The Military History of the House of Radziwill

The Military History of the House of Radziwill

National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Niasvizh"
Niasvizh Castle
From - Until
20.04.2017 - 21.04.2017

The National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Niasvizh” will host a seminar dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Niasvizh Cadet Corps, scheduled for April 20-21, 2017 under the title The Military History of the House of Radziwill.
On May 25, 1747, Michael Kazimierz Radziwill nicknamed Rybenko issued “The Edict of Cadet Corps Formation.” According to this act a school for training officers was founded, in Nesvizh. It was the first military educational institution within the current boundaries of Belarus.
This is a good occasion to recall and appreciate the contribution of the House of Radziwill to military history. Seven of the Radziwills, at various times, held the Hetman office of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. That is more than any other noble family did. The Radziwills commanded armies, built castles, participated in many battles, and organized military schools. After the partitions of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, the men of the family served in the armies of the Russian Empire, Prussia and France, where they reached high ranks and positions. Princes Radziwill participated in all major wars of the 20th century, from the Russo-Japanese war to World War II. The biography of each military officer of Radziwill descent is worthy of a separate study.
Looking back at the Radziwill clan members, we can’t miss Niasvizh, one of their hereditary possession centres and a well-fortified castle, which often drew the attention of foes. Niasvizh castle was involved in multiple war events. The Castle housed one of the best artillery arsenals and unique collections of arms and armour.
Today the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Niasvizh” invites all interested researchers to review various aspects of the Radziwills’ military history.
Applications will be accepted until March 20, 2017. The Selection Committee reserves the right to select materials.
The texts will be accepted up to April 1, 2017. Texts of up to 40,000 characters must be typed in Times New Roman font size 14, 1.5 line spacing, 2 cm margins top and bottom, 3 cm left, 1.5 cm right. Annotations of 100-150 words shall be attached as summaries to texts.


Planned conference subjects:
- Niasvizh Cadet Corps and military schools within the current boundaries of Belarus during the 18th century.
- The Radziwills as Hetmans of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
- Participation of the Radziwill clan in confederations, rokosz resistance by the nobility against the Royal power and their role in other uprisings.
- The Radziwill family members among the 19th century European military elite.
- The Radziwills’ Militia and private fortresses, their place in the country’s defence system.
- The Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries: recruitment concepts, participation in combat actions, reforms and reorganization.
- Princes Radziwill during the world wars and local conflicts of the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.
- Niasvizh Castle during war events from the 16th century through the first half of the 20th century.
- The Radziwills’ artillery and armour collections history and recovery prospects.

Contact (announcement)

Uladzimir Karalenak

222603, Leninskaya str. 19, Niasvizh, Belarus

+ 375177024281
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