Resistance and Collaboration in Occupied Europe

Resistance and Collaboration in Occupied Europe

Memory Studies in Modern Europe Working Group at Yale University
New Haven, CT
United States
From - Until
02.04.2018 - 02.04.2018
Hilmar, Till

Keynote speakers: Marci Shore and Timothy Snyder (Yale University)
The Yale University Memory Studies in Modern Europe working group invites doctoral students from all disciplines to share their research in a conference devoted to the topics of resistance and collaboration in Europe in the long twentieth century. While the title of the conference was conceived with the Nazi occupation in mind, presentation proposals addressing other instances of resistance and collaboration are welcome as well. The conference will offer a forum to discuss methodology and work in progress as well as to connect with fellow scholars at various stages of research. Selected participants will have 20 minutes to present their paper, followed by a 10-minute discussion with the audience.

Topics to be explored in presentations may include (but are not limited to):
Representations of resistance and/or collaboration in autobiographies, biographies, diaries, letters, memoirs, personal accounts, and literature
Armed resistance, civil resistance, transnational resistance movements
Bystanders, collaborationists and spies
Artistic and cultural production under occupation
The role of intellectuals in occupied Europe
Individual and collective memories of the war; divided memories
Resistance and / or collaboration in national historical narratives
The relationship between postwar narratives of resistance / collaboration and the re-building of modern European states .
Aphasia, amnesia, and traumatic memory of the occupation
Genre and gender implications in life writings or other artistic representations of resistance and/or collaboration
Representations of resistance and / or collaboration in (national) cinema
The ethical engagement of scholars (historians, critics, analysts...) with their subject matter or how a scholar of occupied Europe can be 'engaged‘

Please send us a 300 word abstract and a short bio, including current affiliation, by December 15th, 2017. Accepted speakers will be notified by December 22, 2017 and are asked to submit a draft of their presentation by March 2, 2018.
Please direct questions and submissions to:

Giovanni Miglianti, PhD Student in Italian,
Karolina Kolpak, PhD Student in History,


Contact (announcement)

Till Hilmar

Yale University, Department of Sociology

Editors Information
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