Material Authenticity of the Ephemeral

Material Authenticity of the Ephemeral

Marisa Pamplona-Bartsch, Rebecca Wolf; Leibniz-Forschungsverbund "Historische Authentizität", Forschungsinstitut und Forschergruppe "Materialität der Musikinstrumente" des Deutschen Museums
Kerschensteiner Kolleg, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München
From - Until
16.10.2017 - 18.10.2017
Deutsches Museum

Ephemeral objects form the core of this international workshop, dedicated to discussing current methods, theories and trends in conservation science, material culture studies and museum studies. These three disciplines are closely connected, particularly due to the materials constituting objects and face fascinating challenges when dealing with materials with short durability or usability – ephemeral materials. The preservation of an ephemeral object’s materiality, however, is not always compatible with the preservation of its function. While non-destructive examination methods and digitalization procedures generate new insights into these objects and offer new modes for their medial (re-)presentation, they raise questions of authenticity, meaning and value associated with an object's material, form and function. For instance, the original object might be deemed more historically authentic as compared to its digital form. However, the medial or digital transformation of selected aspects of objects can highlight its value and it may consequently gain the potential of becoming a new object, authentic in itself. The ways of dealing with ephemeral materials and all their associated challenges are relevant for museums of natural history, science and technology, musical instruments and even museums emphasizing on historical cultures. Bringing together the theories and methods from conservation science, material culture studies, and museum studies offers new potential for future practice and theory in these fields.

Please register by October 12, 2017 at Julin Lee:


Monday, Oct 16, 2017
1.00–7.00 pm
Helmuth Trischler, Deutsches Museum
Achim Saupe, Leibniz-Research Alliance "Historical Authenticity"

Marisa Pamplona & Rebecca Wolf, Deutsches Museum

Conservation Science
Moderation: Marisa Pamplona
Stefan Simon, Yale University, New Haven
"Exploring Context and Values: The Role of Heritage Science in Cultural Heritage Research"

Moderation: Katharina Preller
Elena Gómez-Sánchez, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum
"Following the Natural Degradation of Caoutchouc: Material Analysis of a Diving Suit from the Turn of the 20th Century"

Charlotte Holzer, Deutsches Museum
"How to Preserve the Story of a 19th Century Glass Fibre Dress"

Moderation: Fabienne Huguenin
Hanna Hölling, University College London
"Trace, Memory, Time: Perpetuating Media Art"

Summary & Perspectives: Stefan Simon

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2017
9.30 am–12.00 pm
Theory & Measurement
Moderation: Elke Cwiertnia
Stefan Brüggerhoff
Introductory Words

Patrícia Falcão, Tate, London
"Software-based Art Installations as an Object of Conservation"

Moderation: Panagiotis Poulopoulos
Nadja Wallaszkovits, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
"Digitisation and Restoration of Historical Audio Recordings: A Balancing Act between Authenticity and Manipulation"

Silke Berdux, Deutsches Museum
Guided tour "Oskar Sala and the Digitization of Audio Tapes"

2.30-6.00 pm
Moderation: Achim Saupe
Johannes Müske, University of Zurich
"Constructing Authenticity: Ethnographic Archives and the Material Traces to Intangible Cultural Heritage"

Gerard Alberts
“In Defiance of Authenticity: Software as Heritage”

Moderation: Leon Chisholm
Fabian Offert, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Preservation as Translation: The Case for Programmable Logic Devices as a Strategy for Circuit-Level Authenticity"

Katja Müller-Helle, Freie Universität Berlin
"Orchestrated Destruction: The Dissolution of Form and the Production of Sound since 1950"

Summary & Perspectives: Frank Bär

Wednesday, 18 Oct, 2017
9.00 am–1.30 pm

Peter Kimmel, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz
Introductory Words

Moderation: Peter Kimmel
Jörn Bohlmann, Deutsches Museum
"Just Doing It Right: Craftsmanship and Historical Authenticity in the Case of Restoring Historical Boats and Ships"

Moderation: Ellen Harlizius-Klück
Peter Bartsch, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
"On the Minor Differences between Natural Objects and Man-made Constructs"

Moderation: Rebecca Wolf
Lars-Christian Koch, Ethnologisches Museum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
"Materializing Sounds: Sonic Concepts and the Ephemeral in North Indian Musical Instrument-Manufacturing"

Frank Bär, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg
"Aura versus Information? Artifacts and Their Virtual Representation"

Summary & Perspectives: Stephan Brüggerhoff

Contact (announcement)

Rebecca Wolf

Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München
Editors Information
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