10th International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies

10th International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies

Society for Emblem Studies; Prof. Dr. Ingrid Höpel; Friederike Kopp
Leibnitzstraße 1, 24118 Kiel
From - Until
27.07.2014 - 01.08.2014
Kunsthistorisches Institut (CAU Kiel)

The interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies brings together researchers of Art History, German, English, French, and other philologies, Theology, History and Library Science. The conference will devote itself to the entire spectrum of emblem studies between image and text from the 16th century to the present. The program will offer eight plenary lectures, 150 lectures taking place in five parallel sections and roundtable discussions. Conference languages will be English, German, French and Spanish.

Two exhibitions are accompanying the conference: Under the Sign of the Elephant – Early Modern Emblemata from North German Collections in the Kiel University Li-brary and Nets: Weaving Nets in Art in the Kunsthalle zu Kiel. An excursion will lead to locations of applied emblematics in Schleswig-Holstein ‒ the Bunte Kammer of Ludwigsburg near Eckernförde, the altar of the Church of Saint Mary in Bad Segeberg, and Gottorf castle, Schleswig, where a concert of Gottorf court music will take place.

There are five thematic clusters:

Literary Emblematics and Emblem Theory
Center of emblematic research are the printed books that have been published in great numbers and wide circulation in many printing locations of Europe since 1531. Production, distribution, reception and collections of printed works will form the focus of the conference’s observation. This will include different forms of meaning constitution in the conjunction of text and image as well as strategies of communicating meaning.

Applied Emblematics
While emblems are closely associated with the development of printing, emblems can be found in all aspects of life and culture, and they were adapted to these new spaces and uses beyond the page. The choice, adaption and invention by installing them in sacred and secular architectural spaces constitute one thematic cluster. This includes ephemeral emblems in festive culture, in baptismal and funeral rituals, emblems on title pages, in paintings and graphics. Transitional forms such as emblematized fables and impreses and devices as manifestations of individual or dynastic maxims will also be addressed.

Digitization and Documentation
Different Emblem projects with a national or thematic focus provide cross-repository searching in Emblematica Online and the Open Emblem Portal. While work continues to expand the scope of the Portal, there now exists a substantial online corpus for emblem studies that facilitates and supports comparative research. There is now greater access to emblem books and applied emblematics than ever before.

Text and Image Combinations in the Present Age
The juxtaposition of textual and pictorial elements can be observed in many forms of contemporary art: photography and painting with integrated or accompanying texts, films, and videos, interactive and internet-based art, and performative art strategies and interventions in public spaces create tension between image and language/text elements. This way, unique forms of expression were created that could not be found in art until this day.


Shortguide: Tagungsprogramm / Conference Schedule

July 27, 2014
18.00 - Eröffnung der Ausstellung / Opening of the Exhibition
Netz. Vom Spinnen in der Kunst / Nets: Weaving Webs in Art
(Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 1, 24105 Kiel)

July 28, 2014
09.00 Eröffnung der Tagung / Formal Conference Opening
09.30 Keynote: David Graham, Concordia University Montreal
Vorträge in Sektionen / Sessions

18.30 Eröffnung der Ausstellung / Opening of the Exhibition:
Im Zeichen des Elephanten. Frühneuzeitliche Emblemata aus norddeutschen Sammlungen / Under the Sign of the Elephant. Early Modern Emblemata from North German Collections

19:30 Empfang der Universität / Reception of the University

July 29, 2014
09.00 Keynote: Mara R. Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Keynote: Michael Bath, University of Glasgow

Vorträge in Sektionen / Sessions

20.00 Öffentlicher Abendvortrag / Public Evening Lecture
Beat Wyss, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe
(Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 1, 24105 Kiel)

July 30, 2014 Exkursion / Excursion

July 31, 2014
09.00 Keynote: Hans Brandhorst, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Vorträge in Sektionen / Sessions

17.00 Keynote: Peter M. Daly, McGill University, Montreal
19.00 Conference Dinner

August 1, 2014
09.00 Keynote: Laurence Grove, Stirling Maxwell Center, University of Glasgow

Vorträge in Sektionen / Sessions

16.30 Roundtable:
Blick zurück und nach vorn / Looking Back and Looking Forward

Tagungsgebühr / Conference Fee: 75 € / red. 10 €
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung / Further Information and Registration:


Full Programme:

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014 / Sunday, July 27

Anreise / Arrival of Delegates
Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 1, 24105 Kiel

15:00 Anmeldung / Conference Registration
Tagungsbüro / Conference Office, Kunsthalle zu Kiel

18:00 Eröffnung der Ausstellung / Opening of the Exhibition

Netz. Vom Spinnen in der Kunst
Nets: Weaving Webs in Art

Begrüßung / Welcome
Ingrid Höpel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Einführung in die Ausstellung / Introduction to the Exhibition
Anette Hüsch, Kunsthalle zu Kiel
Maren Wienigk, Kunsthalle zu Kiel

Hörsaal der Kunsthalle zu Kiel

Montag, 28. Juli 2014 / Monday, July 28

08:00 Kaffee und Anmeldung / Coffee and Registration
Tagungsbüro / Conference Office

