Engaging with Contemporary Philosophy in the Middle East and Muslim South Asia: Themes, Approaches, and New Perspectives

Engaging with Contemporary Philosophy in the Middle East and Muslim South Asia: Themes, Approaches, and New Perspectives

organised by Dr. Roman Seidel (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies) and Nils Riecken (Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin)
Freie Universität Berlin, Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25, Raum 2.2058, 2. OG
Vom - Bis
05.11.2015 - 11.02.2016
Dr. Bettina Gräf, BGSMCS Freie Universität Berlin

Philosophy is a vital component of present-day intellectual and academic discourse in the Middle East (the Mashreq), North Africa (the Maghreb), and Muslim South Asia. Yet Western publics and scholars often assume that philosophy as an intellectual endeavour in the Muslim world ended in the twelfth century with the philosopher and polymath Averroes. As a counterpoint to this, this lecture series highlights the liveliness and complexity of contemporary philosophical debates in the Middle East and Muslim South Asia. In doing so, the lectures will reveal, first, how these contemporary debates form part of a continuous tradition of philosophy in the Muslim world. Second, the lecture series draws attention to how modern Muslim philosophers re-read their Islamic intellectual heritage while appropriating elements of modern Western philosophy. As such, this lecture series – by considering both systematic and historical perspectives – is designed to speak to anyone engaged with contemporary philosophical discourses in a transregional frame.



5. November 2015, 18 Uhr
Philosophie in der nahöstlichen Moderne – ein Rundblick
Anke von Kügelgen (University of Berne)

19. November 2015, 18 Uhr
Saving Religion? – The Uneasy Engagement of Contemporary Indo-Muslim Philosophers with Western Philosophical Alternatives
Jan-Peter Hartung (SOAS, London)

10. Dezember 2015, 18 Uhr
Reception of Modern European Philosophy in Iran
Ali Gheissari (University of San Diego)

14. Januar 2016, 18 Uhr
Contemporary Arab Thought and Philosophy: their Significance to Contemporary Arabs
Elizabeth Kassab (Marburg)

28. Januar 2016, 18 Uhr
Intoleranz und Toleranz in der arabischen Moderne
Sarhan Dhouib (Universität Kassel)

11. Februar 2016, 18 Uhr
The Problem of Depropriation in the Islamic Approach to Philosophy in Turkey
Zeynep Direk (Koç University)


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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Deutsch
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