Science & Literature

Commission on Science and Literature
Athens (Greece)
From - Until
10.07.2014 - 11.07.2014
Karin Becker

This Conference is the first to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/ IUHPST, which was established in July 2013. Co-organizers will be the School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University and the Program of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Institute of Historical Studies/ National Hellenic Research Foundation.

The Conference does not have a specific theme, as its intent is to create an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature, thus bringing into the dialogue multiple perspectives. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along thematic sessions, according to the papers which will be accepted by the Scientific Committee.

During the Conference, members of the Commission will elect the first body of officers (president, two vice presidents, secretary and webmaster) who will serve as Council Board for three years. Membership in the Commission is open (without anyfees). To apply for membership send an email to

Venue of the Conference

The Conference will take place in the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Vasilleos Constantinou 48, 116 35 Athens Greece.

It has been chosen also for symbolic reasons as it combines harmonically research in the humanities and in sciences. (

The building is typical of the 1960s architecture with all the necessary facilities, coffee bar and a nice patio.

Smoking is not permitted in all closed areas of the building.

There is easy transportation to the center of Athens (which is in a walking distance of 15 minutes) and the airport.

Submission of Papers

Proposals for individual papers (20 minutes) or panels of three or four papers should be submitted to until the 31 January 2014. They must include the title of the paper (or the theme of the panel), name and affiliation of the author(s), an abstract of no more than 350 words and a short CV of up to five lines.
An international committee will review the submissions and notice of acceptance will be given on 15th of February.


November 1st 2013 to April 30th 2014
Registration fees (include coffee, tea, refreshments and Conference material): 120 Euros
Students, early career or unemployed researchers: 60 Euros
After 30th of April the fee will be 150 Euros for ordinary registration and 75 Euros for the reduced fee categories.
Conference dinner (optional): 40 Euros
Conference dinner will be given at a restaurant near Acropolis, in the traditional old city of Athens, with a view of the hill and monument of Acropolis.
Please notify us if you prefer a vegetarian menu.

An optional excursion to Aegina island on the 12th of July (about 1 hour with ferry from Pireaus) will be organized for those who would like to enjoy a day on a typical Greek island with nice food, excellent beaches and visits to historical sites. The fee for participation will be kept at the minimum level.

Registration fees shall be paid in the following account by bank transfer:

Georgios Vlachakis
National Bank of Greece
account number: 100/762194-91
IBAN: GR1501101000000010076219491

Please note your name and Science and Literature Conference for the reason of transfer. A short note by email will be appreciated.


Participants are asked to make their own arrangements concerning their accommodation in Athens, but the Conference organizers will be happy to give any necessary assistance.
Therefore a list with hotels and hostels will be shortly available.


To and from airport:

Bus: 5 Euros
Metro: 8 Euros

In the city of Athens

One way bus: 1.20 Euros
Tickets for 1.5 hour (including metro): 1.40 Euros

One day ticket: 4 Euros

Tourist ticket (for three days-includes transportation by metro or bus to and from the airport): 20 Euros

For more information a useful link is


The website of the Commission ( will be soon available and any further information will be posted there.


Contact (announcement)

George Vlahakis

National Hellenic Research Foundation
Editors Information
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