09.00 Eröffnung der Tagung / Formal Conference Opening

Begrüßungen / Welcome
Anja Pistor-Hatam, Vizepräsidentin der Christian-Albrechts- Universität zu Kiel
Thorsten Burkard, Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Mara R. Wade, Chair der Society for Emblem Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Klaus Gereon Beuckers, Direktor des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

09:30 Hauptvortrag / Plenary Lecture
David Graham, Concordia University Montreal
Turning the Accomplishment of many Years into an Hour-Glass: Lessons from the History of Emblem Studies

Einführung / Introduction: Hans Brandhorst, Erasmus University Rotterdam

10:30 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

11:00 Session A: Andreas Alciatus I
Raum 104

Chair: Johannes Köhler, Hildesheim

Andreas Bässler, Universität Stuttgart
Alciatos Emblemata: Von der Ekphrasis zum Emblem / Alciato’s Emblemata. From Ekphrasis to the Emblem (German Lecture)

Ágnes Kusler, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Marginalia to the Reconstruction of the Emblem-Concept of Alciato – The Legitimation of the Picturae (English Lecture)

John Manning, University of Wales
Emblematic Titles (English Lecture)

Ana Isabel Martins, Coimbra
Emblemata of Andrea Alciato: Iconography as a key-genre of the humanistic program (English Lecture)

11:00 Session B: Emblematik und Architektur I / Emblematics and Architecture I
Raum 106

Chair: Elita Grosmane, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga

Ulrich Schöntube, Gossner-Mission Berlin
Typologie der Rezeption literarischer Embleme in Kirchenräumen / The Typology of the Reception of Literary Emblems in Church Interiors (English Lecture)

Daniela Štĕrbová, Charles University, Prague
Eine „emblematische“ Architektur im Rahmen des böhmischen Hochbarocks (Wallfahrtskapelle in Lomec, Südböhmen) / Emblematic Architecture in the Context of Bohemian High Baroque (German Lecture)

Jasna Mijailovic, University of Belgrade
The Origin and Role of the Emblem in the Serbian Orthodox Church of the 18th Century on the Territory of Habsburg Monarchy (English Lecture)

Lubomír Konečný, Charles University, Prague
Geography of the Emblem in East-Central Europe (English Lecture)

11:00 Session C: Sammlungen und Buchgeschichte / Collections and Book History
Raum 207

Chair: Barbara Milewska-Waźbińska, University of Warsaw

Anja Wolkenhauer, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Signa vides lector: Humanistic Printers Signs as Predecessors of Emblematics and as Unrecognized “Index Fossils” for the Analysis of Early Modern Media Conditions (German Lecture)

Seraina Plotke, Universität Basel
Emblematische Strukturen in frühen Druckermarken / Emblematic Structures in Early Printer's Marks (German Lecture)

Stefan Kiedron und Joanna Skubisz, University Wrocław:
A Modern Polish Edition of the Zinne-Poppen (2nd half 17th c.) by Roemer Visscher and Anna Roemer-Vischer (English Lecture)

11:00 Session D: Bild und Text I / Image and Text I
Raum 208

Chair: Beat Wyss, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karls-ruhe

Klaus Gereon Beuckers, Christian Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Divergence as an Emblematic Strategy and its Parallels in Contemporary Art (German Lecture)

Maren Wienigk, Kunsthalle zu Kiel
Netz. Vom Spinnen in der Kunst. Nets: Weaving Webs in Art (English Lecture)

Anette Hüsch, Kunsthalle zu Kiel
Mit Bildern texten ‒ mit Texten malen. Zum Werk von Elsbeth Arlt / Texting with Pictures – Painting with Texts. On the Work of Elsbeth Arlt (English Lecture)

13:00 Mittagspause / Lunch Break
Location / Ort: Cafeteria 2 / Mensa 2, Leibnizstraße 12
(or Lunch on your own)

14:30 Session A: Andreas Alciatus II
Raum 104

Chair: Stefan Kiedron, University of Wrocław

Denis L. Drysdall, University of Waikato
The monastic life, or “just sitting around” (English Lecture)

Bartłomiej Czarski, Polish National Library, Warsaw
Ancient Coins in Alciato’s Second Book of Emblems (Venice 1546) (English Lecture)

Johannes Köhler, Hildesheim
Eine Briefstelle von Alciato und die Lutherrose / An Extract from a Letter by Alciato and the Luther Rose (German Lecture)

14:30 Session B: Vom Buch in den Alltag / From Book into Everyday Life
Raum 106

Chair: Piotr Kociumbas, University of Warsaw

Elita Grosmane, Art Academy of Latvia, Riga
Everyday Emblems: Possibilities of Use in Various Forms and Social Groups (English Lecture)

Jacek Bielak, University of Gdańsk
Changing Emblem Media in the Art of XVII Century Gdańsk (English Lecture)

Ojars Sparitis, Latvian Academy of Arts, Riga
“Emblem in the Wind”. Emblematic Content of Weather-Cocks (Wind-Vanes) in Latvia during the 17th and 18th Centuries (English Lecture)

