Contexts of the Theatrical Event

Contexts of the Theatrical Event

Working Group "Theatrical Event", International Federation for Theatre Research
Stockholm University
From - Until
13.06.2016 - 17.06.2016
Beate Schappach

In 2016 the working group Theatrical Event starts research on a new subject. After theorising forms, structures and strategies of theatrical events the working group now focuses on the relation between theatrical events and their contexts.

We invite the submission of contributions on the following aspects:
- historical and geographical contexts
- social, political, economical and institutional contexts
- class, ethnicity, gender and religion
- structure of the public sphere
- hierarchy and power status
- culture politics (laws, subsidies, censorship)
- education
- mass media and social media
- production: circumstances of the creation of theatrical events (employment, payment)
- reception: audience expectations, social structure of the audience
- critics
- art, aesthetics, literature, drama as well as style, norms and conventions
- values

Even though a wide range of case studies and sources is very welcome, one of the main research questions connecting all contributions will be: Which terminology – such as influence, adaptation, negotiation, observation, dependence / interdependence, infusion, acculturation, interweaving, inspiration – is applied to describe the relation between the theatrical events and their contexts? Which implications does each terminology and methodology have?

The aims of the working group meetings in Stockholm are:
1. exploring different contexts of theatrical events.
2. reflecting different terminologies and methodologies used to describe and analyse the relation between theatrical events and their contexts.

Therefore, submitted abstracts have to mention the terminology / methodology used in the research project. The contributions should explicitly reflect the applied terminology / methodology.

Whilst new members are welcome to join, contributors are recommended to acquaint themselves with the former work of the Theatrical Event working group. Please find a description and a list of the working group’s publications on

Your proposals should contain your topic, research question, source materials as well as the methodology and terminology used in the research project. Abstracts are to be submitted on the conference website until 15 January 2016. Information on how to submit will be available on the page.
All contributors are expected to circulate their texts three weeks before the meeting in Stockholm.

Participants wishing to apply for bursaries should do so by 1 December 2015. The application form is available on

All correspondence should be sent to the group's conveners:
Dr. Beate Schappach:
Prof. Anneli Saro:
Prof. Willmar Sauter:


Contact (announcement)

Beate Schappach

Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Universität Bern
Hallerstrasse 5, CH–3012 Bern, Schweiz
0041 (0)31 631 50 32