Testimony and survival

Stefan Kristensen; Emmanuel Alloa
International Red Cross Museum
From - Until
28.04.2010 - 01.05.2010
Emmanuel Alloa

Like no other, the 20th Century is characterized by the experience of genocide and mass murder. Those events have imprinted a deep mark on the history of humanity but have also given rise to a new reflection aiming at understanding the experience of mass extermination. What then does it mean to be the target of a plan to exterminate the group one belongs to? What it the condition of the survivor to such an event? Who is able to listen to his testimony? Is it possible to prove such an experience? To what does one bear witness to when undergoing the experience of ultimately subjection? Between specific perspectives and philosophical reflection, between singularity and epochality, the conference aims at delineating the both aporetical and inescapable figure of the witness in the age of survival.


Wednesday 28th of April 2010

6 pm Welcome
Welcome speech by Roger Mayou, Director of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum
Introduction by Emmanuel Alloa and Stefan Kristensen, organizers

6.30 pm_Inaugural conference
Geoffrey Hartmann (Yale): Holocaust Testimony in the Age of Genocides

Thursday 29th of April 2010

9.30 am -1 pm_ Testimony in history
Sigrid Weigel (Berlin) Testis. Between afterlife and survival
Catherine Coquio (Paris / Poitiers) Le témoignage comme utopie d’époque
Hülya Adak (Istanbul) «Collective Mourning » in Turkish Sources : The «Archive » of Testimonies and Fiction
Moderator David Collin

2.30 pm - 5.30 pm The condition of the survivor
Ayse Gül Altinay (Istanbul) Who is a survivor in a genocide ? The Gendered Silencing of Islamized Armenian Survivors in Turkey
Janine Altounian (Paris) Exhumer une trace, faire entendre une voix requiert plusieurs générations
Alexandre Dauge-Roth (Bates College, USA) La rencontre testimoniale ou le devoir d’hospitalité et d’interruption face à l’ob-scène
Moderator Philippe Macasdar

6.15 pm Conference
Marc Nichanian (New York / Istanbul) La mort du témoin

Friday April 30th 2010
1 pm projection of «Un vivant qui passe » by Claude Lanzmann (1997, 65min)

2.30-5.30 pm Images in spite of all. Confronting disappearance in art
Marie-José Mondzain (Paris) Sur «Un vivant qui passe » de Claude Lanzmann
Soko Phay-Vakalis (Paris) Vann Nath et les fantômes de S21. Le Cambodge face à l’absence d’images
Marie-Aude Baronian (Amsterdam) Image et immémorial
Moderator Emmanuel Alloa

6.15 pm Conference
Georges Didi-Huberman (Paris) Quand l’humilié regarde l’humilié

Saturday May 1st 2010

9.30-12.30 am_ Ethics of witnessing
Pascal Delhom (Flensburg) Les exigences du témoignage
Régine Waintrater (Paris) La fonction de la créativité dans l’élaboration du traumatisme extrême
Jean-Philippe Pierron (Lyon) La dimension figurative du témoignage : de la poétique à l’éthique
Robert Harvey (Stony Brook) Witnessness and Vicariousness : the Ethics of Speaking for Another

Moderator Stefan Kristensen

Contact (announcement)

Dr. Stefan Kristensen

Département de philosophie, Université de GenÈve
2, rue de Candolle, CH-1211 Genève 4
stefan.kristensen [at] lettres.unige.ch

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English, French
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