Emotions and State Power: Brexit, Trump and ‘Taking Back Control’

Emotions and State Power: Brexit, Trump and ‘Taking Back Control’

University of Liverpool, School of Law and Social Justice
The Bluecoat
United Kingdom
From - Until
14.06.2017 -
University of Liverpool

A One-Day Conference organised through University of Liverpool

This is a free conference 9.30-6pm with a free lunch. To book a place please register online.

What can sociologists and activists tell us about the future of social justice, emotional politics and democracy in an age of Brexit, Trump and harder borders? This conference looks at the rise of public disaffection, nationalism, sexism and corporate power within modern political and civil society. Are we entering a new age of illusion and injustice as we change our democracies and public spaces in the name of ‘taking back control’? Control for whom and for what? What is the role of emotions like anger in modern politics with the likes of Trumpism and Brexit? Join us with some key sociologists for insight and discussion around these pressing questions. Speakers include Stjepan Mestrovic, Steve Tombs, Ciara Kierans, Roy Coleman and more.


Contact (announcement)

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School of Law and Social Justice
University of Liverpool

