The University Campus as a Learning Resource in Humanities

The University Campus as a Learning Resource in Humanities

Dr Sonya Nevin / Dr Charlotte Behr, Department of Humanities, University of Roehampton, London
The Adam Room, Grove House, Froebel College, University of Roehampton, London, SW15 5PJ.
United Kingdom
From - Until
26.05.2015 - 26.05.2015
Charlotte Behr

‘The University Campus as a Learning Resource in Humanities’ is a successful HEA-funded project in which BA students in Classical Civilisation and History are taught via the buildings, artworks, archives and other resources of the University of Roehampton’s campus in a ‘campus project’ research module.

This workshop is being held to support those who are interested in using their own campus as a learning resource. The one-day event will include:
- A short presentation on the Roehampton Campus Project
- A tour of the campus and one of its archives
- Mini-presentations on current practice demonstrating the active involvement of students in research into campus history, artworks, architecture and archives.
- An open forum for the discussion of the benefits, challenges, and opportunities in this form of teaching and learning.

Call for Papers: We invite contributions of 10-minute presentation on:
- How you are actively involving students in research into your campus.
- Ideas you have or activities you would like to undertake to involve students in this form of study.
We welcome contributions from lecturers involved in teaching history or classical civilisation, university archivists and curators of university museums.

If you would like to contribute, please send an abstract to Dr Sonya Nevin ( by Monday 20th April.

Workshop Logistics:
Venue: The Adam Room, Grove House, Froebel College, University of Roehampton, London, SW15 5PJ.
Date: Tuesday 26th May 2015, 11am-4pm.

Cost: Free (courtesy of HEA funding). Lunch is included, but travel and accommodation costs cannot be met.

Booking: Via Eventbrite:
Please book before 11th May, stating any dietary requirements.

Accessibility: This event is taking place on the ground floor of a building with step-free access.


Contact (announcement)

Charlotte Behr

Department of Humanities, University of Roehampton,
Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PH, UK
- 44 (0)208 392 3069
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