The Spanish Second Republic. Political Cultures and Projects

The Spanish Second Republic. Political Cultures and Projects

Group of Studies on Republic and Democracy (GERD), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
From - Until
13.04.2016 - 15.04.2016
Jordan, Stefan

First Call for Papers (June 2015)
14 April 2016 marks the 85th anniversary of the proclamation of the Spanish Second Republic, a date that inaugurated a period of modernization and renewal of the Spanish political, social, economic and cultural life with few precedents in our contemporary history. At that moment, the hopes of a large part of Spanish society lived in uncertainty, and even fear, of the other part. Exciting years followed in which old and new political projects confronted one another; the old political cultures had to be renewed to compete with new ones which appeared during those years all over Europe. Cultural renewal, the role of intellectuals, the emergence of young people, different proposals for understanding the concept of nation and organizing the state, and the political projects of the Left and the Right in the years of the Republic before the Spanish Civil War deserve to be revisited with the perspective gained after those eighty-five years.
To commemorate the event, the Group of Studies on Republic and Democracy (GERD) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is organizing an International Conference on History in Barcelona, from 13-15 April 2016 under the title THE SPANISH SECOND REPUBLIC: POLITICAL CULTURES AND PROJECTS.

The International Conference on History invites the submission of papers from all aforementioned domains, opening the possibility of attending the conference without the submission of a paper.

- Papers may be written in any of the official Spanish languages, English, French, German, Italian, or Portuguese.
- Authors of papers should submit abstracts specifying the author's name, affiliation, surface mail address and e-mail address.
- Abstracts should be between 600-700 words (excluding references).
- Abstracts should be sent by e-mail, as attachments (Word or compatible format), to
- The deadline for all abstracts is 30 September 2015
- Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 15 October 2015
- The final versions of papers should be sent to the above mentioned electronic address as an attachment (Word or compatible format) before 15 February 2016.
- Papers should not exceed 9.000 words, including spaces, footnotes and references.
- Instructions on papers' formatting will be sent to participants, together with the acceptation of the paper, via email.

Papers will be available before the conference on the GERD website [], and the authors will be offered the possibility of subsequently publishing them in the Dipòsit Digital de Documents-UAB []

Registration for participants who submit a paper is 20€. Participants not submitting a paper must register via email to, indicating their name and academic situation (academic position, student, etc.). In this case, the registration fee is 30€. Students who do not submit a paper do not have to pay a registration fee.
Registration fees are to be paid through a bank transfer to the following account:
IBAN: ES44 2100 5000 5102 0008 5460
Proof of payment (a digital copy of the banking invoice) and, if necessary, certification of participant's condition as student, must be sent to


13 April
15.30: Registration of participants
16.00: Opening session
16.30-18.30: First session: Intellectuals and Youth during the Spanish Second Republic
Plenary speakers: Mechthild Albert (Universität Bonn), Paul Aubert (Aix-Marseille Université), Francisco Morente (UAB), Sandra Souto Kustrín (CSIC)
18.30-19.30 Discussion
14th April
9.30-11.00: Second session: Nation and State in the Spanish Second Republic
Plenary speakers: Justo Beramendi (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Maria Llombart (Université d’Avignon), Alejandro Quiroga (Newcastle University)
11.00-11.45: Discussion
11.45: Break
12.15-14.00: Report on papers (sessions 1 and 2) and discussion of papers.
16.00-18.00: Third session: The Left and the Republic: Democracy and/or Revolution
Plenary speakers: Pere Gabriel (UAB), Santos Juliá (UNED), José Luis Martín Ramos (UAB), Josep Puigsech (UAB)
18.00-19.00: Discussion
15 April
9.30-11.00: Fourth session: The Right: between Democracy and Fascism
Plenary speakers: Fernando del Rey (Universidad Complutense), Ferran Gallego (UAB), Emilio Grandío (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
11.00-11.45: Discussion
11.45: Break
12.15-14.00: Report on papers (sessions 3 and 4) and discussion of papers
14.00: Closing session

Contact (announcement)

Francisco Morente (GERD-UAB)
Jordi Pomés (GERD-UAB)
Josep Puigsech (GERD-UAB)

Editors Information
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Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Additional Informations
Country Event
Language(s) of event
English, Spanish
Language of announcement