The Long Reformation in Northern Europe

The Long Reformation in Northern Europe

University of Turku, Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS)
From - Until
21.02.2015 - 21.02.2015
Dr. Tuomo Fonsén


The Long Reformation in Northern Europe

Saturday 21 February 2015

A Symposium organized by the Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS) – University of Turku, Finland

The TUCEMEMS project “500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation” launches a call for papers concerning the Reformation in Northern Europe. This Call functions as the first step for applications to individual fellowships of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) durable between 12 and 24 months at the Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Turku, Finland. We encourage early career postdoctoral researchers and senior researchers of various fields of humanities (e.g. musicologists, archaeologists, linguists and philologists, philosophers, historians, art historians, legal historians, and researchers of comparative literature and religion) who are applicable in the MSCA and who are interested in participating in the MSCA Call (12 March – 10 September 2015) in collaboration with TUCEMEMS to propose an original research paper for a seminar to be held in Turku on 21 February 2015. We encourage research plans with an inter-/multidisciplinary approach. Most preferable are contributions focusing on a longue durée perspective on European reforms. The topics related to the following areas are especially welcomed:
* material reformation (e.g. liturgical vessels, devotional objects, art and architecture)
* book and reformation (e.g. vernacular translations of the Bible and early book prints)
* Luther and other reformers and counterreformers in northern Europe
* educational, social and political dimensions of the Reformation

We welcome you to participate in the seminar and kindly ask you to send us:
* a proposal for a paper (500-word abstracts of a 30-minute paper)
* a short CV (max. 4 pages including your most relevant publications)
* a two-page research proposal for a working period in Turku with a clear indication of why TUCEMEMS would be the best host institution for your research regarding the reformatory movements in Europe.

If the paper proposal is accepted, we ask the contributors to prepare their final papers in a clear relation to their complete research plan and present it in the Symposium on 21 February 2015.

The working language of the seminar is English. The application deadline is 15 December 2014. All proposals will be reviewed by the TUCEMEMS board which will select 8 to 10 candidates to the symposium. The programme of the seminar includes keynote lectures by David Gaimster, Director of The Hunterian, University of Glasgow and Sabrina Corbellini, Rosalind Franklin Fellow, University of Groningen, esteemed scholars on material culture and languages of Reformation and/or Counterreformation. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the conditions of eligibility and send their proposal with additional documents mentioned above by email to mmonor[at]

Turun yliopisto
University of Turku
FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland
Puhelin/Telephone +358 2 333 51
Faksi/Fax +358 2 333 6363

TUCEMEMS will offer the participants accommodation and cover legitimate travel expenses. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 19 December 2014.

For information and questions regarding the CFP and the Call for MSCA ( ), please contact Professor Kirsi Salonen (kilesa[at] or Dr. Tuomo Fonsén (tuofon[at]

A brief description of the TUCEMEMS project “500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation”
The Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS) is a multidisciplinary centre funded by the University of Turku. It promotes interdisciplinary and crosscultural studies of topics from Late Antiquity to the eighteenth century. The Centre aims at facilitating medieval and early modern studies at the University especially by coordinating international collaboration and encouraging interdisciplinary debate.
In 2014 the TUCEMEMS initiated a large research project related to the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017. Within this project, we study the Reformation from a wide multidisciplinary perspective. The project does not only concentrate on the Lutheran Reformation proper, but we are interested in reform movements within a long time frame: from the medieval reformatory actions aiming to change the Catholic Church up to the post-Lutheran movements. The project examines, for example, themes as the perception of Luther in course of time, the role of Luther as well as other reformers and counterreformers, vernacular translations of the Bible, reformatory writings, music, arts and architecture, and the educational, social and political dimensions of the Reformation as well as material culture. The geographical focus of the project is in northern Europe but special attention is paid to the reformatory activity in Finland and in particular in the City of Turku.
The TUCEMEMS project “500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation” is carried out in national and international cooperation with ecclesiastical, academic and other institutional cooperation partners such as the City of Turku and the Evangelic-Lutheran Church of Finland. By providing new information in the form of lectures, exhibitions and other activities, the project benefits everyone interested in the Reformation: scholars, students, and the general public.
For further information on TUCEMEMS, visit our webpage
Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies



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Tuomo Fonsén

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