International Digital Humanities Autumn School. 2nd Call for Participation

International Digital Humanities Autumn School. 2nd Call for Participation

Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Trier University/University of Luxembourg
From - Until
28.09.2015 - 03.10.2015
Mathilde Schrumpf

The Trier Center for Digital Humanities at Trier University and the University of Luxembourg invite PhD students and postdoctoral scholars to participate in our inaugural International Digital Humanities Autumn School. The autumn school will offer a six-day introduction in English to best practices in digital scholarship (curation, legal issues, methodology), to the interdisciplinary foundations of the Digital Humanities (philology, literary criticism, history, art history, etc.), and to commonly used DH methods, tools and technologies (digitization, document analysis and text encoding, text mining, Geodata, XQuery, visualization, enhanced publications, etc.). The autumn school will host more than twenty lecturers from academic and research institutions in England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland, who represent a wide diversity of expertise and career paths within the Digital Humanities. The school program consists of a three-day lecture series and a three-day workshop series, and includes a round table debate, poster presentations by researchers from the host institutions, a project brainstorming session. The program is designed to equip students with the necessary critical and technical competencies to initiate or develop a digital humanities project, and to provide a platform for future collaborations.
The number of students is limited to 30. No previous training in digital humanities is required. The autumn school welcomes scholars interested in gaining a multidisciplinary introduction to the use of digital methods for humanities research; who would like to develop an idea for a digital humanities project; who wish to gain practical skills to implement such an idea, or to advance a project already in progress. The school program should be of interest both to humanists and to computer scientists who would like to collaborate with humanists. The organizing committee will evaluate applications based on the candidates’ motivation for participation and potential to contribute to the formation of future collaborations with the other participants. The committee’s selection will aim at bringing together scholars from a variety of backgrounds who could develop shared research interests.
Prospective students should apply by sending a CV (max. 2 pages) and a letter of motivation (ca. 350 words). The letter should describe your research agenda and your motivation for pursuing instruction in digital humanities methodologies. If you are already working on a digital humanities project, you have the opportunity to present a poster during the brainstorming session. If you would like to present a poster, please add a project description (ca. 250 words) to your application. The application should be sent as a single PDF file to
There is a registration fee of 100 euro. The School is free of charge to participants based in countries with hard currency difficulties, in particular Eastern Europe. Travel and accommodation bursaries are available to all participants with financial need thanks to the generous support of the Volkswagen Foundation. For more information about the program and how to apply, please visit our website:


Monday, September 28th, Trier University, Room A 9/10 – Theoretical foundations
9 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.: Welcome Keynote Address - Claudine Moulin (Trier University)
9.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Best Practices in the Digital Humanities - Manfred Thaller (University of Cologne)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Curation in the Digital Humanities - Susan Schreibman (National University of Ireland Maynooth)
Lunch Break
2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: Legal Aspects of the Digital Humanities - Harald Müller (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law – Heidelberg)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Roundtable: Critical Perspectives on the Digital Humanities - Tara Andrews; Fabio Ciotti; Richard Coyne; Claudine Moulin; Susan Schreibman; Manfred Thaller. Moderator: Andreas Fickers
6 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.: Welcome Reception. “Methods and Platforms”: poster presentations of current projects at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, the University of Luxembourg, the CVCE.

Tuesday, September 29th, Trier University, Room A 9/10 – Interdisciplinary foundations I
9 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Beyond Quantification: digital models for philology - Tara Andrews (University of Bern)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Digital Methods for Literary Criticism - Fabio Ciotti (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Lunch Break
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: Digital Methods for Art History - Georg Schelbert (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Visit of Stadtbibliothek. Virtuelles Skriptorium St. Matthias & eCodicology - Michael Embach, Hannah Busch (Trier University), Philipp Vanscheidt (Darmstadt University of Technology)
6 p.m.: Optional Social Event

Wednesday, September 30th, Trier University, Room A 9/10 – Interdisciplinary foundations II
9 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Digital History - Andreas Fickers (University of Luxembourg)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Digital Moods: The Place of Emotion in Digital Networks - Richard Coyne (University of Edinburgh)
Lunch Break
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: The Multidimensional Scholarly Archive -
Silvia Stoyanova (Trier University), Janneke Adema (Coventry University)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Poster presentations / Brainstorming sessions
7 p.m.: Optional Social Event

Thursday, October 1st, Trier University, Room A 9/10 – Digital Humanities Tools
9 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Introduction to Luhmann’s Zettelkasten-thinking and its Technical Implementation - Daniel Lüdecke (Institute for Medical Sociology, Hamburg)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Cultural Text Mining - Pim Huijnen (Utrecht University)
Lunch Break
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: Exploring Geodata in the Humanities - Catherine Jones (CVCE, Luxembourg)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Data Visualization as Research Method for the Humanities - Fredrik Palm (Umeå University)
7 p.m.: Optional Social Event

Friday, October 2nd, University of Luxembourg, Digital History Lab – Digital Humanities Tools
9 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Digitization - Hans-Ulrich Seifert (Trier University)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Document Analysis and Text Encoding -
Arianna Ciula (University of Roehampton)
Lunch Break
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: Document Analysis and Text Encoding - Arianna Ciula (University of Roehampton)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Corpus Query with Query Languages: XQuery and specialized corpus languages - Andreas Witt (The Institute of German Language, Mannheim)
7 p.m.: Optional Social Event

Saturday, October 3rd, University of Luxembourg, Digital History Lab – Digital Humanities Tools
9 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.: Network Visualization with Gephi: from basics to advanced features - Martin Grandjean (Laboratory of Digital Humanities and Cultures of the University of Lausanne)
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.: Network Visualization with Gephi: from basics to advanced features - Martin Grandjean (Laboratory of Digital Humanities and Cultures of the University of Lausanne)
Lunch Break
2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.: From Text Interpretation to Data - Marten Düring (CVCE, Luxembourg)
Coffee Break
4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.: Enhanced Publications - Lars Wieneke (CVCE, Luxembourg)
5.45pm – 6.30 p.m.: Conferral of certificates and closing of the Autumn School

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Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier

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