14:30 Session C: Tugenden und Laster in spanischen Emblemen / Virtues and Vices in Spanish Emblems
Raum 207

Chair: Pedro Germano Leal, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Andrea Maceiras Lafuente, University of A Coruña
Algunas Empresas Inéditas en la Obra de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo / Some unpublished devices from Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo (Spanish Lecture)

Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez, University of Aarhus
Sabiduría y Retórica en la Formación del Perfecto Gobernante en Andrés Mendo y Saavedra Fajardo / Wisdom and Rhetoric in the Education of the Perfect Ruler: Andrés Mendo and Saavedra Fajardo's Book of Emblems (Spanish Lecture)

Carme López Calderón, University of Santiago de Compostela
Drexel´s Gymnasium Patientiae and the Cell of Father Salamanca (Cuzco): Borrowing Images… Borrowing Ideas? (English Lecture)

14:30 Session D: Bild und Text II / Image and Text II
Raum 208

Chair: Laurence Grove, Stirling Maxwell Centre, University of Glasgow

Alison Adams, University of Glasgow
Leila Thomson: Words and Tapestry (Hoxa Tapestry Gallery) (English Lecture)

Valerie Hayaert, Fondation Bodmer, Cologny, Geneva
Beyond the Canvas: The Labyrinthic Thinking of Fabienne Verdier (English Lecture)

Friederike Rückert, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielBild-Text-Verbindungen im Film La Jetée von Chris Marker / Image-Text-Relations in the Film La Jetée by Chris Marker (English Lecture)

14.30 Hands-on Workshop: In Emblemata Online suchen / Searching in Emblemata Online
Raum 209

Johannes Fröhlich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (zusammen mit Lukas Matthias Albrecht, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)

16.00 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

16:30 Session A: Autoren und Künstler I / Authors and Artists I
Raum 104

Chair: Marc van Vaeck, KU Leuven

Thorsten Burkard, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Jacob Masens Speculum imaginum veritatis occultae (1650) / Jesuit Image Theory. Jacob Masen’s Speculum imaginum veritatis occultae (German Lecture)

Jolita Liškevičienė, Academy of Fine Arts, Vilnius
Emblems of the life of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (English Lecture)

Walter Kroll, Universität Göttingen
Zur Poetik des Emblems im Kiever Kulturmodell der Barockzeit. Am Beispiel der Panegyrika von Stefan Javorskij (1658-1722) / On the Poetry of the Emblem in the Cultural Model in Kiev during the Baroque Period, Exemplified by “Panegyrika” by Stefan Javorskij (1658-1722) (German Lecture)

16:30 Session B: Emblematik und Architektur II / Emblematics and Architecture II
Raum 106

Chair: Dietmar Peil, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Irina Zorina, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Melanie Banken, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Quasiemblematik zwischen Kreuzgang und Kaisersaal – ein historisch-politischer Freskenzyklus in der Augustinerpropstei Wettenhausen / Quasiemblematics between the Cloister and Kaiserhall as a Historical and Political Cycle of Frescoes in Augustinerpropstei (the Augustinian Priory in) Wettenhausen (German Lecture)

Nicolas Potysch, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Posuit fines tuos pacem. Emblematik und Politik in der Münchner Dreifaltigkeitskirche (1711-1718) / Posuit fines tuos pacem – Interaction of Emblematics and Policies in the Munich Trinity Church (1711-18) (German Lecture)

Rafael Buglowski, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Türfüllungen, Emblemkartuschen, Fresken, Stuckaturen: Integrale Raumerfahrung als Heilserfahrung in der Pollinger Achbergkapelle / Door Panels, Emblematic Cartouches, Frescoes, Stucco Works: Integrative Experience of Space as a Salvific Experience in the Achberg Chapel in Polling (German Lecture)

16:30 Session C: Embleme und Hieroglyphen / Emblems and Hieroglyphs
Raum 207

Chair: Gerhard Strasser, Penn State University und Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Ulrich Kuder, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Hieroglyphics and Emblems in Alberti, the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Mantegna, Dürer, and Michelangelo (English Lecture)

Nenad Marković, University of Belgrade
Ancient Symbols as Emblems of the Past: Ancient Egyptian Deities in Renaissance Art (Rom, Papstpalast) (English Lecture)

Pedro Germano Leal, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Renaissance Hieroglyphs and the Theory of Stimuli Diffusion (English Lecture)

16:30 Session D: Bild und Text III / Image and Text III
Raum 208

Chair: Klaus Gereon Beuckers, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Susanne Schwertfeger, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Index rerum non aspectabilium et ignotum: Tary Simon's An American Index of the Hidden and Un-familiar (2007) as a Contemporary Emblem Book (English Lecture)

Sabine Mödersheim, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Digitale Mnemosyne: Warburg, Tumblr et. al. (English Lecture)

Elizabeth Black, Old Dominion University, Norfolk/Virginia
The Internet Meme as a Twenty-First-Century Emblematic Mindset. Or, what do a Cat Wearing a Tie, a Bear Falling out of a Tree, and Hillary Clinton Have in Common? (English Lecture)

