SSHM 2014 Panels Governing bodies: the Fascist State and the Public Health

SSHM 2014 Panels Governing bodies: the Fascist State and the Public Health

Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of Oxford and The Centre for Health, Medicine and Society: Past and Present, Oxford Brookes University
Oxford - United Kingdom
United Kingdom
From - Until
01.11.2013 -
Governing Bodies

The biennial conference sponsored by Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) Disease, Health, and the State will be held in Oxford - UK, on July 10-12, 2014.

We are looking for panelists on the concepts ‘health’ and ‘disease’ according to the Fascist State in Italy (1922-1945). Specifically, we are interested in exploring the ways in which the Fascist Regime was involved in shaping public and private life of people through the government of bodies based on deceptive sanitary measures.
Our approach is interdisciplinary, and we welcome proposals for papers from scholars of all fields, including not only history of fascism but also, law, legal history, political history, criminology, political science, medical humanities, history of medicine, cultural studies, and the social sciences.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

- eugenics;
- purity and race;
- abortion, infanticide and reproduction;
- prostitution;
- colonial medicine;
- sexuality and homosexuality;
- military medicine;
- prison medicine;
- breeding, alimentation, and sport;

Paper proposals of 250 words, together with a brief CV, should be sent to by November 1, 2013. We will send acceptances by November 15, 2013.


Contact (announcement)

Governing Bodies

University of Catania

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