Light Colour Line - Perceiving the Mediterranean: Conflicting Narratives and Ritual Dynamics

Light Colour Line - Perceiving the Mediterranean: Conflicting Narratives and Ritual Dynamics

Department of Art History, TransMediterraneanStudies, University of Bern
Vom - Bis
09.09.2013 - 11.09.2013
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dittelbach

Light Colour Line - Perceiving the Mediterranean: Conflicting
Narratives and Ritual Dynamics, 5th International Conference of Mediterranean Worlds hosted by the Department of Art History, TransMediterraneanStudies, University of Bern.

In collaboration with The Mediterranean Seminar, University of
California Santa Cruz; Department of History, 29 Mayis University; Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Malta and University of Calabria.

Further information:



9.00 Registration
9.30 Welcome session
Opening Speech:
Prof. Dr. phil. Michael Stolz, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Bern and
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dittelbach, Conference Organizer

Keynote Speech:
Dr. Brian A. CATLOS, Associate Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder and Research Associate, University of California Santa Cruz: Paradoxes of Plurality: Society, Culture and Religion in the Ethno-Religiously Diverse Pre-Modern Mediterranean

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-13.15 PANEL 1
COLOUR, LIGHT AND ARCHITECTURE (Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas DITTELBACH, University of Bern)

Patricia BLESSING, Stanford University: Brilliant Color in Brick and Stone: Tile Decoration as Visual Device in Medieval Anatolia

Burcu KUTUKCUOGLU, Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Architecture: Blue for the Mediterranean: Reflections of a literary metaphor in architectural practice

Maria MARCOS COBALEDA, University of Granada (Spain), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris, France): The Garden of Paradise: Light and Ornamentation in the Almoravid Art

Diego PEIRANO, Technical University of Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning: Lights, colors and movements in some early Christian basilicas

Anas SOUFAN, Geneva University, Faculty of Archeology, Anthropology and Historical Geography: Mediterranean lights and colors on Syrian Architecture: Renewal, authenticity and modernity

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-16.15 PANEL 2
ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN UTOPIAS (Chair: Prof. Dr. Bernd NICOLAI, University of Bern)

Margot HLEUNIG HEILMANN, University of Bern, Institute of Art History: Architecture of a peaceful Mediterranean: The Roman “villa maritima” and the Bourbon “villa vesuviana” in the Bay of Naples

Hee Sook LEE-NIINIOJA, Oxford Brookes University: Ephemeral Perceptions of Medieval Christians and Muslims on Common Heritages of the Doge Palace in Gothic Venice (14-15C)

Herman Bashiron MENDOLICCHIO, University of Barcelona, Department of Art History: Re-imagining Cities. Perceptions, Utopias and Metaphors of the Mediterranean

Gerardo DE SIMONE, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, Department of Art History: 'Chiostri verdi': functions, meanings, notable examples

16.15-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-19.00 PANEL 3
MUSIC, CINEMA AND PHOTOGRAPHY (Chair: Janine BLATTER M.A., University of Zürich)

Federica FREDIANI, Italian Swiss University, Laboratory of Mediterranean Studies: Mediterranean representations in Les chant des mariées (2008) by Karin Albou

Heidrun FRIESE, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Institute of Ethnology: Moving Images and Horizons: Digital Media and the Socio-Cultural Imaginaire of Harragas

Songul KARAHASANOGLU, Istanbul Technical University, Turkish Music State Conservatory: Cultural and Historical Unity in Mediterranean Music

Iro KATSARIDOU, Museum of Byzantine Culture / Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religion, Culture and Sports: General Secretary of Culture and Anastasia KONTOGIORGI, Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religion, Culture and Sports: General Secretary of Culture, Directorate of Modern Greek Heritage: On “Mediterranean photography”: cultural policies and political discourse

Henk VYNCKIER, Tunghai University (Taichung, Taiwan), Taiwan Department of Foreign Languages and Literature: The Road to Tangiers: Mapping Orwell’s Mediterranean


Keynote speech:
Slobodan Dan PAICH, Executive & Artistic Director, ARTSHIP Foundation, San Francisco: Ambiguity of Center and Periphery and the Middle Sea

9.30-11.00 PANEL 4
POLITICS (Chair: Dr. Özlem CAYKENT, 29 Mayis University, Istanbul)

Veneri ASPA, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne: History and the Sea: The role of Doctrine in Byzantine naval warfare

Luca ZAVAGNO, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta: Across Mediterranean horizons: Cyprus as "Middle Ground" between Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (650-850 C.E.)

