Climate Change: Global Scenarios and Local Experiences

Climate Change: Global Scenarios and Local Experiences

Heike Greschke / Julia Tischler, University of Bielefeld; Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) Bielefeld
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF)
Vom - Bis
24.10.2011 - 25.10.2011
Heike Greschke, Julia Tischler

Climate change is indisputably a topic of great social relevance. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, severe storms and floods cause enormous (social) costs and attract media attention, pressurising scientific, economic and political actors to make unambiguous statements and take action. While present evaluations and forecasts largely rely on research concerning the physical dimensions of climate change, its social consequences, cultural interpretations and local coping strategies cannot simply be derived from natural scientific methods. Therefore, the conference “Climate Change: Global Scenarios and Local Experiences” seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum for research initiatives which deal with case studies and help to build up a thorough empirical basis concerning the socio-cultural implications of climate change.

Interdisciplinary climate research faces a range of unsolved theoretical problems. Climate change denotes a global phenomenon defined by abstract natural scientific concepts, while its socio-cultural implications, interpretations and coping strategies are locally situated. This conference addresses the following questions: How do we study a phenomenon which is in itself not directly perceptible in everyday life? What does climate change mean – does it even mean anything – in a specific local context? How is knowledge about climate change produced and translated into specific life-words? In which ways does climate change impact on everyday life? How can fresh insights into the cultural pluralism of climate change feed back into (natural) scientific forecasts and models about global climate change? Can mediating concepts, such as for instance “glocalization”, be made fruitful for investigating into these global-local interrelations?

For the full programme, please consult our conference website:

A limited number of places are open to the public at a contribution of 30 € to cover meals. For registration please write an email to Ms Trixi Valentin (trixi.valentin[at], who will provide further information.

Please note that this is a bilingual conference; presentations and discussions will be held in English and German. English abstracts of all papers will be made available in due time on the conference website (see above).

Dr. Heike Greschke and Julia Tischler (University of Bielefeld)
Junior Research Group KlimaWelten (ClimateWorlds)
Bielefeld University
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Postbox 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 521 - 106-67331
Email: klimawelten[at]


Monday, 24.10.2011

until 10:15

Welcome note of the ZiF and introductory remarks

I. Different knowledge forms and interpretations of climate change

Keynote: Peter Schweitzer (Fairbanks, AK): Climate change as a social phenomenon: Remarks about local conversations and global discourses

a) Climate change as first-order scientific construct (mixed German/English panel)

Christoph Küffer (Zurich): How do ecologists translate global climate change scenarios into local predictions of ecosystem change?

Martin Bauch (Darmstadt): Historische Klimafolgenforschung für das Mittelalter am Beispiel der Kuwae-Eruption im 15. Jahrhundert

Comment: Werner Krauss (Geesthacht)


13:15-14:30 Lunch

b) Climate cultures: Climate change as a ‘glocal’ human-environment experience (panel in English)

Kirsten Hastrup (Copenhagen): Configuring climate change: Entanglement in the High Arctic

Claudia Grill (Bielefeld): Endangered animals, endangered communities? Human-animal relations and climate change in the Sub Arctic

Shaozeng Zhang (Irvine): Valuing the Amazon Forest through carbon markets

Comment: Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (Bielefeld) and Peter Schweitzer (Fairbanks, AK)


16:30-17:00 Coffee break

c) ‘(Western-)scientific’ concepts versus culturally specific, local interpretations of climate change – fields of tension? (mixed German/English panel)

Jelena Adeli (Bielefeld): Versiegende Ressourcen: der Umgang mit Sand und Meeresschildkröten auf Kap Verde

Martin Doevenspeck & Clemens Romankiewicz (Bayreuth): Climate and mobility in the West African Sahel: Conceptualizing the local dimensions of the environment and migration nexus

Kristina Dietz (Berlin): Demokratie und Naturverhältnisse im Klimawandel: Sozialökologische und politische Dimensionen von Vulnerabilität in Nicaragua und Tansania Comment: Heike Drotbohm (Freiburg) and Jeanette Schade (Bielefeld)


19:00 Dinner at the ZiF

20.30 Book presentation "Die Ära der Ökologie", Joachim Radkau

Tuesday, 25.10.2011

II. Forming society in the light of climate change

9:00 - 9:45
Introductory paper: Frank Uekötter (Munich)

9:45 – 11:45
a) Governing Global Climate Change: Towards glocalised climate policies? (panel in English)

Susan Crate (Fairfax, VA): Towards seeing the big picture and the finer details: Exchanging local and scientific knowledge to bolster adaptive response and inform policy in Northeastern Siberia

Silja Klepp (Bremen): Climate change and mobility – legal discourses and possible solutions for environmental migration in the Pacific region

Fritz Reusswig & Lutz Meyer-Ohlendorf (Potsdam): Saving the world in Potsdam, Hyderabad and Masdar. Local climate policies in heterogeneous social contexts

Comment: Claus Leggewie (Essen) and N.N.


11:45 -12:30
Postersession I

12:30 -13:30 Lunch

Postersession II

3. Climate change as second-order scientific construct: Methodological reflections (mixed German/English panel)

Sophie Elixhauser & Katrin Vogel (Augsburg): The making of climate places: Ein theoretischer und methodischer Ansatz zur Untersuchung der lokalen Wahrnehmung von Klimawandel

Friederike Gesing (Bremen): Working with Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand: Eine Ethnographie emergenter Küstenschutzmaßnahmen im Kontext des Klimawandels

Heike Greschke (Bielefeld): Kommentar zum methodologischen Rahmen der Junior Research Group Klimawelten

Comment: Gabriela Christmann (Erkner) und Monika Büscher (Lancaster)


16:15 -17:00
Jörg Bergmann (Bielefeld): Globaler Klimawandel als sozialwissenschaftliches Konstrukt zweiter Ordnung – zusammenfassende methodologische Überlegungen


- Annika Arnold (Stuttgart): Developing communities of fate against the background of climate induced threats
- Rupsha Bannerjee (Bologna): Local perceptions on climate change and adaptive capacities: Lessons learnt from villages in the semi-arid tropics of India
- Anne Bundschuh & Andrea Knierim (Müncheberg): Zum Umgang mit Unsicherheit im Innovationsnetzwerk Klimaanpassung Brandenburg Berlin (INKA BB)
- Arne Harms (Berlin): Schrumpfungen, Brüche, Verluste: Zum Elend des Klimawandels im indischen Gangesdelta
- Ulrike Heine (Gießen): Fotografische Bildwelten des Klimawandels – lokale Visionen und globale Verdichtungen
- Robert Lindner (Duisburg-Essen/Bielefeld): The opportunity in the disaster. Energy shift, ecological lifestyles and the Japanese environmental movement
- Oliver Powalla (Berlin): Gefahr als integrierte Wirklichkeit. Über das Netz aus Empirie, Simulation, Subjektivität und Politik in der Klimaforschung
- Linnéa Rowlatt (Ottawa): The Role of Climate Changes in the Protestant Reformation
- Julia Schleisiek (Bielefeld): Mediale Wissensproduktion und -vermittlung zum Klimawandel – Public Media in der San Francisco Bay Area
- Andreas Schmidt (Hamburg): Mediale Konstruktionen von Klimagerechtigkeit – ein internationaler Vergleich
- Lea Schmitt (Duisburg-Essen/Bielefeld): Der Klimawandel und seine Experten: Zukunftsgestalter oder ‚grüne Mafia’?
- Jana Türk & Irene Brickmann (München): Klima regional – Klimawandel und Community Development in den bayerischen und südtiroler Alpen


Trixi Valentin

Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld
+49 521 106-2769