18.00 Pause / Break

18.30 Eröffnung der Ausstellung / Opening of the Exposition
Hans-Geiger-Hörsaal, Physikzentrum / Hans Geiger Lecture Room and Foyer, Physics Center, Leibnizstraße 11-19

Anja Wolkenhauer, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Im Zeichen des Elephanten. Frühneuzeitliche Emblemata aus norddeutschen Sammlungen / Under the Sign of the Elephant. Early Modern Emblemata from North German Collections

Begrüßung und Einführung / Welcome and Introduction
Else Wischermann, Universitätsbibliothek Kiel

Buchvorstellung / Book Presentation
Ulrich Kuder, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Arthur Haseloff als Erforscher mittelalterlicher Buchmalerei / Arthur Haseloff as a Scholar of Medieval Book Illuminating

19:30 Empfang der Universität / Reception of the University
Hans Geiger Lecture Room and Foyer, Physics Center /
Hans-Geiger-Hörsaal und Foyer, Physikzentrum, Leibnizstraße 11-19

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014 / Tuesday, July 29

09:00 Hauptvorträge / Plenary Lectures

Mara R. Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Keynote: The Domains of the Emblem
Michael Bath, University of Glasgow
Architecture and the Emblem

Einführung / Introduction: Liana de Girolami Cheney, SIELAE University of Coruña

10:30 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

11:00 Session A: Autoren und Künstler II / Authors and Artists II
Raum 104

Chair: Alison Adams, University of Glasgow

Zoltán Erdős, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Politische Identität in der Emblematik von Johann Weber (1612-1684) / Political Identity in the Emblematic Works of Johann Weber (1612-1684) (English Lecture)

Marcin Wisłocki, University of Wrocław
„Ich werde gecreutziget.ˮ Daniel Cramers Emblemata Sacra als Zeugnis des Wandels in der lutherischen Bildaufassung und Bildpraxis / “I shall be crucified“. Daniel Cramer’s Emblemata Sacra as Evidence of Change in the Lutheran Practice and Perception of Images (German Lecture)

Susan Sirc, Glasgow
Emblematic Material in the Illuminated Miniatures of the Membership Album of the Ljubljana Noble Brotherhood of St. Dismas in Ljubljana (1688-1801) (English Lecture)

Māra Grudule, University of Latvia, Riga
Embleme in Händen eines Aufklärers: Gotthard Friedrich Stender, Architektur und geistliche Gedanken / Emblems in the Enlightener’s Hands. Gotthard Friedrich Stender, Architecture and his Spiritual Reflections (English Lecture)

11.00 Session B: Emblematik in Schleswig-Holstein / Emblems in Schleswig-Holstein
Raum 106

Chair: Lars Ljungström, The Royal Collections, Stockholm

Jan Drees, Schleswig
Vom Gottorfer Friedensfest zum Kieler Universitätssiegel.
Ausgewählte Beispiele der emblematischen Bildwelt am Hof der Gottorfer Herzöge / From the Gottorp Peace Festival to the Emblematic Seal of Kiel University. Selected Examples of Emblematic Imagery at the Court of the Gottorp Dukes (English Lecture)

Dietrich Bieber, Schleswig
Die Bilder auf dem Taufdeckel der St.-Jürgen-Kirche zu Gettorf (Schleswig-Holstein) / The Paintings on the Lid of the Baptismal Font of St. Juergen's (St. George's) at Gettorf (Schleswig-Holstein) (English Lecture)
Ingrid Höpel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Emblematik im Dienst der Aufklärung ‒ die Katharinenkirche in Enge / Emblematics in the Service of Enlightenment ‒ St. Catherine’s Church in Enge (English Lecture)

Constanze Köster, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Der Kielmannsecksche Altar im Dom zu Schleswig. Versuch einer Deutung / The Kielmannseckscher Altar at Schleswig Cathedral. An Attempt at an Interpretation (English Lecture)

11:00 Session C: Applied Emblems: Exiles and Display / Angewandte Embleme: Exil und Entfaltung
Raum 207

Chair: Carme López Calderón, University of Santiago de Compostela

José Julio García Arranz, University of Extremadura
José Manuel Alves Tedim, University of Porto
Una Emblemata monástica en azulejos: el programa jeroglífico de la iglesia conventual benedictina de Nossa Senhora do Terço en Barcelos (Portugal) / A Monastic Emblemata in Tiles: The Hieroglyphic Series of the Benedictine Church of Nossa Senhora do Terço in Barcelos (Portugal) (Spanish Lecture)

Anna Vallugera Fuster, University of Barcelona
Emblemas y Heráldica en la Pintura Mural Catalana de Finales del Siglo XVIII: Autoafirmación Social y Ostentación / Emblems and Heraldry in Catalan Mural Paintings from Late 18th Century: Social Self-Affirmation and Ostentation (Spanish Lecture)

Sebastià Sánchez Sauleda, Emblecat
La Creación de un Escudo Heráldico en el Siglo XX: Charles Deering y el Palacio Maricel de Sitges (1909-1921) / Creating a Coat of Arms in the 20th Century: Charles Deering and the Maricel de Sitges Palace (1909-1921) (Spanish Lecture)

