Heidegger in the Islamicate World

Heidegger in the Islamicate World

Dr. des. Kata Moser and Dr. Urs Gösken, researchers at the Institute of Islamic Studies and New Oriental Philology, University of Bern, Switzerland
University of Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4
From - Until
02.11.2016 - 04.11.2016
Moser, Kata; Gösken, Urs

Philosophical debates, many of them involving the reception of modern Western philosophical doctrines, are a crucial factor shaping intellectual and practical behavior of many thinkers in the Islamicate world and their audiences. One Western philosopher receiving a particularly lively reception throughout the Islamicate World is Martin Heidegger.
In the Islamicate World, intellectuals and philosophers started to deal with Heidegger’s philosophy as early as the 1940s. Involvement with Heidegger’s intellectual oeuvre manifests itself in multiple aspects and at various levels: Besides the rather scholarly interests of reading, translating, and teaching Heidegger’s philosophy, his thought is valued as a possible means to recontextualise what thinkers in the Islamicate world define as ‘their’ intellectual tradition, often including religion, as a meaningful manifestation of a metahistorical dimension of human being. The interest in the work of this particular thinker appears to be grounded in the conviction that the position it takes towards the conventions of intellectual tradition contributes to overcoming the aporias inherent in them. Thus, in the Islamicate world, dealing with Heidegger is often part of a project reaching far beyond the strictly academic sphere. To what extent Heidegger’s National Socialism and anti-Semitism play a part in all this is a question deserving scholarly debate.

This conference explores in two public keynote lectures and four conference panels various aspects of the reception of Heidegger in the Arabic, Iranian, and Turkish intellectual context. The keynote lectures and papers introduce and discuss approaches to Heidegger’s philosophy that operationalize, recontextualize, or review it critically in the light of Islamic and Islamicate traditions.

Admission to the two public keynote lectures is free and no prior registration is required. If you wish to attend panels, please contact HeideggerConferenceBern@gmail.com.


2 November 2016, 18:15, Aula

PUBLIC KEYNOTE LECTURE: Ali Mirsepassi (New York): Heidegger and the Islamic Revolution. Film screening and discussion

3 November 2016, 09:00 - 12:30, Kuppelraum

Chair: Roman Seidel (Berlin)

Keynote lecture: Nader El-Bizri (Beirut): Pathways in receiving Heidegger’s thought

Seyed Majid Kamali (Tehran): Heidegger's reappropriation of Aristotle as a possible way

Maazouz Abdelali (Casablanca): Heidegger as a machine to produce concepts in the Arab World

Amir Nasri (Tehran): Heidegger’s role in the formation of art theory in contemporary Iran

Sylvain Camilleri (Louvain): Making sense of Hanafi’s eccentric reception in his French trilogy

Sevinç Yasargil (Basel): ʿAbdurraḥmān Badawī’s interpretation of existentialist concepts using mystic epistemology

3 November 2016, 13:30 - 15:00, Kuppelraum

Chair: Urs Gösken (Bern)

Keynote lecture: Zeynep Direk (Istanbul): The receptions of Heidegger in Turkey

Nader Shokrollahi (Tehran): Heidegger in Hozeh

Syed Mustafa Ali (Milton Keynes): Heidegger and the Islamicate - Transversals and reversals

3 November 2016, 18:15, Audimax

PUBLIC KEYNOTE LECTURE: Ismail El Mossadeq (Kénitra): Heidegger in der arabischen Welt (in German)

4 November 2016, 9:00 - 12:30, Kuppelraum

Chair: Heydar Shadi (Frankfurt/Hamburg)

Keynote lecture: Bijan Abdolkarimi (Tehran): Heidegger and the possibility of revival of the meditative oriental thought

Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi (Berlin): The reception of Heidegger in Iran - A comparative-philosophical evaluation

Khalid El Aref (Fes): Hospitality and dialogue - on Fatḥī al-Maskīnī’s translation of Heidegger

Seyyed Javad Miri (Tehran): Shariati’s alternative reading of Heidegger

Saliha Shah (Delhi): Heidegger and Iqbal on poetry

Ahmad Ali Heydari (Tehran): Heidegger, Fardid, and the worlds of Hölderlin and Hafez

4 November 2016, 13:30 - 15:00, Kuppelraum

Chair: Kata Moser (Bern)

Keynote lecture: Ahmed Abdelhalim Attia (Cairo): Criticism of Heidegger in Arabic

Mansoreh Khalilizand (Erlangen): Heidegger and Fardid on nihilism and the nihilstic essence of metaphysics

Monir Birouk (Rabat): Taha Abdurrahman - using Heidegger as a heuristic for conceptual authenticity

Contact (announcement)

HeideggerConferenceBern@gmail.com, or: Kata I. Moser (kata.moser@islam.unibe.ch), Urs Gösken (urs.goesken@islam.unibe.ch)

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