Second Balkan Visual Meeting

Seminar für Nahoststudien, Universität Basel
Vom - Bis
05.06.2015 - 06.06.2015
Yorick Tanner

The Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel, are organising the Second Balkan Visual Meeting, on 5 and 6 June 2015. This interdisciplinary conference will bring together specialists on the visual culture of the Balkans and Turkey from the region and beyond. Four panels will focus on the use of photography in view of political power, propaganda, and gender, and on transfers of religious art. A keynote on photo journalism as social history will be delivered by the renowned photo historian Anton Holzer. The conference is part of the Basel SIBA project’s annual workshop. All are welcome.

Project Link:


Friday, 5 June 2015
University Main Building (Kollegiengebäude), Mehrzweckraum (ground floor)

9:15 Welcoming remarks by the organizer

9:30 Keynote Lecture
Anton Holzer (Vienna): Pictures for everybody. Photo journalism as social history
Comment: Karl Kaser (Graz)

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Panel I: Photography and Propaganda
Chair: Nenad Makuljević (Belgrade)

Saadet Özen (Istanbul): Photography in propaganda. The visual making of the Young Turk Revolution (1908)

Nicole Immig (Jena): Between Documentation and Propaganda: The Greek Illustrated Journals "Ellas" and "Parnassos" 1912-1918

Nadine Freiermuth-Samardžic (Basel): Aesthetic identity of a city under siege. War photographs of Sarajevo

13:30 Lunch break

14:30 Panel II: Photography and Political Power
Chair: Nataša Mišković (Basel)

Joël László (Basel): Disseminating Atatürk. Attempts at systematizing the photographic archive on Mustafa Kemal

Tanja Zimmermann (Leipzig): Familiarity with the people: Photography as a means of constructing the dictator’s proximity in Yugoslav Socialism

Eckehard Pistrick (Halle): Visual Traces of a Selective Modernity — The vision of progress in Enver Hoxha's Stalinist Albania

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Panel III: Photography and Gender
Chair: Tanja Zimmermann (Leipzig)

Mehmed Akšamija (Sarajevo): Phenomenology — Bosnian ′kuća′ — Islam — Photography

Anelia Kasabova (Sofia): Gender roles in illustrated magazines, 1890s to 1920s. The example of Bulgaria

Milanka Matić (Basel): From cover page to advertisement. Gender in the graphic design of illustrated magazines in Turkey and Yugoslavia

Saturday, 6 June 2015
University Main Building (Kollegiengebäude), Mehrzweckraum (ground floor)

10:00 Panel IV: Inter-Religious Transfer of Visual Art
Chair: Karl Kaser (Graz)

Nenad Makuljević (Belgrade): Balkan Religious Visual Culture in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Vuk Dautović (Belgrade): Liturgical Vessels as Objects of Religious Art in the Ottoman Balkans

Barbara Murovec (Ljubljana): Public Monuments of World War I and Their Religious Aspects

12:30 End of official part


Natasa Miskovic

Maiengasse 51
4056 Basel