11:00 Session D: Emblematik und Festkultur I / Emblematics and Festive Culture I
Raum 208

Chair: Helmut Renders, University Metodista of São Paulo

Andreas Beck, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Marianische Emblematik und priapeische Pikanterie – ein Zincgref/Merian-Zitat bei den Exequien Kaiser Karls VII. (1745) / Virgin Mary Emblematics and Exciting Priapic Qualities – Quotation of Zincgref/Merian at the Funeral Ceremony of Emperor Karl VII (1745) (German Lecture)

Tim Meier, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Heilsgeschichte als Formprinzip. Die Adaptation von F. X. Dornns Lauretanischer Litaney (1749) auf Bernrieder Prozessionstafeln / Salvific History as Formal Principle – the Adaption of F. X. Dornn’s Lauretanische Litaney (first 1749) on Bernriedian Procession Plates (German Lecture)

Barbara Milewska-Waźbińska, University of Warsaw
The Role of Latin in the Emblematic Funeral Decorations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th and 18th Centuries (English Lecture)

Piotr Kociumbas, University of Warsaw
Zur emblematischen Denkweise in dem zu Danzig im 18. Jahrhundert gepflegten Kantatenschaffen / Emblematic Ways of Thinking in the Cantata Creation of 18th Century Gdansk (German Lecture)

13:00 Mittagspause / Lunch Break
Ort / Location: Cafeteria 2 / Mensa 2, Leibnizstraße 12 / (or Lunch on your own)

14:30 Session A: Das Bild der Welt / The Image of the World
Raum 104

Chair: Susanne Schwertfeger, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Charlotte Colding Smith, University of Melbourne
Wird nicht leicht zu finden: The Four Continents and Associated Emblems (English Lecture)

Anna Christina Schütz, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
The Function of the Landscape. About the Presence of the Image in the Nucleus emblematum (English Lecture)

Alexandra Marraccini, University of Chicago
The Bittersweet World: On an Emblem Book of Zincgref and Merian (English Lecture)

Sandra Kaden, Technische Universität Dresden
Gefangen im Käfig ‒ vom Symbol der Seele und der Jungfräulichkeit / Captured in the Case ‒ Symbol of Soul and Virginity (English Lecture)

14:30 Session B: Münzen, Devisen und Impresen / Coins, Devices and Impreses
Raum 106

Chair: Gerhard Strasser, Penn State University und Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Christoph Jobst, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Symbols and Devices in Fifteenth-Century Italian and Netherlandish Art / (English Lecture)

Jennifer Mackenzie, University of California, Berkeley
Emblem/Impresa/Coat of Arms: Image Genres between Theory and the Imagination in the Cinquecento (English Lecture)

Tomáš Kleisner, National Museum, Prague
Two Czech Baroque Medals and Their Emblems (English Lecture)

Gabriele Ball, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig und Herzog August Bibliothek
Die Impresistik der Fruchtbringenden und Tugendlichen Gesellschaft – ein Vergleich / Devices of the Fruitbearing and the Virtuous Society – a Comparison (English Lecture)

14:30 Session C: Emblematik in Hamburg / Emblems in Hamburg
Raum 207

Chair: Anja Wolkenhauer, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Antje Theise, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
Emblems in Hamburg Wedding Poems in the 16th Century (English Lecture)

Astrid Sänger, Hamburg
Emblematic References in 17th Century Hamburg Festive Culture: Das Hamburgische Fried- und Freudenfeur by Johann Rist (1650) (English Lecture)

Maja Kolze, Universität Hamburg
Emblems in Hamburg's Festive Culture: The Civil Captains' Banquet around the Year 1700 (English Lecture)

Gudrun Lund, Universität Hamburg
Cosima Schwarke, Universität Hamburg
An Emblem Cycle on a Church Gallery in Wilhelmsburg (English Lecture)

14:30 Session D: Otto van Veen
Raum 208

Chair: Susan Sirc, Glasgow

Dorothea Scholl, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
„Quid non sentit amor“ ‒ musikalische Emblematik und Empfindsamkeit in der Tastenmusik der frühen Neuzeit / “Quid non sentit amor” – Musical Emblematics and Sensitivity in Early Modern Keyboard Music (German Lecture)

Christa Schlumbohm, Universität Rostock und Hamburg
Liebes-Embleme und liebestheoretischer Diskurs: Otto van Veens Amorum Emblemata in einem Hamburger „Lust- und Landhaus” / Emblems of Love and Theoretical Discourse: Otto van Veen’s Amorum Emblemata at a “Lust and Country house” in Hamburg (German Lecture)

Christa Schlumbohm, Universität Rostock und Hamburg
Liebes-Embleme in Grotesken-Rahmung: Zu Deckenfragmenten aus einem Hamburger Bürgerhaus (German Lecture)

Walther Ludwig, Universität Hamburg
Die Struktur der Emblemata Horatiana des Otho Vaenius / The Structure od the Emblemata Horatiana of Otho Vaenius (German Lecture)

16:30 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

17.00 Informationen zur Exkusion / Information on the Excursion

Chair: Michael Bath, University of Glasgow

Hartmut Freytag, Universität Hamburg
Das 'Emblematische Cabinett' im Herrenhaus Ludwigsburg bei Eckernförde. Prinzipien der Adaptation literarischer Emblematik am Beispiel eines Architektur-Denkmals barocker europäischer Adelskultur / The “Emblematic Cabinet” at Manor House Ludwigsburg near Eckernförde. Principles of Adaptation of Literary Emblematic, Exemplified by an Architectural Monument of European Baroque Nobility (German Lecture)

Ingrid Höpel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
An Emblematic Programme on the Last Supper at the Winged Altar of St. Mary's in Segeberg ‒ an Introduction to the Excursion (English Lecture)

18.00 Abendessen / Dinner on your own

20.00 Öffentlicher Abendvortrag / Public Evening Lecture
Ort / Location: Kunsthalle zu Kiel

Beat Wyss, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe

Murmuring Things. About Scenography of Knowledge
Einführung / Introduction: Anette Hüsch, Kunsthalle zu Kiel

Mittwoch, 30. Juli / Wednesday, July 30

Exkursion / Excursion

08.30 Abfahrt Leibnizstraße 1, Parkplatz / Departure from Leibnizstraße 1, Parking Area

Exkursion an drei Orte / Excursion to three Locations
Der Altar der Marienkirche in Bad Segeberg / The Altar of St. Mary's in Bad Segeberg

Ingrid Höpel, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Die Bunte Kammer im Herrenhaus Ludwigsburg bei Eckernförde / The Bunte Kammer / Coloured Room at the Manor House Ludwigsburg near Eckernförde

Hartmut Freytag, Universität Hamburg
Dietmar Peil, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Die Hofkapelle von Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig / The Chapel of Gottorf Palace in Schleswig

Uta Kuhl, Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig
Michaelis Consort: Gottorfer Hofmusik

20:00 Zurück in Kiel, Leibnizstraße 1 / Return to Kiel
Abendessen / Dinner on your own

Donnerstag, 31. Juli / Thursday, July 31

09:00 Hauptvortrag / Plenary Lecture
Hans Brandhorst, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Sharing Your Shoebox: on Collaboration and the Sharing of Data in the Humanities

Einführung / Introduction: David Graham, Concordia University Montreal

10:00 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

10:30 Session A: Emblems in Art and Design / Embleme in Kunst und Design

Chair: Yona Pinson, Tel Aviv University

Joaneath Spicer, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Turning Montanus’s Emblem Book David, hoc est virtutis… (1575) into an astonishing Kunstschrank (English Lecture)

Michaela Wilk, Universität Wien
Venezianische Schlangengläser. Plastisch angewandte Emblematik als funktionales Kommunikationsdesign am Glas? / Venetian Snake Glasses. A Plasticized Form of Applied Emblematics as a Functional Communication Design on an Early Modern Drinking Glass? (English Lecture)

Tomáš Kleisner, National Museum, Prague
Emblematic Tapestry (English Lecture)

Laura Walew, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Frauen bei der Hausarbeit in der Genremalerei des Goldenen Zeitalters / Women Doing Housework in Genre Paintings of the Golden Age (English Lecture)

Gilly Wraight, University of Oxford
Ambiguous Needling: Reading an Emblem Book Devoid of its Words (English Lecture)

10:30 Session B: Emblematik und Architektur III / Emblematics and Architecture III

Chair: Carsten Bach-Nielsen, University of Aarhus

Lars Ljungström, The Royal Collections, Stockholm
An Unexpected Link: Emblem Interiors at Jakobsdal Palace and Schloss Stetten (English Lecture)

Michael La Corte, Universität Stuttgart
Political Propaganda with emblematic helps? (English Lecture)

Matthias Donath, Dresden
Kommunikationsmedium oder Selbstvergewisserung? Die emblematische Bilderdecke im Herrenhaus Niederjahna / Medium of Communication or Reaffirmation? The Emblematic Ceiling of Niederjahna Manor (English Lecture)

Dietmar Peil, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
An den Rändern des Emblems: Emblem und Fabel / On the Brink of the Emblem: Emblems and Fables (German Lecture)

10:30 Session C: Roundtable
Emblembuchsammlungen / Emblem Collections
Raum 207

Chair: Mara R. Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

David Brafman, Getty Research Library, Los Angeles
Laurence Grove, Stirling Maxwell Centre, University of Glasgow
Stefan Kiedron, University of Wrocław
Tom Kilton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julia Neumann, Universitätsbibliothek Kiel
Dorothea Sommer, Universität Halle
Thomas Stäcker, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
Antje Theise, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
Anders Toftgaard, Royal Library, Copenhagen

10:30 Session D: Love Emblems: Otto van Veen
Raum 208

Chair: Alison Saunders, University of Aberdeen

Christine Probes, University of South Florida, Tampa
‘Plaire’ et/ou ‘instruire’? The Landry Edition of Otto van Veen’s Amoris divini emblemata (English Lecture)

Nathalie De Brézé, Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I)
De quelques peintures emblématiques d'Otto Vaenius / Otto Vaenius’ Emblematic Paintings (French Lecture)

