Turkologentag 2016 - Call for Papers and Panels

Turkologentag 2016 - Call for Papers and Panels

GTOT e.V. (Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies); Insitut für Turkologie, Universität Hamburg
Universität Hamburg, Afrika-Asien Institut
From - Until
14.09.2016 - 17.09.2016
Charlotte Joppien

GTOT e.V. (Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies) and the Department of Turcology at Hamburg University are pleased to invite you to the “Second European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman, and Turkish Studies” (Turkologentag 2016), on 14-17 September 2016.

The organizers encourage thematic panels, and individual proposals within the following sections:

- Linguistics

- Studies on Central Asia/Volga region/Siberia

- Ottoman Studies

- Cultural Studies

- Literary Studies

- Studies of Contemporary Turkey

- Social Sciences and Migration Studies

- Cultural Anthropology

- Education

- German-Turkish Language research

- Research on Religion

- Musicology

A forum for PhD candidates and graduate students is organized. Also, the biannual workshop “Türkeiforschung in Deutschland” will be part of the Turkologentag 2016. The conference will be accompanied by an extensive evening program, an exhibition of Ottoman manuscripts, and a keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Suraiya Faroqhi.

Further information call for papers: http://turkologentag2016.org/tagung/call-for-papers/.

For information on panel proposals see: http://turkologentag2016.org/tagung/panel-proposals/.

You may also submit a paper to one of our pre-organized panels:

1) Protest and Movement Research on Turkey: Performances, Representations, Rituals

directed by Dr. Berna Pekesen, Universität Hamburg


2) War and Population Movements in the Ottoman Empire (14th-18th century)

Directed by Dr. Bettina Severin-Barboutie (DHI Paris/Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Prof. Corine Defrance (CNRS UMR SIRICE 8138-LABEX EHNE), Prof. Catherine Horel (CNRS UMR SIRICE 8138-LABEX EHNE)


3) Political Culture in Turkey

directed by Charlotte Joppien, Macquarie University Sydney; TürkeiEuropaZentrum, Universität Hamburg


4) Workshop Türkeiforschung in Deutschland IV – Grenzräume – Grenzgänge – Entgrenzungen (September 15-16, 2016)

We would like to draw your attention particularly to the Workshop on Turkish Studies organized by TürkeiEuropaZentrum, Network Turkey and Stidtung Mercator. It targets junior researchers and will be held in German.


Please register your mail address (at the lower right corner at http://turkologentag2016.org/ to receive our newsletter and we will keep you posted!

Become a member of GTOT to profit from reduced conference fees!


Contact (announcement)

Charlotte Joppien

Institut für Turkologie

