From Ionia to Jena. Franz Rosenzweig and the History of Philosophy

From Ionia to Jena. Franz Rosenzweig and the History of Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Anne Eusterschulte (Freie Universität Berlin) and Dr. Antonios Kalatzis (Martin Buber Society of Fellows, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Vom - Bis
05.09.2016 - 05.09.2016
Antonios Kalatzis

2. Call for Registration (with apologies for cross-posting) for a one day workshop on the topic:

"From Ionia to Jena". Franz Rosenzweig and the History of Philosophy

Date: Monday, September 5th 2016
Venue: Mandel School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Room 530, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Organizers: Anne Eusterschulte (Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin) and Antonios Kalatzis (The Martin Buber Society of Fellows, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Franz Rosenzweig’s approach toward the history of philosophy was, if anything, profoundly ambivalent. No other thinker has so often declared the end of the classical metaphysics, from Parmenides to Hegel and from Ionia to Jena, and, simultaneously, drawn so much from the history of philosophy for his own philosophical project. Kant’s critical philosophy, Schelling’s conception of radical temporality, Hegel’s dialectical method, Schopenhauer’s discovery of the individual within the philosophical system, Nietzsche’s critique of religion, Kierkegaard’s paradox and Hermann Cohen’s philosophy of correlation are just few examples from the history of philosophy, which Rosenzweig builds on and integrates in his own system. What is the common ground that allows Rosenzweig to unify this vast variety of philosophical insights? Is this unification a consistent one, or is Rosenzweig’s philosophy an eclectic conglomerate of diverse philosophical ideas? Furthermore, is Rosenzweig’s close connection to the history of philosophy an element that holds him from a radical break from his predecessors, or does he ultimately manage to integrate it in a truly new and groundbreaking framework?

In our workshop we will explore the dialogue between one of the most innovative thinkers of the first half of the 20th century and his philosophical references. We will seek to identify these references and examine how they are being redefined within Rosenzweig’s philosophical project. In short, the workshop will investigate the individual who draws from all these various influences, and the thinker behind the individual who systematizes all these influences anew.

For registration RSVP Antonios Kalatzis (

This workshop is generously supported by the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Research Project B03 “Imagination” of the Special Research Field (SFB) 980 “Episteme in Bewegung” at the Freie Universität Berlin

For further information see the Martin Buber Society of Fellows website: il/
Or our Facebook page: BuberFellows


Workshop Program

09:45-10:00 Coffee

10:00-10:15 Greetings: Ruth HaCohen, (Academic Director of the MBSF, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
10:15-10:30 Opening Remarks: Anne Eusterschulte (Freie Universität Berlin) and Antonios Kalatzis (MBSF, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Session 1
10:30-11:30 Benjamin Pollock (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “A System of all Practical Postulates? The Early Schelling and The Star of Redemption”
11:30-12:30 Orr Scharf (The Open University of Israel), “Biography as a Mode of Philosophy: Hegel und der Staat and the Task of the Intellectual Historian”
Chair: Michael Roubach (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

12:30-13:30 Break

Session 2
13:30-14:30 Antonios Kalatzis (MBSF, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “Identities and Differences, or Hegel and Rosenzweig”
14:30-15:30 Beate Ulrike La Sala, (Freie Universität Berlin), “Rosenzweig and Spinoza”
Chair: Amir Engel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

Session 3
16:00-17:00 Ynon Wygoda (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “The Task of the Retranslator: Franz Rosenzweig and the Tradition of Translation”
17:00-18:00 Anne Eusterschulte (Freie Universität Berlin), “ „Speak that I may see you!“ Franz Rosenzweig’s philosophy of language within the history of philosophy”
18:00-18:30 Closing Remarks – Round table
Chair: Christoph Schmidt (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


Antonios Kalatzis

Mandel School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Room 530, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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