Caribbean Entanglements. Culture(s) and Nature Revisited

Caribbean Entanglements. Culture(s) and Nature Revisited

Editors of fiar - forum for inter-american research
Vom - Bis
15.02.2014 -
Bohle, Johannes

The editors of fiar invite scholars to send articles (English and Spanish) for a special issue ‘Caribbean Entanglements. Culture(s) and Nature Revisited’. Scholars of various disciplinary backgrounds are interested in understanding contemporary and historical effects and interrelations due to multiple culture-nature connections. However, studies on the theme remain often within the disciplinary boundaries. Therefore, we consider in this special issue of fiar to focus the diverse approaches and debates dealing with entanglements of culture(s) and nature in a dialogical and critical fashion.

Submissions should address current trends of studying culture(s) and nature in the Caribbean and discuss methodologies, concepts as well as theoretical approaches relevant for reflections upon recent challenges and phenomena in the region. This call for papers is aimed at researchers of different fields interested in the varied dimensions of the nexus culture-nature in the Caribbean. Please submit an abstract (one page) latest by February 15th 2014. After acceptance, articles should be submitted by July 30th 2014, with a publication planned for spring/summer 2015.

The forum for inter-american research (fiar) is the official electronic journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies. It was established by the American Studies Program at Bielefeld University in 2008.

We foster a dialogic and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Americas. fiar is a peer-reviewed online journal. Articles in this journal undergo a double-blind review process and are published in English and Spanish. We do not charge readers or institutions for full text access. In addition to written work we also publish selected audiovisual material of conference presentations, keynotes, and video features. The editors invite the submission of articles (7,500- 10,000 words, MLA style), event-scenes, interviews and reviews to The editorial board consists of a broad range of international scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. fiar is ASA, EBSCO and MLA registered.



Johannes Bohle

Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld