European Muslims' Perceptions of the Holocaust. International Symposium

European Muslims' Perceptions of the Holocaust. International Symposium

IIBSA (International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism), Germany/UK; GSRL (Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités), France; Mémorial de la Shoah, France; NIOD (Netherlands Institute for War Documentation), The Netherlands
From - Until
02.06.2010 - 04.06.2010
Kim Robin Stoller, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie

The symposium explores contemporary perceptions of European Muslims of the Holocaust. What knowledge do European Muslims have about the Holocaust and how do they see it? How do Muslims participate in Holocaust commemorations and which approaches and cooperations have been successful in integrating Muslim communities in participating? Scholars, experts and educators from a number of European countries will discuss these issues from their perspective.

Relevant results from two exploratory studies on the issue by the GSRL/CNRS and by the IIBSA will also be presented. Experts are invited to discuss the perception of the Holocaust in Muslim countries such as Morocco, Turkey and Arab countries in general.

Additionally, approaches of Holocaust Education for European Muslims are discussed by practitioners in the field. The Colloquium brings together scholars, educational experts on the issue and activists in the field and explores areas for further research.

We invite scholars and educators for an open discussion. There is no conference fee.

The symposium will be held in English and French (simultaneous translation).

For registration please contact Danielle Breseghello:
Please indicate your name and affiliation and the dates you want to participate. The Mémorial also offers a guided tour on 2 June at 2pm (in English). Please indicate if you want to participate.

The opening session is on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 at the Mémorial de la Shoah, 17, rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier (

The sessions on Thursday and Friday, 3 - 4 June 2010, will be at the GSRL, 59-61 rue Pouchet Paris, near “Brochant” tube station or “Guy Môquet" bus stop.

Accommodation: we suggest to look for a hotel near Place Clichy.


International Symposium
European Muslims' Perceptions of the Holocaust

2 - 4 June 2010, Paris


Wednesday, 2 June - Mémorial de la Shoah, 17, rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier, Paris

4.00 pm Welcome Address and Opening
Karel Fracapane (Mémorial de la Shoah, France)
Gunther Jikeli (IIBSA, UK/Germany)

4.20 pm Keynote Georges Bensoussan (Mémorial de la Shoah, France): History and Memory of the Holocaust in Europe

5.30 - 7.15 pm Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe (round table)
Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun (GSRL/CNRS, France): Chair
Juliane Wetzel (Center for Research on Antisemitism, Germany): Antisemitism and Holocaust Remembrance
Evelien Gans (NIOD, Netherlands): "Hamas, Hamas all Jews to the gas.” The Holocaust and the Paradox of Muslim Integration
Philip Spencer (Kingston University London, UK): Antisemitism and the Politics of Holocaust Memorial Day

7.30 pm Reception

Thursday, 3 June - GSRL/CNRS ( 59-61 rue Pouchet, Paris)

9.00 am Welcome: Gunther Jikeli (IIBSA, UK/Germany) and Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun (GSRL/CNRS, France)

9.10 am Introduction: Philippe Portier (GSRL/CNRS, France): Reflections on the Perceptions of the Holocaust

9.40 am – 12.30 pm Perceptions of the Holocaust in Muslim countries
Pierre-Jean Luizard (GSRL/CNRS, France): Chair
Esther Webman (Tel Aviv University, Israel): Perceptions of the Holocaust in Arab Countries
Rifat Bali (Alberto Benveniste Center, Turkey/France): Perceptions of the Holocaust in Turkey
Mohamed Mouha (Mémoire Collective, Morocco): Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial in the Context of Migration and Maghrebian Countries
Abdellah Benhassi (Center South For Dialogue and Citizenship, Morocco): The Image of Jews and the Holocaust in Moroccan Schoolbooks

2.00 – 3.30 pm Muslim organisations and Holocaust remembrance
Vincent Vilmain (GSRL/CNRS, France): Chair
Mike Whine (CST, UK): Participation of European Muslim Organizations in Holocaust Commemorations
Jean-Yves Camus (IRIS, France): Muslim-Nazi Collaboration Before and During World War II in the Discourse of the Contemporary Extreme-Right
Shimon Samuels (SWC, France/Europe): Islamophobic and Islamist Holocaust Denial Websites - Common Ground for Counteraction?

4.00 – 6.00 pm Strategies of Holocaust Education I
Robin Stoller (IIBSA, Germany): Chair
Abraham Radkin (Aladdin Project, France): The Impact of the Aladdin Project in Europe
Fiyaz Mughal (Faith Matters, UK): Making the Holocaust Relevant for Muslims in the UK
Mark Gardner (CST, UK): Importance of Holocaust Commemoration of Muslim Leaders in UK
Mohamed El Khamlichi (Human Rights Center for Research and Education, Morocco): The Holocaust and the Human Rights Discourse in Morocco

6.15 – 7.30 pm Film Francine Disegni (film director, France): Memory of Children (French with English subtitles)

Friday, 4 June - GSRL/CNRS ( 59-61 rue Pouchet, Paris)

9.00 - 9.30 am Local History of Muslims and the Holocaust
Jean Laloum (GSRL/CNRS, France): Chair
Ethan Katz (University of Cincinnati, USA): The Paris Mosque and Jews During the Shoah: A Mystery and Its Memory

9.45 – 10.45 am Strategies of Holocaust Education II
Karen Pollock (HET, UK): Holocaust Education: Universal Lessons in a Multi-Cultural Society
Monique Eckmann (HES-SO, Switzerland): History and Memory of the Other: an Experimental Encounter-Program with Israeli Jews and Palestinians from Israel

11.00 am - 1.00 pm Holocaust Education and young Muslims
Samia Essabaa (author, France): Chair
Mehmet Can and Karoline Georg (KIgA, Germany): Does the German Educational Approach of Holocaust Education Work for Young Muslims?
Karen Polak (Anne Frank House, Netherlands): Teaching the Holocaust in Divers Classrooms in the Netherlands
Iannis Roder (Mémorial de la Shoah, France): Holocaust Education and Young Muslims in France
Daniel Kauffmann (AJC Berlin, Germany): Integrative Educational Concepts of the AJC Berlin for Holocaust Education and against Antisemitism

2.30 - 4.00 pm Results from qualitative studies
Claude Proeschel (GSRL/CNRS, France): Chair
Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun (GSRL/CNRS, France): Perceptions of the Holocaust Among Youths (15-20 years old) in Paris and Suburbs
Gunther Jikeli (IIBSA, UK/Germany): Muslims' Perceptions of the Holocaust in Berlin, Paris and London

4.15 - 5.30 pm Conclusions: Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun
Tasks for future research: Gunther Jikeli and joint discussion

Contact (announcement)

Robin Stoller

Lohmühlenstraße 65, D-12435 Berlin

+49 (0)30 675 118 56