The Reception of Aristotelian Ethics in Latin, Byzantine, Arabic and Hebrew Traditions. From Antiquity to the Middle Ages

The Reception of Aristotelian Ethics in Latin, Byzantine, Arabic and Hebrew Traditions. From Antiquity to the Middle Ages

University of Bern: Institute for Philosophy, History of Philosophy; Institute for Islamic Studies; Institute for Jewish Studies; Organisation: Dr. Georgia Tsouni (History of Philosophy); Almuth Lahmann lic.phil. (Islamic Studies, 2nd adv. Jewish Studies)
Thursday: University of Bern, Uni-S Schanzeneckstrasse 1, room A -119; Friday: University of Bern, Main Building, room 115
From - Until
20.11.2014 - 21.11.2014
Almuth Christiane Lahmann, Islamwissenschaft, Universität Bern

Aristotelian ethics exercises a strong influence on modern Western ethical thought, not least through the emergence of virtue ethics as an alternative to the other dominant strands of ethical traditions during the 20th century. In this workshop, we attempt to throw light on the reception of Aristotelian ethics from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the context of different religious and linguistic traditions: Latin, Byzantine Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew. We wish thereby to study how Aristotelian ethical ideas were translated into and appropriated by other languages and traditions in the aforementioned period. Questions which we wish to address include: Are ethical notions such as virtue and happiness especially sensitive to other e.g. religious connotations when translated into another linguistic medium? What are the specific difficulties interpreters are confronted with when approaching the Aristotelian text and what mechanisms did they find to eschew them? What is the influence of the particular context or genre (e.g. writings of Christian and Islamic theology or rabbinic literature) on the received ideas?

The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars from different fields (History of Philosophy, Medieval Studies, Islamic and Jewish Studies) and to compare different perspectives on the study of the Aristotelian text.

This Call for Papers addresses explicitly early career scholars (advanced doctoral students and post-docs). Please send a brief summary of the project (max. 3000 signs) you wish to present at the workshop and a short CV before 15th of September 2014 to

Georgia Tsouni: (Latin and Byzantine Greek traditions)
Almuth Lahmann: (Arabic and Hebrew traditions)

The main language of the workshop is English but papers may be presented in German as well. We expect to cover travel and accommodation costs for invited speakers.


(Thursday: 8:30 – 17:00, Friday: 8:30 – ca. 16:00)

Invited experts and participants: Prof. Dr. Dominic O’Meara (Fribourg), Prof. Dr. Steven Harvey (Ramat Gan), Prof. Dr. Christoph Flüeler (Fribourg), JProf. Dr. Frederek Musall (Heidelberg), Dr. Frédérique Woerther (Berlin), Dr. Michele Trizio (Bari) & the chairs of the three participating institutes of the University Bern: Prof. Dr. Anke von Kügelgen (Islamic Studies), Prof. Dr. René Bloch (Jewish Studies), Prof. Dr. Richard King (History of Philosophy).

Keynote-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson (LMU München)
Time: Thursday, 20th November 2014, 18:30
Location: University of Bern, Main Building, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern / room: 115, 1. OG

Contact (announcement)

Dr. Georgia Tsouni
Universität Bern
Institut für Philosophie
Längassstrasse 49A
CH 3012 Bern