A Player and not just a Payer? The work of the German political foundations abroad with a special focus on Israel and the Palestinian Territories

A Player and not just a Payer? The work of the German political foundations abroad with a special focus on Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Anna Abelmann (Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany), Katharina Konarek (University of Haifa, Israel)
Ruhr University of Bochum
From - Until
01.06.2015 - 03.06.2015
Anna Abelmann

Secret embassies, additional instruments of German foreign policy, independent NGOs or highly underestimated players behind the scene? There are many ways which are used to describe German political foundations and their work abroad.

The research field of political foundations in Germany and their international activities, their networks and history is a relatively new aspect in the academic discourse regarding international relations. What are the foundations’ roles in the international arena and within the German foreign policy itself? How do they influence the bilateral relations between Germany and other countries? Do they have an impact on the political development in their host countries and if they do, what are the results, goals and motives?

The three-day international conference at the Ruhr-University of Bochum seeks to explore the field of German political foundations work abroad with a special focus on Israel and the Palestinian Territories as a case study of the foundations’ worldwide activities and with regard to the unique character of the German-Israeli relations and the constant conflict situation in the region.
The conference aims to explore the role, goals, functions, development and history of German political foundations abroad. Even so it focus on the Middle Eastern Region, especially on Israel and the Palestinian Territories, but we would particularly like to encourage paper proposals which deal with other case studies of the foundations international work and history.

We are especially looking for papers concerning following questions and topics:
- How does the international work of German political foundations impact German foreign policy, development aid policy and the perception of Germany in the world?
- Historical aspects of German political foundations;
- German political foundations, NGOs and other players in time of conflict: case studies;
- The role of German political foundations in time of change, transformation, crisis;

The conference will bring together members of the foundations, partners and academic researchers from Germany, Israel and the Palestinian Territories. During the conference we hope to discuss various interesting aspects of this research field and to strengthen the network between researchers and professionals.

The conference is organized by Anna Abelmann (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) and Katharina Konarek (University of Haifa, Israel).
Please submit your paper proposal abstract of 200-400 words and your CV by email to Anna Abelmann, a_abelmann@yahoo.com. The deadline for proposal submissions is December 31, 2015. Acceptance notification will go out by mid-January.
Travel costs and accommodation are sponsored by the RUB research school.


Contact (announcement)

Anna Abelmann

RUB, Historisches Institut, GA4/146
Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum


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