Work with Sounds. Theory - Practices - Networks

Work with Sounds. Theory - Practices - Networks

LWL-Industriemuseum, Arbetetsmuseum Sweden, Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, La Fonderie. Musée bruxellois des industries et du travail, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Museum of Municipal Engineering Kraków
LWL-Industriemuseum Zeche Zollern, Grubenweg 5, 44388 Dortmund
From - Until
19.08.2015 - 21.08.2015
Dagmar Kift

In 1971 the composer and sound researcher R. Murray Schafer started the “World Soundscape Project,” which was devoted to the comparative study of soundscapes. The driving impulse behind his project was the realization that industrialization and urbanization brought about a drastic change in the acoustic environment. The issue of the acoustic environment remained unaddressed by the scholarship long after. But gradually the arts, humanities and cultural institutions are beginning to turn their attention towards the cultural meanings of sounds and listening.

What was the soundscape of industrialization? How does it differ from the soundscape today? Has the volume of our environment increased or decreased? When did people begin to perceive urban and industrial sounds as a nuisance? When did people start measuring the acoustic environment? Where and why have sounds turned into acoustic codes? What role does the technical reproducibility of the acoustic play? Which sounds are carved into the acoustic memory? What significance can sounds have for the identity of individuals, collectives or even nations? What sources can be used for a comprehensive Sound History? How do museums deal with the acoustic cultural heritage and how can they impart it? What are the benefits of publicly accessible sound collections and who would make use of them?

The final conference of the EU-Project “Work with Sounds” ( brings together sound projects from museums, archives, universities and media to share their experiences with recording, conserving, exploring and using the sounds and soundscapes of Europe. In panels on urban sounds, museum sounds, reflecting sounds and working with sounds the conference wants to present and discuss theories and practices in the history and anthropology of sound, the importance and meaning of sound, and the potential of working with sounds – internationally and interdisciplinary.

In the final panel we invite projects to present their work, exchange ideas and opinions, and network. We would like to have 10 minute presentations highlighting the 5 most important issues of your work – with sounds and pictures if you wish. Our “project market“ will offer further opportunities for self-presentation and networking. Please send your proposal (1 page incl. a short biography) to The deadline is 20th June 2015.

=> Call for Papers:

=> Online-Registration:


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Afternoon: Registration
Museum Tour (+ Worklab-Board-Meeting)

Evening: Dinner and Music performance: Theatre of Work, Slovenia

Thursday, August 20, 2015

09.30AM: Welcome and Introduction

N.N., EU-Representative
Dr. Barbara Rüschoff-Thale, LWL-Head of Culture Department

10.00AM: Keynotes: Sounds and Soundscapes of Europe

Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Meyer (Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design): The Accoustic Turn in Cultural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hengartner (University of Zurich): Sounds and Tones as Cultural Property

Prof. Karl Karst (Westdeutscher Rundfunk): Socializing Sounds and Tones – the School of Hearing

11:30AM: Break

12.00PM: Work with Sounds: Regional Identity and European Heritage

Torsten Nilsson (Museum of Work, Sweden): The EU-project „Work with Sounds”

1.00PM: Break

2.00PM: Panel I: Urban Sounds (Roundtable Discussion)

Ian Rawes (London Sound Survey), Robert Losiak (Soundscape Research Studio, University of Wrocław), Sévérine Janssen (Brussels Soundmap)

3.30PM: Break

4.00PM: Panel II: Museum Sounds (Roundtable Discussion)

Monika Dylewska-Libera (National Museum Kraków),
Siegfried Saerberg (Museum for the Blind) and Outi Penninkangas (Rupriikki Media Museum)

Friday, August 21, 2015

09.00PM: Panel III: Reflecting Sounds

Anders Mildner: How does the world sound?

Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio (Berlin University of the Arts): Theory of Auditory Culture

Monica Widzicka (Museum of Municipal Engineering) and Konrad Gutkowski (LWL Industrial Museum): Interdisciplinary Reflections on Sound

11.00PM: Panel IV: Working with Sounds (Roundtable discussion)

Dr. Gordon Kampe (Folkwang University of the Arts), Beate Schlanstein (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), Steven Bigras (EA Digital Illusions CE AB)

1.30PM: Panel V: WORKLAB / Presentation and Discussion of Future Projects

3.00PM: Panel VI: Projects and Networks (Market of Possibilities)

6.00PM: Snacks & Networking

Contact (announcement)

Konrad Gutkowski
LWL-Industriemuseum, Referat Wissenschaft und Vermittlung
Grubenweg 5, 44388 Dortmund
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