Middle East Summer Studienprogramm: 'Political Science and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict'

Middle East Summer Studienprogramm: 'Political Science and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict'

Centre Middle East and Religious Studies-Galilee International Management Institute
Northisrael, Bethlehem, Jerusalem
From - Until
09.07.2014 - 21.07.2014
Galilee International Management Institute

The programme begins with an overview of the Israel-Palestine region, presenting the historical background; social and economic conditions; ethnic and religious backgrounds. The programme is of a two week duration; comprising 80 academic hours of lectures by Palestinian and Israeli academics and experts, offering their respective points of view. The lectures are supplemented with Study Tours in order to allow students to gain first-hand experiences of the region.

The programme seeks to deepen the participants’ knowledge of conditions, developments and trends in Israel and the Palestinian territories and to highlight some of the diverse issues at the centre of the political, social and religious divides. Presenting different perspectives and views regarding the Israeli-Palestinian


LECTURES presenting different perspectives and views regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict such as: Importance of Religion in the Middle East; Uprooting of the Jewish Community in Egypt and the Arab Countries; Concept of Redemptive Jewish Nationalism through the Realisation of the State of Israel 1948; War of 1948 + its Consequences:The Palestinian Refugees; Political-Parties, Elections and Democracy in Israel; Sunni-Shi’ite Conflict; Arabs and the Israeli Media; Fundamentalist Islamic Movements; Complementary Views of Peacemaking; Israel and The Arab Spring: Identifying and Seizing Opportunities and a Palestinian Perspective to the Peace Process, it's Challenges and Opportunities.

STUDYTOURS to Bethlehem- A Palestinian Town and the Birthplace of Jesus; Jerusalem- City of three Monotheistic Religions; The Golan Heights and the Lebanese Border; Pluralities and Minorities in the Galilee; Visit to Jewish Settlement; The Separation Wall; "Adalah", The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.

Contact (announcement)

Nirit (Ms.) Yardeni-Drori

Galilee International Management Institute
Nahalal 10600 Israel. P.O.Box 208
+972 4 6428888
+972 4 6514811