Olga Vassilieva-Codognet, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Du tableau à l’emblème et retour. Le Temps coupant les ailes de l’Amour d’Otto Vaenius et sa postérité dans la peinture du XVIIe siècle / From Picture to Emblem, and vice versa. Otto Vaenius's Le Temps coupant les ailes de l'Amour and its Posterity in 17th Century Painting (French Lecture)

McKeown, Simon, Marlborough College, UK
Otto Vaenius and an English Portrait: A Stylistic Oddity from the Late Eighteenth-Century (English Lecture)

Michael Giordano, Wayne State University, Detroit
The Blasons Anatomiques du corps feminin and the Roman and Neo-Latin Traditions (English Lecture)

13:00 Mittagspause / Lunch Break
Location / Ort: Cafeteria 2 / Mensa 2, Leibnizstraße 12 (or Lunch on your own)

14:30 Session A: Emblematik und Repräsentation / Emblems and Representation
Raum 104

Chair: Michael Giordano, Wayne State University, Detroit

Thomas Bauer, München
Lions in Bavarian Emblems (English Lecture)

Doris Gerstl, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Eherne Embleme. Zum Programm der barocken Residenzfassade in München / Emblems of Bronze. The Baroque Façade of the Munich Residence as a Monument of Counter-Reformation? (English Lecture)

Evgeny Manzhurin, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
Return of the Sable (English Lecture)

Manfred Steingräber, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Erziehung zum „neuen Menschen“ – zur Emblematik in der Moskauer Metro / Emblematic Artwork in the Moscow Metro ‒ a Teaching Tool for the Education of the New Soviet Citizen (German Lecture)

14:30 Session B: Emblematik und Architektur IV / Emblematics and Architecture IV
Raum 106

Chair: Christoph Jobst, Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel

Hanns-Paul Ties, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Die Wandmalereien im Ansitz Glurnhör-Hebenstreit in Sonnenburg bei St. Lorenzen (Südtirol) und die Emblematum Tyrocinia des Mathias Holtzwart. Zur „angewandten Emblematik“ in der profanen Ausstattungskunst der Spätrenaissance / The Murals of the Glurnhör-Hebenstreit Residence in Sonnenburg near St. Lorenzen (South Tyrol) and the Emblematum Tyrocinia by Mathias Holtzwart. Investigating “Applied Emblematics” in Secular Interior Decorations of the Late Renaissance (German Lecture)

Gabriele Quaranta, Sapienza University of Rome
Floral emblems or botanical decoration? The paintings of the Salle des Gardes of Cheverny in the context of early Seventeenth-century French emblematic (English Lecture)

Cheney, Liana de Girolami, SIELAE University of Coruña
Bernardino Poccetti’s Emblematic Ceiling: New Insights on the Palazzo Marzichi Lenzi (Florenz) (English Lecture)

14:30 Session C: Emblemtheorie I / Theory of Emblems I
Raum 207

Chair: Andreas Beck, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Stefan Laube, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Buch-Gesichter. Markenzeichen des Wissensbuches in der frühen Neuzeit / Book Faces – Trademarks of Factual Books in the Early Modern Period (German Lecture)

Rudolf Drux, Universität zu Köln
Der unzerstörbare Diamant. Ein emblematisches Motiv zwischen (spiritueller) Fiktion und (empirischer) Wirklichkeit

Ulf Schütte, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Das Subjekt ist unsichtbar ‒ zur Selbstreferentialität frühneuzeitlicher Text-Bild-Beziehungen / The Subject is Invisible – on Self-Reflective Examination in Emblematic Relations between Symbolic Images and Texts of the Early Modern Period (German Lecture)

Jost Philipp Klenner, Literaturarchiv Marbach und Berlin
Manie Manierismus. Gustav René Hockes überzeitliches Emblem / Mannerism Mania. Gustav René Hockes “Timeless” Emblem (German Lecture)

14:30 Session D: Emblematik und Festkultur II /
Emblematics and Festive Culture II
Raum 208

Chair: Simon McKeown, Marlborough College, UK

Filipa Medeiros, University of Coimbra
Emblematic Strategies ‒ Emblems in Books and in Non-Literary Contexts (English Lecture)

Elisabeth Klecker, Universität Wien
„Emblematisches Etymologisieren“. Panegyrische Namensdeutung durch Buchstabenembleme / Emblematic Etymology. Encomiastic Letter Emblems in 18th Century Vienna (English Lecture)

Carsten Bach-Nielsen, University of Aarhus
The Tercentenary of the Reformation in Denmark ‒ a New Use of Emblems? (English Lecture)

17:00 Hauptvortrag / Plenary Lecture
Peter M. Daly, McGill University, Montreal

The Foundations of Emblem Studies

Einführung / Introduction: Ulrich Kuder, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

19:00 Conference Dinner im Hotel Birke

Freitag, 1. August / Friday, August 1

09:00 Hauptvortrag / Plenary Lecture
Laurence Grove, Stirling Maxwell Center, University of Glasgow

