Panel: The Visual Culture of Migration: Private and Public Negotiations/ Sessions: Visual Challenges in an Unequal World

Panel: The Visual Culture of Migration: Private and Public Negotiations/ Sessions: Visual Challenges in an Unequal World

Visual Sociology Working Group, International Sociological Association
Yokohama (Japan)
Vom - Bis
13.07.2014 - 19.07.2014
Anna Schober

Session organizers: Jörn Ahrens und Anna Schober (Justus Liebig Universität Gießen)

The Visual Culture of Migration: Private and Public Negotiations

Migration is triggered by social inequality and at the same time migration produces new inequalities. Visual figurations of migration or of migrants are used – in official and public or individual perspectives – to challenge inequality or to make it a topic of discussion, to constitute communality anew and to position the individual in an everyday life shaped by migration. In doing so, migration is usually staged either as a problem or as a spectacle. In both cases the figure of the migrant, however, acts as a projection figure, in order to explain processes of change (for example as scapegoats), to advertise and guide “integration” and to position one’s own self and replenish it with qualities of the other.

Nevertheless, migration is not only a central figuration in the framework of a discourse about the societal, cultural other. It is also subject in discourses by the other, which take account of the perspective of this other. To this effect immigrants use visual culture in order to achieve socialisation and in order to claim public presence – for example in the form of “ethnic” festivals, public parades and manifestations or in the form of more enduring urban inscriptions such as cultural centres. And in the private realm, too, visual culture (Skype, cell-phone videos, Internet blogs) is used in order to cope with a family and communal life that is marked by transformation. In this way new communities are constituted and family is practised over wide spatial and temporal distances in transformed ways.
The panel discusses such relations between representations of migration in visual culture and a tactical use of visual media in order to master change in connection with migration. Representation from outside and self-representation are confronted with one another and become perceptible in their differences as well as in their mutual borrowings


Visual Challenges in an Unequal World

Visual Sociology Working Group, International Sociological Association
13-19 July 2014, Yokohama, Japan CALL FOR PAPERS
Abstract submission 3 June - 30 September 2013

Working under the International Sociological Association (ISA), the Visual Sociology Working Group (WG03) will hold its biennial conference in ISA's XVIII World Congress of Sociology, 13-19 July 2014, in Yokohama, Japan and will focus its sessions on Visual Challenges in an Unequal World, with a subset of sessions focusing on Environmental Visibilities.

General instructions for participation in WG03 Sessions

- Anyone interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract online to a centralized website which will be operational from 3 June through 30 September 2013 (24:00 GMT). To upload your abstract please visit (Only abstracts submitted on- line can be incorporated in the sessions).
- Abstracts should be of no more than 300 words in English.
- Notification letters will be sent by November 30th 2013.
- Each session will last 110 minutes and will accommodate 4-5 papers of 15-20 minutes each as well as comments by a discussant, and a collective discussion.
- Language(s) of WG03 presentation: papers may be presented in English, French or Spanish (the official languages of the ISA for academic matters). In addition, WG03 can accept a limited number of paper proposals in Japanese. However, to be considered, the title and abstract of all papers must be submitted through on-line abstract submission platform in English. Due to budget constraints we will unfortunately be unable to provide formal simultaneous or sequential translation.
- Presenters will be asked to send a draft of their full papers (of 6000 words, including references) to session organizers by 12 June 2014 (one month prior to the conference).
- All participants MUST register for the World Congress by the early registration deadline of April 1, 2014 in order for their names to appear in the Program Book or in the Abstracts Book. Failure to do so will automatically result in being deleted from the program. For more information on Congress Registration, please visit:
- In accordance with ISA World Congress regulations, a person may not present in a session of which s/he is chair, and no one may be in the World Congress program more than twice – as author, co- author, discussant, plenary speaker, session (co-)chair, critic, roundtable presenter, and/or poster presenter.
- One cannot present a paper in the same session that one is chairing.

Visual Sociology Working Group (WG03) Paper Presentation Sessions:

Globalization; Mediatization and Urban Development: Visually Exploring the Geographic, Social and Democratic Divide

The Visual Culture of Migration: Private and Public Negotiations

The Use of Visual Methods in Ageing Research

Too Much and Too Little: Urban Landscapes of Homelessness and

Post-Conflict Visual Imaginations. Visualizing Social Disparities

Environmental Visibilities. Perceiving, Understanding and Envisioning the Environment

The Shapes of Society; Material, Environmental and Situational Constraints of Interpersonal Space (The Cross-cultural Perspective)

General Visual Sociology Topics:

(In)Visible Design, the Surface and Everything Beneath: Researching Design as a Challenge for Visual Sociology

Film Making, Photography, and Performative Understandings of Method

Exploring Visual Sphere of Youth

Using Visual Material for Knowledge Creation: The Process of Analysis and Interpretation.


Anna Schober

Institut für Soziologie
Justus Liebig Universität Gießen
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