Landscape and Memory in Ancient Latium

Landscape and Memory in Ancient Latium

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom; Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome
Rom / Latium
From - Until
04.05.2013 - 13.05.2013
Eva Hagen, DAI Rom

The German Archaeological Institute, Rome Department and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome organize an international workshop on “Landscape and Memory in Ancient Latium” from the 4th of May to the 13th of May 2013. The workshop is open for early stage researchers of archaeology, classics or related disciplines. It comprises two seminar days in Rome as well as excursions to numerous sites in Lazio.

The main theme of the workshop is „Landscape and Memory”. By discussing various approaches and methods pertinent to this theme, the final aim of the workshop is to come to an improved understanding of Latium Vetus and Adiectum. The chronological frame reaches from the Archaic period to the Imperial Age.

One important approach focuses on archaeological remains as a starting point for landscape archaeological research. Issues to be investigated here include the development of settlement patterns in a diachronic perspective, demography, land use and sustainability of human landscape transformation processes, as well as a discussion of methodological and theoretical approaches for a holistic understanding of ancient landscapes.

A second approach considers the cultural and semantic creation of landscapes and its meaning for local and regional identities. Sanctuaries, mythical narratives and historical memories are of crucial importance in this regard. Archaeological remains and written sources may inform us about these, but how can we use them?

The workshop is aimed at 10-12 early stage researchers and graduate students of classics, archaeology and related fields, whose research concerns ancient Latium and issues relevant to the overall thematic framework.

An important scope of the workshop is to improve international and interdisciplinary exchange among junior researchers with diverse scientific backgrounds. In addition, it offers the opportunity to get in touch with local and international experts.

The workshop consists of two parts:
Two days are dedicated to a seminar in Rome, where the participants present and discuss their own research with experts in Latium studies and the other participants.

On the remaining five days archaeological sites and monuments in Latium will be visited, where particular research questions can be discussed in detail. Staff of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio and other researchers working on the respective sites will present their latest research results.

The final selection of sites to be visited will take into consideration the projects and research interests of the selected participants.

Knowledge of English and Italian is required for participation in this workshop. Some funding is available to support expenses for travel and accommodation. Transportation for the excursions and entrance fees will be covered.

Applications comprising a CV, an outline of the applicant’s research project (up to 400 words) and suggestions for sites which the applicant would particularly like to visit for his/her research, are to be submitted (preferably via email) before the 15th of September 2012 to the secretary of the German Archaeological Institute, Rome department:, Via Curtatone 4d, 00185 Roma, Italia.


Contact (announcement)

Eva Hagen

Via Curtatone 4d
00185 Roma, Italien
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