Law, History and Philology Exploring the Congruities between the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun (1406) and the Scienza Nuova of Giambattista Vico (1744)

Law, History and Philology Exploring the Congruities between the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun (1406) and the Scienza Nuova of Giambattista Vico (1744)

Elisabetta Benigni (Università di Torino), Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin) and Markus Messling (Universität Potsdam)
Centro Italo-Tedesco, Villa Vigoni, Lago di Como
Loveno di Menaggio
From - Until
04.06.2015 - 06.06.2015
Islam Dayeh (FU Berlin)

Although Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) and Giambattista Vico (d. 1744) are separated by roughly three centuries, there are many reasons that invite for a comparative reading of their writings. Firstly, the two thinkers had similar careers: both were jurists, historians, rhetoricians, and talented writers who composed their own autobiographies. Furthermore, while critical of certain aspects of the scholasticism that characterised their contemporaries, both exhibited a high degree of knowledge of logic, history writing, rhetoric and legal casuistry, which they put to use in their reflections on history and the conditions of human affairs, authority and knowledge. But most importantly, both express a consciousness of world history and universal time that drew on the epistemic paradigms of their times yet challenged them to open up new paths to understanding man’s position in the world.

The concrete aim of this symposium is to bring scholars together to engage in a comparative reading of the writings of Ibn Khaldun and Giambattista Vico on language, law and history. For despite the abundance of studies on Ibn Khaldun and Vico as individual scholars, there is very little systematic reflection on the historical, structural and philosophical relations between the two, although both hold prominent places as founders of modern sociological and historical thought in Arab and European scholarship. Through a careful examination of their legal, historical and philological thought, the symposium hopes to contribute to the study of intellectual exchange since the early modern period across the Mediterranean, and particularly between the Arab Mamluk polities, the early Ottoman Empire and the Italian Renaissance princedoms.


Thursday 4 June 2015

Welcome and introduction

Session One - Chair: Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)

Stefan Leder (Orient Institute Beirut)
Political Legitimacy. Ibn Khaldun’s Theory and its Reverberation

Vasileios Syros (Academy of Finland, Helsinki)
Ibn Khaldun and Vico on Political Decline

11:45-12:00 coffee break

Caterina Bori (Università di Bologna)
Muzil al-malam ‘an hukkam al-anam: Ibn Khaldun on Justice and Judges

13:00-15:00 lunch break

Session Two - Chair: Georges Khalil (Forum Transregionale Studien)

Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)
Ibn Khaldun on Linguistic Purity, Decay and Universal Rules

Samuela Pagani (Università del Salento)
Ibn Khaldun’s Critique of Sufism and the Problem of Esotericism in Political Philosophy

17:00-17:15 coffee break

Avi Lifschitz (University College London)
The ‘Religious Instinct’ vs. Revelation: Idolatry, Monotheism, and Natural Religion in Ibn Khaldun and Vico

19:30 dinner

Friday 5 June 2015

Session Three - Chair: Markus Messling (Universität Potsdam)

Jürgen Trabant (Freie Universität Berlin)
Languages in the Muqaddima and the New Science: a Very Tentative Comparative Look

Ahmed Abdel Meguid (Syracuse University)
The Epistemological and Philological Approach to the Problem of Universals and the Founding of History as a Science in Ibn Khaldun and Vico

11:30-12:00 coffee break

Marco Di Branco (German Historical Institute, Rome)
Ibn Khaldūn and Classical Antiquity: The Greek and Roman World in the Kitāb al-ʿibar

13:00-15:00 lunch break

Session Four - Chair: Pier Mattia Tommasino (Columbia University)

Eleonora Pistis (Italian Academy/Columbia U.: Spring 2015)
Antiquarianism, Architecture, and the Levant in Vico’s Time

Markus Messling (Universität Potsdam)
The Bedouin Principle of Freedom and the Risorgimento d’Italia. Michele Amari integrates Ibn Khaldun with Vico’s filologia

17:00-17:15 coffee break

Elisabetta Benigni (Università di Torino)
“Tutti i tempi tornano, li uomini sono sempre li medesimi”. Reading Ibn Khaldun through Machiavelli and Vico in al-Nahḍah Period

19:30 dinner

Saturday 6 June 2015

Session Five - Chair: Elisabetta Benigni (Università di Torino)

Marcel Lepper (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach)
Vico: Philologist, Philosopher, Historian? A Reconstruction of a Debate

Raffaele Carbone (Collegium de Lyon/Università di Napoli Federico II)
Cultural Exchanges, Migrations, and Hybridizations in Vico

11:30-12:00 coffee break

Sabine Marienberg (Humboldt Universität)
The History of Ideas and the History of Languages in the Thought of Vico

13:00-15:00 lunch break

Session Six - Chair: Islam Dayeh (Freie Universität Berlin)

Markus Lenz (Universität Potsdam)
A Narrative of Collective Identity: Giambattista Vico and the Construction of the Pythagorean Myth

Concluding session

19:30 dinner

Contact (announcement)


Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies, Freie Universitaet Berlin