Emblems and Impact

Einführung / Introduction: Valérie Hayaert, Fondation Bodmer, Cologny, Geneva

10.00 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

10.30 Session A: Jesuitische Emblematik / Jesuit Emblems
Raum 104

Chair: Ulrich Schöntube, Gossner-Mission, Berlin

Marc van Vaeck, KU Leuven
“Prés de cent devises qui accompagnent les discours”. The Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu (1640) in the Light of the Imprese-Tradition (English Lecture)

Hiroaki Ito, Saitama University, Japan
Missions and Images: On an Evangelical Illustrated Book Published in Rome in 1573 (English Lecture)

Jean Michel Massing, King’s College, Cambridge
Jerome Nadal’s Evangelicae Historiae Imagines (1593) in European, Central- and South-American and Japanese Art (English Lecture)

10:30 Session B: Emblem und Fabel / Emblem and Fable
Raum 106

Chair: Stephen Rawles, University of Glasgow

Paulette Choné, University of Burgundy, Dijon
Les Menus propos de Pierre Gringore (1521) : le « livre parfait » avant Alciat / Pierre Gringore's Les Menus Propos (1521): the "Livre Parfait" [Perfect Book] before Alciato (French Lecture)

Alison Saunders, University of Aberdeen
More French Emblematic Predecessors, Godly and Amorous (English Lecture)

Marie Chaufour, University of Burgundy, Dijon
La métamorphose de la fable: des Fables d’Esope Phrygien au Recueil d’Emblemes divers de Jean Baudoin / Metamorphosis of Fable: from the Fables d’Esope Phrygien to the Recueil d’emblemes divers of Jean Baudoin (French Lecture)

10:30 Session C: Emblematica Online II
Raum 207

Chair: Mara R. Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Thomas Stäcker, Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Emblems on the Semantic Web: Challenges and Opportunities (English Lecture)

Patricia Lampron, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Emblematica Online Phase II: The Digital Collections (English Lecture)

Timothy Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Myung-Ja Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Harriett Green, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Enhancing User Services in the Open Emblem Portal through Linked Open Data (English Lecture)

12:00 Mitgliederversammlung / Business Meeting
Society for Emblem Studies

13:00 Mittagspause / Lunch Break /
Ort / Location: Cafeteria 2 / Mensa 2, Leibnizstraße 12 (or Lunch on your own)

14:30 Session A: Emblematik und Mission / Emblems and

Chair: Sabine Mödersheim, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Wim van Dongen, VU University Amsterdam
Imagery with a Mission: Goßner and Gschwend on the Streets of Lagos, Nigeria (English Lecture)

Ihediwa Nkemjika Chimee, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
The Ikenga, as Emblem of Greatness in the Cosmology of the Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria (English Lecture)

Helmut Renders, University Metodista of São Paulo
Zum einhunderjährigen Jubiläum der brasilianischen Ausgaben des Herzbüchleins von Johannes Evangelista Gossner: Anmerkungen zu Kontinuität, Variationen und gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung einer protestantischen „religio cordis brasiliensis“ in der Tradition der Emblembücher / The Centenary of Gossner´s Emblem Book The heart of men in the Context of the Religio Cordis Brasiliensis: Continuity, Variation and Social Relevance (English Lecture)

14:30 Session B: Emblematik und Illustration / Emblems and Illustration
Raum 207

Chair: Māra Grudule, University of Latvia, Riga

Yona Pinson, Tel Aviv University
Emblematic patterns in Holbein's illustrations for Erasmus’s Praise of Folly (1515) (English Lecture)

Ulrich Kuder, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
The Emblematic Illustrations in John Barclays Argenis (English Lecture)

Tatjana Artemyeva, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Emblems as „Metaphysical Essays”. The Illustrated edition of Russian Poet G. Derzhavin (1743–1816) (English Lecture)

14:30 Session C: Emblemtheorie II / Theory of Emblems II
Raum 207

Chair: Stephen Rawles, University of Glasgow

María Luisa Jiménez-Villarejo, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Nullus satis sermo occurrit! Die sprachlichen Grenzen des Vergilkommentars / Nullus satis sermo occurrit! The linguistic limits of Vergil commentary (English Lecture)

Valérie Hayaert, Fondation Bodmer, Cologny, Geneva
Legal Emblems: the Encyclopaedian and Gordian Knot of Emblemata (English Lecture)

Judi Loach, University of Cardiff
Insertions Reinserted: the Lives and Times of Some Early Modern Emblems (English Lecture)

14:30 Hands-on-Workshop: Suchen in Emblematica Online / Searching in Emblematica Online
Raum 209

Johannes Fröhlich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (zusammen mit / together with Lukas Matthias Albrecht, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)

16:00 Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

16.30 Roundtable:
Blick zurück und nach vorn / Looking Back and Looking Forward

Chair: David Graham, Concordia University Montreal

Alison Adams, University of Glasgow
Michael Bath, University of Glasgow
Peter M. Daly, McGill University Montreal
Laurence Grove, Stirling Maxwell Center, University of Glasgow
Sabine Mödersheim, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Mara R. Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Closing Words / Schlussworte

Contact (announcement)

Friederike Kopp

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz 2, 24118 K

+ 49 431/880-4631
+ 49 431/880-4628