Hanife ALIEFENDIOGLU, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies: A Green Line on the Mediterranean Turquoise: Representation of the Division of Cyprus in the Northern Cypriot Media

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-13.15 PANEL 5
POLITICS AND MIGRATION (Chair: Dr. Luca ZAVAGNO, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta)

Henk DRIESSEN, Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), Mediterranean Studies, Islam and Arabic: Between old continents: the Mediterranée and its many faces

Valérie FESCHET, Université d’Aix-Marseille, Maison Méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme: Petanque in New York City. Provence as backdrop

Sofia NUNES, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de História da Arte: The Atlas Group’s Secrets in the Open Sea and the politics of blue

Mohammed ZAYED ABD-ALLAH EID, Fayoum University Anthropology Research Institute: The Horizon Line as Perception of the Byzantine Mosaic Society: The Oriental Migrations to Byzantine Empire (9th – 12th Centuries)

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-16.15 PANEL 6
RITUALS (Chair: Dr. Mark ALOISIO, University of Malta)

Aneilya BARNES, Coastal Carolina University Conway, Department of History: Defying Domesticity: Roman Women and Early Christian Ritual Practices

Katya MICALLEF, Kingston University London / Heritage Malta, National Museum of Fine Arts: The (Non-Artistic) Performance of Mediterranean Rituals: Case Study Malta

Pablo VIDAL-GONZÁLEZ, Catholic University of Valencia: Shearing as a ritual feast among shepherds in the Mediterranean

Ahmet USTA, Istanbul University, Department of Art History: Latin and “Mediterranean” Traditions in Medieval Cyprus

16.15-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-18.30 PANEL 7
WRITING DIASPORAS THROUGH RITUALS (Chair: Dr. Brian A. CATLOS, University of Colorado at Boulder)

Mark ALOISIO, University of Malta: The Meat Markets of Medieval Sicily as a Backdrop for Conflict and Co-existence Among Jews and Christians

Emanuele COLOMBO, Ehess Paris (Faculty of Social Sciences), CRH-Ladehis (Laboratory of Social History and Demography): Minorities in action. The Use of Greek Rite by Arbëresh as “Power of Imagination”

Nicoletta ROLLA, Milano-Bicocca University / Ehess Paris (Faculty of Social Sciences): Negotiation and Rituals in the Definition of the Swiss Minority (Turin, XVII-XVIII centuries)

Antonio STOPANI, University of Turin, Cluster of Excellence 'Asia and Europe in a Global Perspective': From Routes to Roots. The Writing of History in XVIIIth’s Century Albanian Diaspora in Italy


9.00-11.30 PANEL 8
NARRATIVES AND LITERATURE (Chair: Hanife ALIEFENDIOGLU, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta)

Sharon KINOSHITA, University of California Santa Cruz: Substitute: Flashpoints: Histoire événementielle in Conflicting Narratives of the Medieval Mediterranean

Zeynep AKTÜRE, Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture: Exploring the Politics behind Modern Inventions of Phoenician and Carthaginian Savagery in Ancient Mediterranean Cultural Historiography

Ela ÇIL, Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture and Ayşe Nur ŞENEL, Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture: Representations of a City: Nineteenth Century Istanbul through the Narratives of its Administrators, Travelers, and Writers

Walter GEERTS, University of Antwerp, Italian Studies: Spots on the Mediterranean. Tabucchi’s take

Alessandro POGGIO, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul: Narration of power / Power of narration: rulers' celebration in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean

CONCLUSION: Slobodan Dan PAICH, Executive & Artistic Director, ARTSHIP Foundation, San Francisco

Visit to the Abegg Foundation (


Thomas Dittelbach

Department of Art History TransMediterraneanStudies
Hodlerstrasse 8 CH - 3011 Bern