-Sven Scheidegger, Bern, Faculty of Theology
Wolfram Kistner – A Theological Approach to Justice and Reconciliation

13:30 Lunch

14:30 Final Discussion
Moderation: Gabriela A. Frei, Bern
N. Bibile, Bern
Daniel Ganzfried, Zürich
Regula Ludi, Bern
Barbara Reiter, Bern
Dominik J. Schaller, Bern
